DREAMS OF SPACE: A list of non-fiction children's books about spaceflight 1945-1975


Version 1.0 August 2007










































A. Bibliographic scope statement


This bibliography is primarily a list of hardcover non-fiction children’s books published between 1945 and 1975 that had significant “space art” illustrations (see the discussion of space art in the essay) and/or focused on manned space flight. Such lists are always incomplete but no other unified bibliography of these books currently exists to my knowledge.


However in addition to hardcover books the list includes selected soft cover books as well as other ephemera such as workbooks, play activity books and comic books. These were included based on their containing a significant focus on non-fictional descriptions of space flight. By the nature of the material (children's books) the fiction/non-fiction line is not always clear so there are also a selected number of fictional books included based on their significant focus on non-fictional descriptions of space flight.


My definition of “children’s books” is flexible and includes selected high school/young adult material about space flight. Selected children’s astronomy books possessing significant discussions of space flight or images of the surface of the Moon and/or the planets were also included. I have limited this list to English language materials focusing on those published in the United States and the U.K.


Each entry includes copyright date, title, author, illustrator (if known), publisher, place of publication, size and number of pages (whether actually numbered or not). Most entries also include a brief annotation indicating age level of book, type of illustrations, a brief description of its contents and/or significance, and a notation about other editions or when a book was reprinted.


The list is arranged chronologically and alphabetical by author within each year. This chronological organization causes some titles to appear several times as they appeared in new editions with all entries pointing back to the 1st edition. I choose to define edition as a change in content or illustrations. This may lead to my labeling of "revised editions" as new editions. I indicate in the annotation of the first appearance of each title the dates of future editions. Other editions have annotations only if they have changes worth noting.  Most annotations beyond edition notes are based on an actual book I have examined.


A note on format: Many of these books were also issued in library editions with illustrated cloth covers and may be actually more common than the true 1st editions with dust jackets as issued by the publisher. Because of this it is difficult to know the exact format of the first edition in a number of cases unless both formats have been observed. My assumption is that the majority of these hardbacks were issued with dust jackets. 


B. Terms used in annotations:




Illustrated Boards=hard glossy cardboard cover

Cloth= cloth-covered cardboard cover

Illustrated Cloth= illustrations printed on cloth covered cardboard

DJ=dust jacket

Softcover=Soft cardboard or paper cover


Age level 


Primary= ages 0-10

                Secondary= ages 11-18

                Adult= ages 18 and above




B&W= black and white

B&W (with ??? tinted) =black and white illustrations with an additional color added to highlight drawings

2 color or 3 color = 2 or 3 primary colors used for illustrations but not full color

Color = 4 or more colors including tints and pastels

                Paintings = oil, tempra or watercolor

                Drawings = pen, pencil, or charcoal

Type of non-fiction book


Information books

IA-Anthology of short non-fiction and fiction essays

IC- Concept (abstract idea shown through concrete examples)

ID-Identification (very basic story to expand understanding)

IE-Experiment and activity

IH-Craft and how-to

IP-Photographic or artistic essay

IR-Recent history (Description of recent past "historical" events)

IS-Informational storybook (fiction used to present facts)

IT-Content area text (cursory examination of many topics)









C. Model citation








Place of publication4









Bendick, Jeanne1. Illustrated by Bendick, Jeanne2. First Book of Space Travel3. New York4 : Franklin Watts Inc5. (69 p.6) 23 cm7. Cloth, DJ8.

ID9. Primary10. B&W (red-tinted) drawings11.  This is one of my favorite spaceflight books for its charm and the illustrations of space suits, space crafts, space stations, and the surface of the Moon, all done in a childlike style. Went through as many as 16 reprintings, including an undated softcover reprint12. "First Book" series13. Also reprinted later as part of "The First Book Library for Boys and Girls" (9 volume set of "First Book" series)14. Also 1960, 1963 editions under the same title and 1969 edition as "Space Travel"15.





Type of book9

Age level10

Type of illustrations11


Series information13

Reprint information14

Other edition information15






D. Bibliography


Meyer, Jerome S. Illustrated by Floethe, Richard. Picture Book of Astronomy. New York: Lothrop, Lee and Shepard. (36 p.) 29 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1945picturebookofastronomy.gifIT. Primary. B&W and 2 color paintings.  Mostly about astronomy.  The text discusses gravity, the Earth's rotation, and conditions on the Moon and the planets.  Wonderful illustrations include those of a rocket launch, children floating inside the spacecraft looking at the Earth, children exploring the Moon, and children visiting Mars (with vegetation).  One of the earliest non-fiction children's books I have found showing a rocket flight to the Moon. Also reprinted in the late 1950s (undated).















Pease, Josephine Van Dolzen. Illustrated by Friend, Esther. It Seems Like Magic. Chicago: Rand McNally. (80 p.) 27 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. Color and B&W paintings. 34 very basic 2 page illustrated essays about science and technology. Of interest is "Maybe a Trip to the Moon" on pp. 36-37.  Illustration of  a stylized rocket flying toward the moon.




Editors of My Weekly Reader, Freund, Rudolf, and Knight, Clayton. Weekly Reader Parade: Stories, Adventures, Things to do, Aviation, Foreign lands, Wonders of nature, Marvels of science, and Holiday fun. New York: Simon and Schuster. (115 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IA. Primary. Color and B&W paintings. A collection of non-fiction and fictional stories from "My Weekly Reader" magazine. Illustrations and stories of interest are: "Rocket to the Moon" (p. 8), "Weatherman on the Moon" (p. 22), "How does a rocket work" (p. 25), and "Rocket port" (p. 64).

Yates, Raymond F. Illustrated by Yates, Raymond F. The Boy's Book of Rockets. New York: Harper and Brothers. (131 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1947boysbookofrockets1.jpgIT. Secondary. B&W drawings and photographs. A primer on rocket theory as well as a history of rocket research up to the time.  Written from the point of view that we will go into space soon and here are the problems that must be solved.  Chapter 3 is entitled, "And So to the Moon" laying out exactly what can be expected.  It has no "space art". See 1950 U.K. reprint.













Ross Jr., Frank. Young People's Book of Jet Propulsion. New York: R.M. McBride. (126 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Secondary. B&W drawings and photographs. Also 1950 revised and enlarged edition. 1954, 1959 editions with added subtitle "containing foreign jets".



Way, R. Barnard and Green, Noel D. Illustrated by Way, R. Barnard. Rockets and Jets. Surrey, England : Wells, Gardner, Darton and Co. (176 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Secondary/adult. Illustrated with drawings and diagrams. "The Modern How It Works" series.




Fenton, Carroll L and Fenton, Mildred A. Illustrated by Fenton, Carroll L and Fenton, Mildred A. Worlds in the Sky. New York: John Day Co. (96 p.) 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. Blue and white drawings. Mostly an astronomy book, the text is concerned with phases of the Moon, conditions on the Moon and planets, comets, other stars, and galaxies. Text mentions an "imaginary rocket ship" used to tour the solar system but has no illustrations of or discussion of manned space flight. Illustrations of the Earth, Moon, Sun and the Planets as viewed from space. Also 1963 edition.

Ross Jr., Frank. Young People's Book of Jet Propulsion (1st edition, revised). New York: Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Co Inc. (163 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Revised and enlarged. See 1948 1st edition.

Smith, Jeanette. Sun, Moon and Stars. New York: Charles E Merrill Co. (32 p.) 21 cm. Softcover.

IT. Primary. B&W drawings and photographs. Cover astronomy in a superficial way.  Notable for one detailed drawing of a manned rocket on the Moon. "Little Wonder Book" series" (#211).

Yates, Raymond F. Illustrated by Yates, Raymond F. The Boy's Book of Rockets. London : TW Laurie. (131 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

                IT. UK reprint of 1947 1st US edition.



Coggins, Jack and Pratt, Fletcher. Illustrated by Coggins, Jack. Rockets, Jets, Guided Missiles, and Space Ships. New York: Random House. (64 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1951rocketsjetsguidedandss1.gifIT. Primary. Color paintings. This is arguably the first children's book solely about manned space flight. Illustrated wonderfully by Jack Coggins, this book lays out the history and principles of rockets, focusing on their use in World War II. It then discusses the American experiments since the war, how rockets are a reality, and describes how a trip to the Moon might take place. Wonderful paintings of rockets, astronauts, space stations and a lunar lander, all in an industrial "forged metal" style. With an introduction by Willy Ley, this book was followed in 1952 by Coggins. "By Space Ship to the Moon". Also 1958 edition.










Goodwin, Hal. Illustrated by Wenck, Paul. The Real Book about Stars.  New York: Garden City Books. (189 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. B&W drawings. Contrary to the title this book has a substantial amount about the Moon, the planets and the sun (pp. 34-116). No discussion of space flight and illustrations only of the Moon and planets from space. "Real Books" series(#?). Also 1962 UK 2nd edition.

Lewellen, John. Illustrated by Fitch, Winnie and Phelan, Joe. You and Space Travel.  Chicago: Children's Press. Inc. (60 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. B&W (blue tinted) drawings. Reprinted numerous times this is one of the first children's books about the possibility of space travel. It has illustrations primarily of rockets and how they work.  There are several spacesuit illustrations as well as a landing on the Moon. See 1958 reprint.

Neurath, Marie. Rockets and Jets. London : M. Parrish. (36 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. 3 color drawings. The text concentrates on jet airplanes with the last 6 pages focusing on rockets in space and a trip to the Moon. Illustrations of rockets. Also 1953 (2nd),1956 (3rd), 1958?(4th) 1960 (5th), 1963(6th) editions. See 1952 US reprint.

Ross, Frank Jr. Guided Missiles: Rockets and Torpedoes, covering the principles and techniques of the missiles of today and tomorrow. New York: Lothrop, Lee and Shepard. (186 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary/secondary. B&W photographs and drawings. Discusses the history of rockets, U.S. missile development since World War 2, and the future of guided missiles. The last few pages discuss "earth satellite vehicles" and manned travel into space. Filled with photographs of military rockets it also has a still of a rocket approaching the Moon from "Destination Moon" as a frontpiece. Also 1959 edition.

Scheider, Herman and Schneider, Nina. Illustrated by Shimin, Symeon. You Among the Stars. New York: E.M. Hale and Co. (56 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1951youamongthestars.jpgIC. Primary. 2 color (blue and yellow) drawings. Text discusses how the Earth is a planet, and how gravity, day and night, and the seasons work. Narrative is linked through the book by your "address" on the planet, in the solar system, and in the universe. Illustrations of the Earth from space and the planets. One of the 1st books to undertake to explain the fundamental forces of gravity (what keeps the earth up in space) to children.










Zaffo, George J. and Black, Charles L. Illustrated by Zaffo, George J. Big Book of Real Airplanes: Missiles, Jets, Rockets, Helicopters, War Planes. New York: Grosset and Dunlap. (24 p.) 34 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IT. Primary. Color paintings. Basic text concerns aviation.  Middle 2-page section on guided missiles with illustrations of V-2 and other rockets used in war. "Big Treasure Books".

Zim, Herbert S and Baker, Robert H. Illustrated by Irving, James Gordon. Stars: A Guide to the Constellations, Sun, Moon, Planets and Other features of the Heavens. New York: Simon and Schuster. (157 p.) 16 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IT. Secondary/Adult. Color paintings. This is one of the popular "Golden" pocketbook series. The last section covers the solar system (pp. 102-155). Very nice paintings of the planets including one of a rocket to the Moon. Not written for children necessarily but many children owned this treasure. "Golden Nature Guide" series. Also 1956, 1957, 1975 editions (cloth and softcover).



The Crackerjack Book for Boys. London : The Children's Press. (156 p.) 26 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IA. Primary. B&W drawings. A British "annual". Features 2 non-fiction space articles by Maurice Allward,  "Emergency in space" (pp. 45-52) about rocket theory and "To the Moon" (pp. 122-128) about what a Moon mission would be like. Both stories are illustrated with pictures of rockets and space suits.

Coggins, Jack and Pratt, Fletcher. Illustrated by Coggins, Jack. By Spaceship to the Moon. New York: Random House. (56 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1952byspaceshiptomoon.gifIT. Primary. Color paintings. A follow-up to their 1951 book "Rockets, Jets, Guided Missiles, and Space Ships", this book focuses on the spaceflight progression needed for aMoon mission. It discusses who pays for space flight, design of space suits, launch vehicles, a space station, developing the Moonship, landing on the Moon, and the construction of a Moon base. Once again illustrated with wonderful paintings by Jack Coggins of all the steps needed to get to the Moon. Also 1958 edition.










Daily Mail Annual for Boys and Girls. Edited by Susan French. Illustrated by R. A. Smith and others. London : Associated Newspapers Ltd. (207 p.) 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IA. Primary. Color paintings and photographs, 2 color drawings and B&W drawings and photographs. A British "annual" with the usual games and stories.  Contents of interest includes an article written and illustrated by R.A. Smith (one of the finest space artists) entitled "The next great adventure" (pp 49-60). Smith rarely wrote about spaceflight and only a few of his paintings were ever printed in color. This article includes 8 full page color paintings of rockets, a manned landing on the Moon, and manned exploration of Mars.



Goodwin, Harold L. Illustrated by Geary, Clifford. The Real Book about Space Travel. New York: Garden City Books. (192 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1952realbookaboutspacetravel.jpgIT. Primary. B&W drawings.  Text covers basic theory of spaceflight, conditions in space, planned manned exploration of space, and conditions found on other planets. Illustrations are charming, with drawings of rockets, astronauts, space stations, and a manned landing on the Moon.  One of the most popular juvenile space books" of the 1950s. "Real Books" series (#33). Also 1956 edition.












Neurath, Marie. Let's Look at the Sky. London : Parrish / New York: Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Co. (36 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. 3-color drawings. This very basic book focuses on astronomy. Has illustrations of the surface of the Moon looking back to Earth, the planets Mars and Saturn from space, and diagrams of the solar system.

Neurath, Marie.    Rockets and Jets. New York: Lothrop, Lee and Shepard. (36 p.) 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. US reprint of 1951 1st UK edition

Randolf, Rheta and Barry, Catherine. Illustrated by Stain, Jacque. Space, Time and Rockets. New York: Paxton-Slade Publishing Co. (64 p.) 28 cm. Softcover.

1952spacetimeandrocketsIT. Primary/secondary. B&W drawings.  Text discusses the history of rockets, travel in space, planetary astronomy, and major constellations. Also reprinted at a 20 cm. size. See also: Barry. "A Trip through Space" (1954) from the same series. NOTE SERIES?











Rigby, Wallis. Rigby’s Flying Models of Jets, Rockets, and Space Ships : 17 planes that really fly. New York :Garden City Books. (14 p.) 30 x 38 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IH. Primary.

Yates, Raymond F. Illustrated by Yates, Brock W. Model Jets and Rockets for Boys. New York: Harper and Brothers.(108 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IH. Primary/secondary. B&W photographs and drawings. A how-to guide for building model jet aircraft. Text includes a history of rockets and rocket operation. See 1954 UK reprint.


Barlowe, Sy. A Child's Book of Stars. New York : Maxton. (32 p.) 27 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1953achildsbookofstars1IT. Primary. B&W and color paintings. Mostly about astronomy with very little about manned space travel. It has very good paintings of the surface of the Moon and the planets.













Bendick, Jeanne. Illustrated by Bendick, Jeanne. First Book of Space Travel. New York: Franklin Watts Inc. (69 p.) 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1953firstbookofspacetravelID. Primary. B&W (red-tinted) drawings.  This is one of my favorite spaceflight books for its charm and the illustrations of space suits, space crafts, space stations, and the surface of the Moon, all done in a childlike style. Went through as many as 16 reprintings, including an undated softcover reprint. "First Book" series. Also reprinted later as part of "The First Book Library for Boys and Girls" (9 volume set of "First Book" series). Also 1960, 1963 editions under the same title and 1969 edition as "Space Travel".












Coggins, Jack and Pratt, Fletcher. Illustrated by Coggins, Jack. By Spaceship to the Moon. London : Publicity Products Ltd. (65 p.) 28 cm. Illustrated Boards.

                IT. Space Adventure Book Series #2. UK reprint of 1952 1st US edition.

Coggins, Jack and Pratt, Fletcher. Illustrated by Coggins, Jack. Rockets, Jets, Guided Missiles, and Space Ships. London : Publicity Products Ltd. (65 p.) 28 cm. Illustrated Boards.

                IT. Space Adventure Book Series #1. UK reprint of 1951 1st US edition.

Discount, William Alan. Illustrated by Cole, L. B. The Complete Book of Space: Rockets, Interplanetary Travel, Spaceships, Jets, Guided Missiles. London : Gerald G. Swan. (96 p.) 25 cm. Softcover.

IA.  Primary/secondary. B&W drawings. A play activity book it has short factual essays, games, picture puzzles, quizzes and mazes. Many drawings of rockets, space stations, space suits, a Moon landing and planetary surfaces. Admittedly an unusual selection, it is a great early juvenile space book.

Discount, William Alan. Illustrated by Cole, L. B. The Complete How-to Book of Space: Rockets, Interplanetary Travel, Spaceships, Jets, Guided Missiles. New York: How-to Books. (96 p.) 24 cm. Softcover.

1953completehowtobookofspace1IA.  See description above under: Discount. "The Complete Book of Space: Rockets, Interplanetary travel, Spaceships, Jets, Guided Missiles" (1953).
















Editors of Child Life. The Busy Bee Space Book. Garden City, NY: Garden City Books. (160 p.) 28 cm. Softcover.

1953busybeespacebook IH. Primary. B&W and 3 color drawings. A play activity book of space games and crafts. Uses a mostly fictional approach to spaceflight but still of interest. Worth noting are cut-out color models of rockets, a space port, and a space helmet.













Freeman, Mae and Freeman, Ira. Fun with Astronomy: Easy Projects for Young Scientists. New York: Random House. (57 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IE. Primary. B&W photographs. Focused on astronomy with a textual description of an imaginary Moon trip and conditions found on the Moon. Photographs of the Earth from the V-2 as well as photographs of the Moon and the planets. Two variant covers found: a photograph of two children or an illustration of a boy looking up.

Frost, Frances. Illustrated by Galdone, Paul. Rocket Away! New York: Whittlesey House. (48 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1953rocketawayIS. Primary. B&W paintings. Story of a boy and girl's visit to a planetarium and an imaginary visit to the Moon. Based on the highly popular planetarium program then current at the Hayden Planetarium in New York.  Many illustrations of rockets, spacesuits, and the lunar surface. Special feature is an application to be on the first interplanetary tour.











Hardon, Richard. Illustrated by Torcan. The Modern World Book of Flying. London : Sampson, Low, Marston and Co. Ltd. (125 p.) 28 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IT. Primary. B&W photographs and four color painted plates. The first 8 chapters focus on flight, the 9th being "Rockets and Space Travel (pp. 109-125). Text give a short history of rockets focusing on Germany and V-2 development and post-war U.S. rocketry research and then gives a description of an imaginary moon trip. The chapter is illustrated with B&W photographs of rockets with the moontrip being illustrated by stills from the films "When Worlds Collide" and "Destination Moon". Also has one nice color plate of a "von Braun type" rocket on a launchpad.

Hollinson, Harry. Illustrated by Butler, Leslie and Bayly, Cecil. Rockets and Space Ships. London : Perry Colour Books Ltd. (44 p.) 19 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1953rocketsandspaceships1IT. Primary/Secondary. Color paintings, B&W drawings and photographs.  One of the earliest British children's books solely on spaceflight. The text focuses on the history of spaceflight, rocket theory, and first steps to the Moon. Has 20 color paintings of rockets, space stations, space suits and man landing on the Moon. Images of rockets are "non-Bonestellian" and almost romantic in style. "Do You Know" series.











Hurst, Earl Oliver.  The Big Book of Space: Space Ships, Space Stations, Rockets, Equipment, Star Maps. New York: Grosset and Dunlap. ( 24 p.) 34 x 24 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1953bigbookofspaceID. Primary. Color paintings. One of the great early children's "space books". With "scientific detail" approved by Willy Ley, it has many illustrations of rockets, space suits, space stations and the surface of the Moon. The illustrations are very different from the standard Bonestell rockets, being more fanciful but still conveying the sense that this world was just around the corner. "Big Treasure Books". See 1956 UK reprint. Also 1959 edition.











Hyde, Margaret O. Illustrated by Geary, Clifford N. Flight: Today and Tomorrow. New York: Whittlesey House. (141 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary/secondary. B&W drawings. Text is mostly concerned with airplane flight and the role of airplanes in national defense. Pages 100-134 cover manned space flight and include illustrations of rockets, spacesuits space stations, and the surface of the Moon.  Interesting text incorporating basic rocket theory and the "Von Braun" plans for space exploration. Reprinted in 1958 (US) and 1961 (UK). Also 1962, 1970 editions.

Laurie's Space Annual. London : Laurie. (96 p.) 26 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1953lauriespaceannual1IA. Primary. Mixture of factual essaysand science fiction. Non-fiction essays include 3 by R. F.Yates, "Adrift on the Sea of Space", "And So to the Moon", and "What Makes Rockets Rocket?" and an article about the British Interplanetary Society.












Lewellen, John. Illustrated by Fitch, Winnie and Phelan, Joe. You and Space Neighbors. Chicago: Children's Press. (58 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IC. Primary. B&W (yellow tinted) drawings. A sort of sequel to his "You and Space Travel" (1951), this book was also illustrated by W. Fitch and J Phelan, and shows fanciful illustrations of the conditions that exist on the planets of the solar system.  With no "space art" illustrations of the planets it shows instead imaginary people who might live under the different planetary atmospheres and conditions.

Neurath, Marie. Rockets and Jets (2nd ed.) London : M. Parrish. (36 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

                ID. See 1951 1st edition.

Poole, Lynn. Illustrated by Geary, Clifford. Your Trip into Space. New York: Whittlesey House. (224 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1953yourtripintospaceIT. Primary/secondary.












Richfield Oil Corporation, Los Angeles, CA. Outer Space . New York: Vital Publications Inc. (15 p.) NOTE SIZE? Softcover.

IS. Primary. Color drawing. A Gas station give-away comic book. Text describes in detail the space flight progression and the first steps needed to go into space and on to the Moon. Great illustrations of rockets, space stations, and space suits based loosely on Bonestell and Freeman paintings from the "Colliers" series and "Across the Space Frontier" (1952).



















Thompson, Gordon V.E. Illustrated by Smith, R.A. and others. The Adventure of Space Travel. London : D. Dobson. / New York : Roy Publishers. (253 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.


IT. Secondary. B&W drawings and photographs.  Text covers all aspects of space travel including rocket theory, layout for a spaceship, orbital refueling, a trip to the Moon, planetary colonization, and landing procedures. Illustrations of rockets and astronauts.  Also 1955 reprints (US and UK).

Thompson, Jeff. Out of This World: An Activity Book based on Space Travel. New York: Hart Publications. (160 p.) 27 cm. Softcover.

IH. Primary/secondary. B&W (red or blue) tinted drawings. A play activity book with games, jokes, comics etc.  It also includes essays (1-5 pages in length) and illustrations about the solar system, space stations, space suits and the history of the rocket. Some content and illustrations reused in a later play activity book: Simmons. "Planets and Space Travel" (1958,1962).



Barry, Catherine E. Illustrated by Longo, Angelo. A Trip Through Space. New York: Paxton-Slade Publishing. (64 p.) 28 cm. Softcover. 

IH. Primary/secondary. B&W and 2 color drawings. A play activity book with games, puzzles, essays etc. Essays and illustrations about all aspects of spaceflight including rockets, space suits, space stations, landings on the Moon and Mars, and conditions on other planets. Found in 2 sizes, the original 28 cm. and a reprinted 20 cm. size.













Bernhard, Hubert. Illustrated by Solonewitsch, George and Discount, William. Wonders of Space Stamps: An Exciting Account of the Stars, Sun, Planets, and Other Wonders of the Sky. New York: Simon and Schuster. (48 p.) 28 cm. Softcover.

IT. Primary. Color paintings and B&W drawings. This is a stamp book with simple text and 48 color stamps to glue in the appropriate places. George Solonewitsch's stamp art includes paintings of the planets and a rocket to the Moon.


The Boy's Book of Jets. London : Thames Publishing Co. (94 p.) 27 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IT. Primary. Color paintings and B&W drawings. Mainly about aviation it has several striking full page paintings of a "space rocket" and building a moon ship. Also color rocket paintings (touring the solar system) on the inner dust pages.


Campbell, H.J. (ed.). Illustrated by Richards, John, Campbell, H. J.  The Authentic Book of Space. London : Hamilton and Co, Authentic Science Fiction. (102 p.) 28 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IA. Primary/secondary. Color paintings (6 plates) and B&W drawings. This is an "annual" produced by the publishers of "Authentic Science Fiction" magazine. With a forward by Arthur C. Clarke, the contents are a mixture of articles and fictional stories by science fiction writers associated with the British Interplanetary Society (B.I.S.) and the London Science Fiction Circle. It has a number of interesting articles about the history of rockets, navigating rockets, a reprint of a B.I.S. paper on artificial satellites, and how to communicate with aliens. Also the usual comic strips, puzzles, and various games.  Illustrations of rockets, space stations, a star ship and more. A amazing treasure of the early British space literature.












Clarke, Arthur C. Illustrated by Smith, R. A. The Exploration of the Moon.  London : Frederick Muller  Ltd. / New York: Harper and Brothers Publishers.  (112 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1954explorationofthemoon1IP. Secondary/Adult. B&W and color (6) paintings. This is one of the great space art books.  R. A. Smith was basically an early space engineer and member of the British Interplanetary Society and his illustrations are based on his best engineering knowledge. Many illustrations of rockets, astronauts, Moon bases, Moon craft etc. A visionary book, with a full page painting (mostly black and white) for each page of text.  The color paintings are wonderful and it is a shame the entire book couldn't be color.  Also a 1954 US edition with the same text and all black and white illustrations (no color) with a different cover from the UK edition.







Clarke, Arthur C. Illustrated by Frodsham, G.A., Smith, R.A. and others. Going into Space. New York: Harper and Brothers. (117 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary/secondary. B&W photographs, drawings and paintings. Text and illustrations concern the history of rockets, conditions in space, space station, Moon landings and planetary exploration. No space art rather a center section of photographs. Also a UK edition  "The Young Traveler in Space" (1954) with similar but not identical text and different illustrations.

Clarke, Arthur C. Illustrated by Frodsham, G.A., Smith, R.A. and others. Going into Space. Los Angeles: Trend Books. (128 p.) 24 cm. Softcover.

1954goingintospaceIT. Primary/secondary. B&W photographs, drawings and paintings.  Softcover reprint (see description above). Sub-titled: “An expert’s exciting blueprint for  man’s interplanetary future”. "Trend Book" (#150).











Clarke, Arthur C. Illustrated by Blandford, Edmund Louis, Frodsham, G.A. and Smith, R.A. The Young Traveler in Space . London : Phoenix House Ltd. (72 p.) 28 cm. DJ, Illustrated Boards.

IT. Primary/secondary. 1 color painting, B&W photographs, drawings and paintings. Text and illustrations concern the history of rockets, conditions in space, space station, Moon landings and planetary exploration.  Not heavily illustrated this is an interesting British point of view about space travel.  Text concludes with predictions about when the first Moon landing will be and how children can prepare themselves for the future. Also an American edition, called "Going Into Space" (1954) with similar but not identical text and different illustrations.







Goodwin, Harold Leland. Illustrated by Coggins, Jack. The Science Book of Space Travel . New York: Franklin Watts Inc. (213 p.) 20 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Secondary. B&W drawings. Filled with drawings by Jack Coggins this book includes all areas of space travel, including a history of rockets, travel to the Moon and the planets, and UFOs. A good overview of the popular space science of the time. See 1956 US softcover and 1957 UK hardcover reprints.

Lewellen, John. Illustrated by Fisher, Lois. True Book of Moon, Sun and Stars. New York: Grosset and Dunlap. (45 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. B&W drawings. Reprinted several times this book explains astronomy at a very basic level.  It has lots of illustrations but very little "space art"  It shows a few stylized planets and a couple of illustrations of the Earth from the Moon's surface.  A fun book included here for completeness. Other titles include: "The Junior True Book of Moon, Sun and Stars" and "My Easy-to-Read True Book of Moon, Sun and Stars" (all with same text).

Melin, Grace Hathaway. Illustrated by Davis, Bette. Maria Mitchell: Girl Astronomer. Indianapolis : Bobbs-Merrill Co. (192 p.) 20 cm. Cloth, DJ.

BF. Primary. "The Childhood of Famous Americans" series.


Moore, Patrick. Illustrated by Helm, Alexander Leo. Out into space. London : Museum Press. (144 p.) 19 cm. [format?]

IT. Primary/secondary. "Books of the Future" series.

Moore, Patrick. Illustrated by Helm, A.L. The Boy's Book of Space. London : Burke Pub Co Ltd. (144 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary/secondary. B&W drawings and photographs. Text covers all aspects of space from astronomy to the history of space flight to rockets, space stations, and journeys to the Moon and the planets. Interesting for its British view of space flight. Illustrated with a number of striking rather primitive, coarse charcoal drawings. See 1956 US reprint. Also 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1963 editions











Morris, Marcus and Hampson, Frank. Dan Dare’s Space Book. London : Hulton Press Ltd. (69 p.) 27 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1953dandarespaceannualIA. Primary. Color paintings (8 plates), B&W drawings and photographs. An "annual" devoted to the fictional hero Dan Dare with fictional stories and comic strips. It also includes a number of non-fiction articles about space flight including an essay by Arthur C Clarke "Is Space Travel Possible?" with illustrations by Chesley Bonestell. Also an essay with photographs about the V-2 testing at White Sands, NM.













Neurath, Marie. Speeding Into Space. New York: Lothrop, Lee and Shepard / London : Parrish. (36 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. 3 color drawings. Text and illustrations show rocket theory, space walks, space stations and a Moon landing. Illustrations are stylized and "blocky",  very different from the usual paintings. Also 1956, 1958, 1962 editions.













Ross Jr., Frank. Young People's Book of Jet Propulsion : Containing foreign jets (2nd edition). New York: Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Co Inc. (192 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Revised and enlarged with added sub-title. See 1948 1st edition.

Temple, William. Illustrated by Quinn, Gerard. The True Book About Space-Travel. London : Frederick Mueller Ltd. (144 p.) 19 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary/secondary. B&W drawings. Written by a prominent member of the British Interplanetary Society and first published in the UK it was then published in the US as  "Prentice-Hall Book about Space Travel" (1954) with a different illustrator. Covers all aspects of space flight from the history of rockets, missions to the Moon, to the possibilities of life in outer space. It has the same text as the American edition except for mentions of London rather than New York, and some British spelling. Detailed illustrations by Quinn of rockets, astronauts, an early space station, a landing on the Moon and extraterrestrial life.











Temple, William F. Illustrated by Billings, Henry. Prentice-Hall Book about Space Travel. New York:  Prentice-Hall Inc. (142 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary/secondary. B&W drawings. First published in Britain as the "The True Book of Space Travel (1954)" with a different illustrator. The illustrations by Billings were “reinterpreted” from the UK edition drawings, with some excellent "ink scratch" illustrations.  Many pictures of rockets, planetary surfaces, the history of space flight













White, Anne Terry. Illustrated by Bileck, Marvin.  All About the Stars. New York: Random House. (144 p.) 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. B&W (green tinted) drawings. Despite the title, half of the book is about the Sun, Earth, Moon and planets of the solar system. Illustrations of the Earth, Moon surface and planets from space. "Allabout books" series (#7).

Yates, Raymond F. Illustrated by Yates, Brock W. Model Jets and Rockets for Boys (2nd ed.). London : Laurie. (115 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IH. See 1952 1st edition.



Boyd, Edward and Allward, Maurice. Illustrated by North, T E, Branton, R.A. and Gaffron, Bruce. Space Story Omnibus. London : Collins. (128 p.) 26 cm. Illustrated Boards, DJ.

1955SpacestorycoverIA. Primary. Color paintings (6 plates) and B&W drawings. An "annual" with a mixture of fictional stories and factual articles. The non-fiction articles were written by Maurice Allward on subjects such as the "history of rockets", "construction of a space station", "space medicine", and "a landing on the Moon". Includes a future space travel timeline predicting the first space station by the late 1960's and a Moon landing in the year 2000. Illustrations of rockets, space suits, space stations and a Moon landing.







Boyd, Edward and Allward, Maurice. Illustrated by North, T E, Branton, R.A. and Gaffron, Bruce. Whopper Space Stories. London : Children's Press. (62 p.) 26 cm. Softcover.

1955whopperspacestories.jpgIA. Primary. B&W drawings. A softcover reduced version of Boyd, E. "Space Story Omnibus (1955)". Still includes the articles by Maurice Allward with a comic strip and several fictional space stories. Has the same cover and illustrations (for the included articles) but no color plates.







Branley, Franklyn M. Illustrated by Jauss, Anne Marie. Mars. New York: Thomas Y Crowell. (148 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Secondary.  B&W drawings.  Focuses on astronomy and probable conditions found on Mars. Only a few illustrations of spacecraft, mostly in the chapter "How we will get to Mars”.

Branley, Franklyn M. Illustrated by Wong, Jeanyee. Experiments in the Principles of Space Travel. New York: Thomas Y Crowell. (119 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IE. Primary/secondary. B&W drawings. As the book says "space travel is inevitable". The purpose of this book was to educate the reader in the basic scientific principles of space travel. The text discusses distances in space, streamlining and rocket design, powering the ship, and condition found in space. Contains simple experiments showing various  principles covering the areas that a "junior space engineer" would be expected to know.  Illustrations of space suits, rockets, space stations. Also 1966, 1973 editions.









Burnett, R. Operation Moon : Facts We’ll Need to Know When We Travel to Other Worlds. Chicago : Science Research Associates. (48 p.) 22 cm. Softcover.

IT. Primary/secondary. B&W drawings.  Produced for use in schools this pamphlet presents the case for how we will go into space. Text discusses conditions found in space, construction of a space station, and manned exploration of the Moon and the solar system. Includes illustrations of rockets and space suits. "Modern World of Science" series.













Chambers, Bradford. Illustrated by Chambers, Eve. The Complete Space Rocketeer. New York: Stavon Publishers. (62 p.) 21 cm. Softcover.

1955completespacerocketeer1IT. Secondary. B&W drawings and paintings. Text includes topics such as rocket theory, space suits, space stations and trips to the Moon and Mars. Ends with the prophetic words "…let's conquer space now. We can do that." Drawings of rockets, space suits and a manned landing on the Moon. Also 1956 edition re-titled "The Key to Interplanetary Space Travel".











Gallant, Roy A. Illustrated by Hess, Lowell. Exploring the Moon. Garden City, NY: Garden City Books. (63 p.) 32 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. 3 color paintings. The text focuses on what is known about the Moon, its formations and craters.  There are no spaceflight illustrations.  The paintings of the surface of the Moon and the formation of craters are incredible, very vibrant and thrilling to see as full page illustrations. Also found in illustrated boards version. Also 1966 edition.

Hausman, Leon. Illustrated by Coggins, Jack. The Big Book of Stars: Star Charts, Constellations, Planets, Telescopes, Famous Astronomers. New York: Grosset and Dunlap. (24 p.) 33 cm. Illustrated Boards.

ID. Primary. Color and B&W paintings. Covers mostly astronomy. Nice paintings of the surfaces of the Moon, Mercury, and Pluto. Also nice views from space of Mars, the Asteroids, Jupiter, and Saturn.  "Big Treasure Books".

Joseph, Alexander. Illustrated by Merrick, Don. Rockets into Space. Chicago: Science Research Associates. (48 p.)  22 cm. Softcover.

1955rocketsintospace2betterIT. Primary/secondary. B&W drawings.  Produced for use in schools this pamphlet presents basic rocket theory. "Modern World of Science" series.













Kepps, Gerald. Illustrated by Branton and Teece, I. Adventures in Space. London : Ward, Lock and Co Ltd. (44 p.) 26 cm. Illustrated Boards, DJ.

IA. Primary. Color paintings and drawings. This amazing early space book covers the solar system, how rockets work, construction of rockets and space stations, and  journeys to the Moon, and the planets. Wonderful paintings of rockets, space stations, a Moon base, exploration of the outer planets. Text is very simple with many full page illustrations. It also has six two page comic strips: 3 on the exploration of space, the Moon, and rockets, and 3 fictional stories about a space explorer, "Pluton, the Space Boy".











Lyon, Jene. Illustrated by Solonewitsch, George and Polgreen, John. The Golden Picture Book of Our Sun and the Worlds around it. New York: Simon and Schuster. (56 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated boards.

IT. Primary. Color paintings. Focuses on astronomy and the solar system.  Has a number of wonderful paintings of rockets and planetary surfaces. Also 1957 edition under the same title, 1965 edition under "Our Sun and the worlds around it" and 1974 edition under "Astronomy: Our sun and its neighbors".

Pratt, Fletcher. Illustrated by Coggins, Jack. All About Rockets and Jets. New York: Random House. (139 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. B&W drawings. Written by Fletcher Pratt, with art by Jack Coggins and an introduction by Willy Ley this could almost be a follow-up to their "Rockets, Jets, Guided Missiles and Space Ships" (1951). This focuses mostly on the history of rockets and their military uses including bazookas, missiles, and rocket-driven submarines. The last 2 chapters discuss rocket planes and rockets in space with a couple of illustrations of the Earth from space and a space station. Allabout Books #13. Also 1958 edition.








Schneider, Leo and Ames, Maurice U. Illustrated by Donovan, Jere. Wings in Your Future : Aviation for Young People. New York : Harcourt, Brace and Co. (151 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. B&W drawings. Although mostly about aviation, the last chapter "Out of This World" is devoted to flight in the future and the possibilities of rockets in space travel.





Wilkins, H. Percy. Illustrated by Jauss, Anne Marie. Clouds, Rings and Crocodiles: By Spaceship Round the Planets. Boston: Little Brown and Co. (148 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ / London : Harrap. (127 p.) 20 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1955cloudsringscrocodilesIT. Primary. B&W paintings. Facts about space travel are shared in the form of an imaginary voyage through the solar system. The odd  title comes from the anticipated living conditions on the various planets (i.e. the crocodiles may exist on Venus because of its dense atmosphere). Filled with paintings of spaceships, the Moon and the planets.












Wyler, Rose and Ames, Gerald. Illustrated by Polgreen, John. The Golden Book of Astronomy: A Child's Introduction to the Wonders of Space. New York: Golden Press. (97 p.) 33 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1955goldenbookofastronomyIT. Primary. Color paintings. Text focuses on astronomy with illustrations of the Moon, planetary surfaces, the solar system, and star maps. Last section includes illustrations of  astronauts and rockets. Also 1959, 1965 editions.



Allward, Maurice F and Taylor, John W. R. Illustrated by Taylor, John W. R. ABC Rockets and Space Travel. London : Ian Allan. (64 p.) 19 cm. Softcover.

1956ABCRocketsIT. Secondary/adult. B&W photographs and drawings. "ABC Aircraft Books" series".









Chambers, Bradford. Illustrated by Chambers, Eve. The Key to Interplanetary Space Travel. New York: Stravon. (66 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Secondary. B&W drawings and paintings. See 1955 1st edition under the title "The Complete Space Rocketeer".

Colby, C B. Operation Watchdog: Rockets, Guided Missiles, Aircraft, and Radar of our defenses. New York : Coward-McCann. (48 p.) 28 cm.

1956operationwatchdogIT. Primary. B&W photographs.







Foster-Page, George. Illustrated by Baker, Denys. Modern Marvels of Flight. London : Ward, Lock and Co. Ltd. (64 p.) 26 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IT. Primary. B&W drawings and photographs. Mostly about aviation. Short section about "Rockets into space" pp. 28-31.

Freeman, Mae and Freeman, Ira. Fun with Astronomy. London : E. Ward. (64 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IE. UK Reprint of 1953 US 1st edition.

Gallant, Roy A. Illustrated by Hess, Lowell. Exploring Mars. Garden City, New York: Garden City Books. (62 p.) 32 cm. Cloth, DJ or Illustrated Boards.

1956exploringmarsIT. Primary. Color and B&W drawings and paintings. A large book summarizing what was known about Mars at the time.  Beautiful illustrations include several of the surface of Mars and Mars from space. "Exploring …." series. Also 1968 edition.











Gallant, Roy A. Illustrated by Hess, Lowell. Exploring the Universe. Garden City, New York: Garden City Books. (62 p.) 32 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. Color and B&W drawings and paintings. This book like others in this bibliography by Mr. Gallant is almost picture book in format with large illustrations and simple text. This book discusses astronomy, the formation and composition of stars, comets, and the behavior of the universe itself. The illustration are wonderful and very strong.  Particular ones that stand out are double suns floating in space, a meteor striking the Earth,  beautiful galaxies, and an illustration of the expanding universe. "Exploring…" series. Also 1968 edition.

Gaul, Albro T. Illustrated by Finlay, Virgil. The Complete Book of Space Travel. New York: World Publishing Co. (159 p.) 29 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Secondary/Adult. B&W drawings. Not truly a juvenile book but highly pictorial. Virgil Finley's drawings are a treasure. It cover all aspects of space flight as well as UFOs and has a short pictorial history of space flight at the end. It has a more romantic view of space and includes beautiful alien women and noble warriors of space.

Goodwin, Hal. Illustrated by Geary, Clifford. The Real Book about Space Travel: The exciting story of a great new frontier (2nd ed.) Garden City, NY: Garden City Books. (192 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. B&W drawings. Updated text with the same illustrations. It also differs in size and color of boards from the 1952 edition. See 1952 1st edition.

Goodwin, Harold Leland    . Illustrated by Coggins, Jack. The Science Book of Space Travel. New York: Cardinal edition, Pocket Books Inc. (213 p.) 17 cm. Softcover.

IT. Reprint. See 1954 1st edition.

Hurst, Earl Oliver. The Big Book of Space. London : World Distributors. ( 26 p.) 32 cm. Illustrated Boards.

               ID.  "Big Treasure Books". UK reprint of 1953 1st US edition.

Moore, Patrick. The Boy's Book of Space. New York: Roy Publishers. (144 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. US reprint of 1954 1st UK edition.

Neurath, Marie. Rockets and Jets (3rd edition). New York: Lothrop, Lee and Shepard. (36 p.) 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. See 1951 1st edition.

Parker, Bertha Morris. Illustrated by McNaught, Harry. The Golden Book of Science. New York: Golden Press. (97 p.) 34 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IT. Primary. Color paintings.  Large format book about all aspects of science. Sections of interest include illustration of a rocket (title page), pictures of the planets and the Moon (pp. 64-67), space station (pg. 88), and assorted pictures of rockets throughout the book. Also 1963 edition.

Walt Disney. Walt Disney's Man in Space: A Science Feature from Tomorrowland. New York: Dell Publishing Co, Inc. (32 p.) 26 cm. Softcover.

IT. Primary. Color drawings. Comic Book. A "novelization" in comic book form of 2 Walt Disney television programs "Man in Space" (1955) and "Tomorrow the Moon" (1955).  Many illustrations of rockets, astronauts, space stations, and a trip around the Moon. Also found as a 1956 UK reprint as "A World Distributors Movie Classic" ( #45). See 1959 combined reprint with the other 2 Dell Comics adaptations of "Man in Space" films as: "Walt Disney's Man in Space" 1959. "Dell Comics" (#716).












Wyler, Rose. Illustrated by Gergely, Tibor. My Little Golden Book about the Sky. New York: Simon and Schuster. (22 p.) 21 cm. Illustrated Boards.

ID. Primary. Color paintings. A very basic book about the sky, Moon, planets, and stars. Illustrations of the Earth from space, surface of the Moon, a rocket on the Moon, the solar systems. Very nice paintings and a striking cover.











Adler, Irving.  Illustrated by Adler, Ruth. Seeing the Earth from Space. New York : The John Day Co. (160 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1957seeingearthfromspace    IT. Primary/secondary. B&W drawings. Also 1959, 1961, 1964 editions.








Ahnstrom, D N. The Complete Book of Jets and Rockets. Cleveland, OH: World Publishing Co. (159 p.) 29 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1957completebookofrocketsandjets.jpgIT. Primary/Secondary. B&W photographs and drawings. Mostly concerned with jet aviation.  Chapter 12 the "Age of Rockets" focuses on military rockets and the X-1 program (pp. 121-134). Chapter 13 is "Desert Sands to Satellites" and discusses satellites and manned exploration of space (pp. 135-146). Photographs of a few rockets. Also 1959, 1970 editions.










Beeland, Lee and Robert Wells. Illustrated by Coggins, Jack. Space Satellite: The Story of the Man-made Moon. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc. (79 p.) 25 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. Color and B&W drawings and paintings. A pre-Sputnik book about the Vanguard  program and the I.G.Y.  Describes satellite and rocket theory as well as how the equipment involved will work. It also discuses the uses of satellites and the I.G.Y. What makes this book stand out are the wonderful color paintings of a rocket launch, a satellite in orbit, and a satellite burning up from re-entry. It also has nice paintings of a manned craft flying low over the Moon's surface and a rocket to Mars. Also 1958, 1960 editions.











Bergaust, Erik. Rockets and Missiles. New York: GP Putnam's Sons. (48 p.) 28 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IP. Primary/secondary. B&W photographs. It is a pictorial encyclopedia of the rockets and missiles used by the Army, Navy and Air Force. It also has sections on research rockets and "missiles of tomorrow" It gives 1 page to each type of missile. With a 1 page glossary of rocket and missile terms at the back of the book.












Branley, Franklyn M. Illustrated by Wimmer, Helmut K. Exploring by Satellite: The Story of Project Vanguard. New York: Thomas Y Crowell. (40 p.) 27 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. Color and B&W paintings and drawings. Written pre-Sputnik the text cover the plans for Project Vanguard as part of the I.G.Y. It goes on to discuss the possible uses of satellites for observation of the Earth and space. It ends with a discussion of a space station and manned exploration of the planets. Illustrations of rockets, satellites and a space station. Written pre-Sputnik. Containing some of Helmut Wimmer's earliest paintings for children which are spectacular.












Chamberlain, Joseph Miles and Nicholson,. Illustrated by Wimmer, Helmut. Planets, Stars and Space. New York: Creative Educational Society. (223 p.) 28 cm. Cloth.

IT. Primary. B&W photographs, drawings and paintings. Text focuses on the rotation of the Earth, seasons, gravity and astronomy. Chapters 3, 4 and 5 focus on the Moon, the solar system and the sun. Illustrations of a rocket, the Moon's surface, and several planets. Part of 4 volume "Family Science Library". Also 1967 edition.


Classics Illustrated. Adventures in Science. New York : Gilberton. (96 p.) 26 cm. Softcover.

1957adventuresinscienceIT. Primary. Color drawings. Comic book.  Has “The Story of Flight”. Includes illustrations of rockets on the last page of the story and  a missile on the cover. "Classics Illustrated Special" (Issue #138A) June 1957.













Clarke, Arthur C. The Scottie Book of Space Travel. London : Transworld Publishers. (126 p.) 17 cm. Softcover.

1959scottiespacetravelIT. Primary. B&W paintings and drawings. A reprint (and re-titling) of Clarke’s “The Young Traveler in Space” (1954). "Scottie Books" (#7).













Del Rey, Lester. Illustrated by Heugh, James. Rockets Through Space: The Story of Man's Preparations to Explore the Universe. New York: John C. Winston Co. (118 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1958rocketsthrspaceIT. Primary/secondary. Color paintings and B&W drawings. Covers all aspects of space travel starting with the theory of rockets and the first planned satellites. It goes on to describe conditions in space, plans for space stations, missions to the Moon, and exploration of the planets. The paintings by James Heugh are wonderful, a last goodbye to the romantic images of spaceflight illustration. See 1958 reprint. Also 1960 edition.













Franzke, Charles E and Young, Robert T. Conquering Outer Space Through Chemistry. Hagerstown, MD : The Porter Chemical Co. (47 p.) 20 cm. Softcover.

1957conqueringouterspacethruchemistryIT. Primary/secondary. B&W drawings. A pamphlet enclosed with a chemistry set, part of a series from Porter Chemical Company. Text concerns rocket theory, conditions in space, and spaceship design.  Has illustrations of rockets and space stations.












Gilzin, Karl (English translation by Pauline Rose). Illustrated by Kolchitsky, N. Travel to Distant Worlds. Moscow, USSR: Foreign Languages Publishing House. (265 p.) 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Secondary. B&W paintings and drawings.









Goodwin, Harold Leland. Illustrated by Coggins, Jack. The Science Book of Space Travel . London : Harrap. (182 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. UK reprint of 1954 US 1st edition.

Hyde, Margaret O. Illustrated by Geary, Clifford N. Exploring Earth and Space: The Story of the I.G.Y. New York : Whittlesey House. (160 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1957exploringearthandspace.jpgIT. Primary/secondary. B&W drawings. Written in response to the anticipated start of the International Geophysical Year, this book devotes 4 chapters to research rockets, biomedical testing of animals and satellites. Illustration of rockets and an Earth satellite (theoretical).  The text shows how space travel and exploration of space in the public mind was thought to be imminent but it was not urgent. See 1958 reprint. Also 1959, 1963, 1967, 1970 editions.










Le Roi, David (in association with the Staff of "Flight" magazine). Boys’ Book of Flight.  London : Iliffe. (160 p.) 25 cm. Illustrated Boards, DJ.

IT. Primary. B&W drawings and photographs. Mostly about aviations, it has 2 chapters on rockets, a chapter about satellites, and a chapter about atomic powered flight. A few illustrations of rockets. Also 1958 edition.

Lewellen, John. Illustrated by Scheib, Ida.  The Earth Satellite: Man's First True Space Adventure. New York: Alfred A Knopf. (59 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ

1957earthsatellite1IT. Primary. B&W drawings. A wonderful basic book about satellites and space exploration written pre-Sputnik. The text focuses on how a satellite would get into orbit and how would it stay there.  There are additional chapters on viewing the satellite, the use of satellites in the future, and manned space exploration. Illustrations of rockets, satellites, and space suits.












Ley, Willy. Illustrated by Polgreen, John. Man-made Satellites. Poughkeepsie, NY: Guild Press Inc. (44 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Boards.

ID. Primary. Color and B&W paintings. The book has illustrations of satellite models and rocket launches and describes orbital theory and the possible uses of satellites. “Adventure in Space” series (#1 of 4). Also 1958 revised edition.












Ley, Willy. Illustrated by Polgreen, John. Space Pilots. Poughkeepsie, NY: Guild Press Ltd. (44 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Boards.

ID. Primary. Color and B&W paintings. Discusses conditions found during a rocket launch, biomedical testing of the pilots and hazards found in space. Nice illustrations of rockets, a space station and the Earth from space. "Adventure in Space" series (#2 of 4). See 1958 edition.













Lyon, Jene. Illustrated by Solonewitsch, George and Polgreen, John. The Golden Picture Book of Our Sun and the Worlds around it (2nd edition). New York: Simon and Schuster. (56 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated boards.

IT. Primary. Color paintings. This 1957 edition has a section on the I.G.Y satellite that was expected to be launched in 1958. See re-titling and updating as: Lyon,  Astronomy: Our Sun and its Neighbors (1966). See 1955 1st edition.

Shatzel, Albert V. Illustrated by Guth, Gordon. The Story of Earth Satellites. Chicago, IL : Replogle Globe Inc. (32 p.) 22 cm. Softcover.

IT. Secondary/adult. B&W drawings. A pamphlet written in response to the launch of Sputnik. Put out by the Replogle Globe company it describes orbital theory and has illustrations of research rockets and Sputnik.

Wallace, Carlton.  The Boys' Book of Science and Invention (3rd ed.) London : Evans Brothers Ltd. (192 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. Single color plate of a painting, B&W photographs and drawings. This is a boy's encyclopedia showing "how things work". First published in 1949, and revised in 1953 this 1957 edition covers space flight topics in a series of 2 to 12 page articles.  Topics (with drawings) of interest include: "Inside a rocket ship", "Building a space  station", "The first Moon colony", and "Examining the Moon by rocket camera".  Especially nice is the single color plate of a painting of a manned landing on the Moon. Also 1961 edition.

Walt Disney. Walt Disney's Mars and Beyond: A Science Feature from Tomorrowland. New York: Dell Publishing Co Inc. (32 p.) 26 cm. Softcover.

IT. Primary. Color drawings. Comic book. This is a "novelization" in comic book form of the 3rd Walt Disney film in the "Man in Space" trilogy: "Mars and Beyond" (1957). Discusses historic thought about Mars, a planned manned mission to Mars, and the possibility of life on Mars. Many illustration of rockets, assembling the Mars fleet in orbit, and the flight to Mars. See 1959 reprint with the other 2 Dell adaptations of "Man in Space" films as: "Walt Disney's Man in Space" (1959). "Dell Comics" (#866).





Adler, Irving. Illustrated by Adler, Ruth. Man-Made Moons : The Earth Satellites and What they tell us. New York : John Day Co. (128 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary/secondary. B&W drawings. See also revised as part of Adler. “Seeing the Earth from space…” (1959).

Beeland, Lee and Wells, Robert. Illustrated by Coggins, Jack. Space Satellite: The Story of the Man-made Moon (2nd edition). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. (78 p.) 25 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1958spacesatelliterevisedIT. Primary. Color and B&W drawings and paintings. Labeled on the cover “new, up-dated edition”. The major updating is a new prologue and a "Space Log" at the end to record all launches after 3/17/58 (Vanguard I). "A New Horizons in Science Book". See 1957 1st edition.
















Bergaust, Erik. Rockets Around the World. New York: GP Putnam's Sons. (47 p.) 28 cm. Cloth, DJ.

rockets1IP. Primary. B&W photographs.












Bernhard, Hubert. Illustrated by Solonevich, George and Discount, William. Space Wonders. New York: Simon and Schuster. (48 p.) 28 cm. Softcover.

1958spacewondersgoldenstampIT. Primary. Color paintings (stamps only) and B&W drawings. The text covers all aspects of astronomy, including satellites and rockets.. This is one of a series where the child had 48 illustrated stamps to paste into different section of the book. Illustrations of a Vanguard satellite, a rocket, a manned landing on the Moon, and planets from space. "Golden Stamp book" #P-62.














Branley, Franklyn M. Illustrated by Wimmer, Helmut K. The Nine Planets. New York: Thomas Y Crowell Co. (77 p.) 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. "Exploring our Universe" series. Also 1966 edition.

Branley, Franklyn M. Illustrated by Kessler, Leonard. A Book of Satellites for You. New York: Crowell. (48 p.) 21 x 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1958abookofsatellitesforyouID. Primary. 2 color drawings. This book describes in very basic terms satellite theory, satellites that have been launched and the future of satellites in space exploration.  Includes very simple illustrations of satellites, rockets, astronauts, space stations, and a manned landing on the Moon.  Widely available because it was reprinted as one of the 1962 selections of the Weekly Reader Children's Book Club. Also 1971 edition.













Coggins, Jack and Pratt, Fletcher. Illustrated by Coggins, Jack. By Spaceship to the Moon (2nd edition). New York: Random House. (58 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IT. Primary. Color paintings. Since little of the text was out-dated as a result of the start of the space race this is a really a reprint of the 1952 edition with no significant updating of text or illustrations. The only difference being a different cover illustration. See 1952 1st edition.












Coggins, Jack, Pratt, Fletcher, and Ley, Willy. Illustrated by Coggins, Jack. Rockets, Satellites, and Space Travel. New York: Random House. (64 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1958rocketsatellitesandspacetravelIT. Primary. Color paintings. An updating of Coggins and Pratt. "Rockets, Jets, Guided Missiles, and Space Ships” (1951). Much of the text is the same tracing the history of rockets and planning for an expedition to the Moon. The updating includes discussions of artificial satellites research and the US and Russian launches of satellites. It also updates discussion of the Moon trip and atomic powered rockets. There are several added painting of Moon landers, a round space station and satellites. Also has a new cover. See 1951 1st edition.










Cooke, David. Blast Off : The Complete Book of Rockets and Missiles. New York: Scholastic Books for The Ridge Press Inc. (64 p.) 21 cm. Softcover.

1958blastoffIT. Primary. B&W photographs. Gives a short history and theory of rocket travel.













Dietz, David. Illustrated by Wilde, George. All About Satellites and Space Ships. New York: Random House. (164 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1958allaboutsatspaceIT. Primary. B&W drawings and 16 pg. B&W photographs section. Text covers the 1st two Sputnik launches, the planned X-15 tests, space stations, rocket theory, planned Moon landings and atomic powered space craft. The art is only OK but the text is worth a look. One of the better remembered juvenile space books since almost everyone and every library had a copy of it. "Allabout Book" (#28). Also 1962 edition.








Gallant, Roy A. Illustrated by Polgreen, John. Exploring the Planets. New York: Garden City, NY: Doubleday and Co Inc. (123 p.) 31 cm. / London : Rathbone Books. (126 p.) 28 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. Also 1967 edition. "Exploring the…" series.

Hutchinson, William M and Spielberg, Dr. Kurt. Illustrated by Hutchinson, William M. Space Travel. New York: Maxton Publishing Co. (28 p.) 27 cm. Illustrated Boards.

ID. Primary. Color paintings. A simple book covering all aspect of space travel including history, physics, U.S. and Russian space efforts, building a space station, manned exploration of the Moon, and exploration of the planets. It has wonderful paintings of all these things devoting a page or two to each topic. "A Maxton Book about" series. See 1960 update and 1963 UK Reprint.











Hutchinson, William M, Sutherland, Lucille, and Spielberg, Dr. Kurt. Illustrated by Hutchinson, William M. Let's Read about Space Travel. St Louis : Webster Publishing Co. (32 p.) 27 cm. Softcover.

ID. Primary. Color paintings. A softcover reprinting and re-editing of Hutchinson. "Space Travel" (1958) for the classroom by Lucille Sutherland. "Webster Classroom Science Library".

Hyde, Margaret O. Illustrated by Geary, Clifford. Flight: Today and Tomorrow. New York: Whittlesey House. (140 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Reprint of 1953 1st edition.





Hyde, Margaret O. From Submarines to Satellites: Science in our Armed Forces. New York: Whittlesey House. (106 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1959fromsubmarinestosatellitesIT. Primary. B&W photographs. The highlight of this book is the descriptions of the military missile and satellites program as well as their aerospace testing with manned high altitude aircraft.











Knight, Clayton. Rockets, Missiles and Satellites. New York: Grosset and Dunlap. (61 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1958rocketsmissilesandsatellitesIT. Primary. Color and B&W drawings. This book focuses more on airplanes and military rockets rather than space flight (which is covered only on pp. 1-18). Describes basic rocket history and theory. Illustrations of rockets, satellites and space ships of the future. Has a nice rocket drawing on the cover.








Leavitt, William. The Space Frontier, with Astronautics Glossary. Washington, D.C. : National Aviation Education Council. Materials of Instruction Committee. (18 p.) 28 cm. Softcover.

IT. Secondary/adult. Originally appeared in Air Force Magazine, March 1958. Also 1961 edition.

Le Roi, David. Boy's Book of Flight (new features on space satellites and rockets) (2nd ed.) London : Sons. (48 p.) 28 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. B&W drawings and photographs. See 1957 1st edition.






Lewellen, John. Illustrated by Fitch, Winnie and Phelan, Joe. You and Space Travel (2nd edition). Chicago: Children's Press Inc. (60 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. B&W (blue-tinted) drawings. Has a different cover with very minor revisions to text only. See 1951 1st edition.














Ley, Willy. Illustrated by Polgreen, John. Man-made Satellites (revised edition). Poughkeepsie, NY: Guild Press. (44 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1958manmadesatellitesID. Primary. Color and B&W paintings. Reissued in 1958 as a revised edition including information about Sputnik. "Adventure in Space" series (#1 of 4). See 1957 1st edition.












Ley, Willy. Illustrated by Polgreen, John. Space Pilots (2nd edition). Poughkeepsie, NY: Guild Press Ltd. (44 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Boards.

ID. Primary. Color and B&W paintings. Only minor text differences from 1st edition. "Adventure in Space" series (#2 of 4). See 1957 1st edition.



Ley, Willy. Illustrated by Polgreen, John. Space Stations. Poughkeepsie, NY: Guild Press Inc. (44 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1958spacestationsID. Primary. Color and B&W paintings. Focuses on the construction of and the uses of a Von Braun type circular space station. "Adventure in Space" series (#3 of 4).













Ley, Willy. Illustrated by Polgreen, John. Space Travel. Poughkeepsie, NY: Guild Press. (44 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1958spacetravelID. Primary. Color and B&W paintings. Focuses on exploration of the Moon and the planets. Some illustrations from this and other books in the series were reused in: Del Rey. “Space Flight: The Coming Exploration of the Universe” (1959). "Adventure in Space" series (#4 of 4).












May, Julian. Illustrated by Murphy, Frank C. There's Adventure in Rockets. Chicago : Popular Mechanics Press. (192 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. B&W (with red tint) drawings.  Typical boys visit the Air Force Missile Test Center and learn scientific facts about rocket theory, amateur model rocketry, US aerospace programs, military missiles, and satellites. Illustrations of rockets and satellites. Forward by Major General Donald N Yates, Commander of the Air Force Missile Test Center.

Miller, Ray. The Spaceman at Home and at School. Riverside, CA: Bruce Miller. (23 p.) 22 cm. Softcover.

IH. Primary. B&W (red tinted) drawings and B&W photographs. A craft book for making space costumes, decorations etc. See 1961 reprint.

Nephew, William and Chester, Michael. Illustrated by Robinson, Jerry. Moon Trip: True Adventure in Space. New York: Putnam. (63 p.) 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1958moontripID. Primary. B&W and 2 color drawings. Gives basic descriptions of rocket theory, astronaut training and how a trip to the Moon could be accomplished.  Many full page illustrations.  The first book in the informal "series" of: "Moon Trip", "Moon Base" (1959), "Planet Trip" (1960) and "Beyond Mars" (1960), all by Chester. In this "quartet" he moves from travel to the Moon to planetary exploration to interstellar travel.










Neurath, Marie. Rockets and Jets (4th edition). London : Max Parrish. / New York: Lothrop, Lee and Shepard. (36 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. 3 color drawings. Date of publication is either 1957 or 1958. See 1951 1st edition.

Neurath, Marie. Speeding into Space (3rd ed.) New York : Lothrop, Lee and Shepard. (36 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. 3 color drawings. Slightly updated text with the same illustrations. See 1954 1st edition.

Newell, Homer E. Illustrated by Fauss, Anne Marie. Guide to Rockets, Missiles and Satellites. New York : Whittlesey House. (54 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Also 1961 edition.

Newell Jr., Homer Edward. Illustrated by Jauss, Anne Marie. Space Book for Young People. New York: Whittlesey House. (114 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Secondary. B&W drawings. Includes drawings of orbiting satellites, the Earth from the Moon, Mars, and man in space. Also 1960, 1968 editions.

Nicholson, Thomas D. Illustrated by Waltrip, Mildred. The Adventure Book of Stars. New York: Capitol Publishing Co. Inc. (111 p.) 26 cm. Softcover.

IT. Primary. B&W paintings and drawings.  This book was reprinted several times (through 1961). The focus of the book is primarily on astronomy but it does have a few illustrations of the Moon's and various planets surfaces.  Has an excellent 2 page bibliography on astronomy and space flight. Also found in cloth.

Nicholson, Thomas D. Illustrated by Waltrip, Mildred. The Question and Answer Book of Stars. New York: Golden Press. (96 p.) 26 cm. Softcover.

IT. Primary. B&W drawings. Found sometimes enclosed in an astronomy toy set of the period.  It is the same book essentially as Nicolson,  "The Adventure Book of Stars" (1958) but with less pages. "Golden Adventure" book.

Poole, Lynn. Illustrated by Geary, Clifford. Your Trip into Space. New York : McGraw-Hill. (224 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.


IT. Primary.                                                                             






Pratt, Fletcher. Illustrated by Coggins, Jack. All About Rockets and Jets (2nd edition). New York : Random House. (140 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. B&W drawings. Updated text. "Allabout Books" #13. See 1955 1st edition.

Ruchlis, Hy. Illustrated by Hirsh, Alice. Orbit: A Picture Story of Force and Motion. New York: Harper and Row Publishers. (147 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IC. Primary. B&W photographs and drawings. This book focuses on the physics of motion but uses how these forces apply to manned exploration of space. No space illustration but discussion of rockets, orbits, and space stations throughout the text.

Sargeant, Charles. Illustrated by Sargeant, Charles. How to Draw Rockets and Spaceships. London : The Studio Publications. (64 p.) 18 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IH. Primary/secondary. B&W charcoal drawings.  An unusual "children's" book, it is dedicated to "The Spaceship Pilots of the Future".  Straightforward text on drawing, shadow, perspective etc. with short sections on rocket theory and the future of space travel. It has very nice drawings of rockets, space stations, Moon landers and a moon base. Worth seeking out for the beautiful art.

Schloat Jr, G Warren. Andy's Wonderful Telescope. New York : Charles Scribner's Sons. (48 p.) 27 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IS. Primary.

The Seventh Eagle Annual. Edited by Marcus Morris. London, Hulton Press. (173 p.) 26 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IA. Primary. Color paintings and drawings and B&W drawings. A "boy's annual" derived from the magazine "Eagle Weekly" and known for its "Dan Dare" comic strip and games and stories on a variety of topics. It has an article on Project Vanguard (pp. 80-86) written by John W.R. Taylor and illustrated with full page color paintings by Ward. Illustrations of a rocket pad, the rocket taking off, the rocket entering orbit, and the Vanguard satellite circling the Earth.

Simmons, Sanford. Illustrated by Berenzy, Roberta and Simon, Hilda. Planets and Space Travel. New York: Hart Publishing Co. (128 p.) 27 cm. Softcover.

1958planetsandspacetravelIH. Primary/secondary. 2 color drawings. This is an activity book which includes articles about space exploration as well as puzzles and games.  Has articles and illustrations about the history of rockets, space suits, space stations, and exploration of the Moon.  Very nice period illustrations. Publisher reused some text and illustrations from Thompson. "Out of This World" (1953). Also 1962 edition.











Space Rockets. New York : Golden Press. (6 pp.) 36 cm. Softcover.

1958spacerocketsIH. Primary. Color drawings. A book of punch-out of various rockets including Jupiter and Vanguard. Also punch-outs of a launchpad and the planets. 36 cm x 19 cm. "Golden Funtime Punch-out Book" (GF135).













Straight, Gerald M. Illustrated by Simon, Hilda. Science Album. New York : Hart Publishing Co. (319 p.) 27 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT, IE. B&W (green, brown or red tinted) drawings. A science encyclopedia and activity book covering many topics in astronomy, biology, physics, and geology. Includes essays , biographies, experiments, humor, and quizzes. Notable for articles on "Earth Satellites (pp. 148-155), "The Rocket" (pp. 226-233), and "Moon Journey" (pp. 238-245). Illustrations of the surface of the planets, rockets, a space station, and a manned landing on the Moon. Evidently they reused the space flight articles from Simmons. "Planets and Space Travel" (1958).





Walt Disney. Walt Disney's Man in Space: Satellites. New York: Dell Publishing Co Inc. (29 p.) 26 cm. Softcover.

1958waltdisneyssatellites1IT. Primary. Color drawings. Comic book. Text explains the rocket theory, satellite orbital mechanics, and possible uses for satellites. It stops at the launching of Explorer III but goes into detail on the construction of satellites and the future uses of satellites. The last few pages on the benefits of space are especially charming for their time. A "novelization" in comic book form of a 1959 Walt Disney short theatrical film "Eyes in Outer Space". See 1959 reprint with the other 2 Dell adaptations of "Man in Space" films as: "Walt Disney's Man in Space" (1959). "Dell Comics" (#954).












Wyler, Rose. Illustrated by Gergely, Tibor and Solenewitsch, George. Exploring Space : A True Story of the Rockets of Today and a Glimpse of the Rockets That Are to Come. New York: Simon and Schuster. (24 p.) 21 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1958exploringspaceID. Primary. Color paintings. This is one of the most remembered of children's space travel books. It covers the basics of rocket propulsion and then summarizes the current state of research up through the 1958 launch of Laika, the space dog.  Many charming illustrations. "Little Golden Book" (#342).












Wyler, Rose and Ames, Gerald. Illustrated by Polgreen, John. The Golden Book of Astronomy (Revised 1st edition). New York: Simon and Schuster. (97 p.) 33 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IT. Primary. Color paintings. Text focuses on astronomy with illustrations of the Moon, planetary surfaces, the solar system, star maps. Last section includes illustrations of astronauts and rockets. Updated with photographs of 1958 satellite launches. Similar to 1958 edition but uses some images from 1955 edition. Biggest  differences from 1958 edition are images on pp. 90-96. Same cover as 1955 edition, with added words "newly revised". See 1955 1st edition.

Wyler, Rose and Ames, Gerald. Illustrated by Polgreen, John. The Golden Book of Astronomy (2nd edition). New York: Simon and Schuster. (97 p.) 33 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IT. Primary. Color paintings. Text focuses on astronomy with illustrations of the Moon, planetary surfaces, the solar system, star maps. Last section includes illustrations of astronauts and rockets. Updated with photographs and Images of rockets, space stations, men on the Moon. Text is updated to include satellite launches up to 1958 with data and photographs. Very beautiful illustrations. Different cover from 1955 edition (and 1958 revised 1st edition). See 1955 1st edition. Also 1965 edition.



Adler, Irving. Illustrated by Adler, Ruth. Seeing the Earth from Space : What the man-made moons tell us (2nd edition). New York : The John Day Co. (160 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary/secondary. B&W drawings. See 1957 1st edition. Based in part on: Adler. “Man-made moons” (1958).

Ahnstrom, D N. The Complete Book of Jets and Rockets (2nd edition). Cleveland: World Publishing Co. (159 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IT. See 1957 1st edition.

Bergaust. Erik. Rockets of the Navy. New York : Putnam. (48 p.) 28 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IP. Primary. B&W photographs. Mostly publicity photos of the various rocket systems used by the Navy at the time. 

Bergaust, Erik. Satellites and Space Probes. New York : Putnam. (47 p.) 28 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IP. Primary/secondary. B&W photographs. Mostly publicity photos and drawings of the US and Soviet satellite programs. Discusses in detail Sputnik, Lunik, Explorer, Vanguard, and Discoverer programs.  Also discuses future programs such as Mercury.

Binder, Otto. Illustrated by Solonevich, George and Beck, CC. Space Travel. New York: Golden Press. (48 p.) 28 cm. Softcover.

1959spacetravelgoldenstamp1IT. Primary. Color paintings (stamps only) and B&W drawings. The text covers all aspects of present and future space exploration. This is one of a series where 36 illustrated stamps are pasted into different section of the book. Each stamp is a color painted image of some aspect of space flight. "Golden Stamp Book" #P-66.








Binder, Otto. Illustrated by Solonevich, George. Planets: Other Worlds of Our Solar System. New York: Golden Press. (54 p.) 21 cm. Illustrated Boards.

ID. Primary. Color paintings and B&W photographs. Focuses on conditions found on the different planets of the Solar System. Many paintings of the planets from space and the different planetary surfaces. The last chapter focuses on manned exploration of the solar system with illustrations of several  rockets. 1st edition is 21 cm with brown colored cloth strip on spine, reprinted later in 1959 with glossy board covers (24 cm.) "Golden Library of Knowledge". See 1961 reprint.

Binder, Otto and Del Rey, Lester. Planets/Space Flight. New York: Golden Press. (94 p.) 21 cm. Cloth.

ID. Reprint. Weekly Reader Children's Book Club combined edition of 2 Golden Books: Binder, O. "Planets : Other Worlds of Our Solar System" (1959) and  Del Rey, L. "Space Flight: The coming exploration of the universe" (1959).

Binder, Otto, Illustrated by Solonevich, George. The Moon: Our Neighboring World. New York: Golden Press. (56 p.) 21 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1959themoonourneighboringworldID. Primary. Color paintings, diagrams and photographs. Basic information about the formation of the Moon, geography and conditions on the Moon.  Nice illustrations of the surface of the Moon and men exploring the Moon. 1st edition is 21 cm with blue colored cloth strip on spine, reprinted later in 1959 with glossy board covers (24 cm.) " Golden Library of Knowledge". See 1961 reprint.











Branley, Franklyn M. Illustrated by Wimmer, Helmut K. Experiments in Sky Watching. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell. (111 p.) 23 cm. Cloth, DJ / London : Faber and Faber. (117 p.) 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IE. Primary. B&W paintings. This book focuses primarily on astronomy and locating astronomical objects, however the last chapter concerns locating man-made satellites. Contains a nice painting by Helmut Wimmer of the Earth from space surrounded by satellites.

Branley, Franklyn M. Illustrated by Kessler, Leonard. A Book of Moon Rockets for You. New York: Crowell. (58 p.) 21 x 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. B&W and 2 color drawings. Simple text about launching probes to the Moon in preparation for sending men.  Many pictures of rockets, lunar probes and a "Bonestellian" manned lunar lander. Also 1964, 1970 editions.

Buitenkant, Nathan (pseudonym for Mark, David). All about Missiles and Satellites. New York : Cowan Publishing Co. (96 p.) 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Secondary. 200 B&W photographs and drawings. Basically a directory of US missiles.

Caidin, Martin. X-15: Man's first flight into space. New York : Ridge Press. (64 p.) 20 cm. Softcover.

IT. Primary. B&W photographs. Sub-titled "Share the hazards of man's first outer space adventure". A nice painting at the end by Mel Hunter of an X-15 being launched into space on a Navaho missile. Ridge Books #12. Also 1961 edition re-titled : "X-15: Man's daring flight into space".

Chapman, Sydney. I.G.Y. Year of Discovery: The Story of the International Geophysical Year. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press. (111 p.) 29 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1959igyyearofdiscoveryIT. Primary/secondary. B&W photographs. Winner of the 1960 Thomas Alva Edison Award for Best Science Book for Youth, this book covers in simple language all aspects of the I.G.Y. Chapters of interest include "The Atmosphere" and "The History of the I.G.Y". Both of these chapters discuss research rockets and the information gained from the use of them. Photographs of rockets and the Earth from space.










Classics Illustrated. Illustrated by McCann, Gerald, Glanzman, Sam, and Tartaglione, John. The Illustrated Story of Space. Classics Illustrated. (80 p.) 26 cm. Softcover.

IT. Primary. Color drawings. Comic book. Contains illustrated stories on training for space, the first rocket to the Moon, the history and use of the rocket, the launch of Vanguard 1, and the construction of a space station. "The World Around Us" (#5) January 1959.

Cox, Donald William and Stoiko, Michael. Illustrated by Kocher, W.A. Rocketry through the Ages. Philadelphia: Winston. (41 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IP. Primary/secondary. 2 color paintings. Format is 1 page of text with 1 full page illustration. Covers the history of rockets from Wan-Hu and his rocket chair, to Hermes, Viking, Thor, Jupiter C, Atlas, X-15, solar sails, manned nuclear rockets, and photon rockets.


Crosby, Alexander L and Larrick, Nancy. Illustrated by McMains, Denny. Rockets into Space. Eau Claire, WI: EM Hale and Co. (82 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1959rocketsintospaceIT. Primary. Two color drawings. Nice illustrations of rockets, space stations, and a landing on the Moon. See Crosby. "The World of Rockets" (1965) where he reuses some of the drawings.








Davis, Clive E. The Book of Missiles. New York : Dodd, Mead. (96 p.) 19 x 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1959thebookofmissilesIT. Primary. B&W photographs.












Del Rey, Lester. Illustrated by Polgreen, John. Space Flight: The Coming Exploration of the Universe. New York: Golden Press. (56 p.) 21 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1959spaceflightthecomingID. Primary. Color paintings. Maybe the most fondly remembered space book from the 1950s. It includes all aspects of space flight in one book. Shows and describes space suits, space stations, Moon landings and travel to the planets. The color paintings by John Polgreen are wonderful. Many of the illustrations are reused from the Ley. "Adventure in Space" quartet of books (1957-1958) also painted by Polgreen. In the true 1st edition the first sentence is incorrect stating “The space age began on October 4, 1958…” A loose errata card was slipped into the 1st editions with the correct 1st sentence. 1st edition is 21 cm with brown colored cloth strip on spine, reprinted later in 1959 with glossy board covers (24 cm.). Also 1961 "revised" edition with little or no changes in the text or illustrations.










Ellacott, S. Rockets. London : Methuen Co. (175 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. See 1961 U.S. edition


Fischer, Dr. Vera K. Illustrated by Robinson, Jerry. Atomic Energy. New York : Maxton Pub Inc. (26 p.) 27 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IT. Primary. Color and B&W paintings.  Mostly about atomic energy but last page and back end paper describe travel to the stars with a nice space station illustration. "A Maxton Book about" series.

Freeman, Mae and Freeman, Ira. Illustrated by Martin, Rene. The Sun, Moon and Stars. New York : Random House. (61 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IA. "Random House Easy to Read Science Library" (R-10).




Freeman, Mae and Freeman, Ira. Illustrated by Patterson, Robert. You Will Go to the Moon. New York: Beginner Books. (54 p.) 24 cm. Illustrated Boards, DJ.

1959youwillgotothemoonIS. Primary. Color paintings. My personal favorite children's space book. Concerns an imaginary trip to the Moon taken by a young boy and his adult friend. The rocket, and space station, are very much Von Braun style, while the Moon landing craft and Moon base are more British Interplanetary Society designs. The cover states that for accuracy the manuscript was submitted to the Office of the Director of Research and Development of the United States Air Force. Aimed at beginning readers it went into multiple printings  through the Beginner Books Club. The book club cover illustration is altered from the 1st edition/printing by elimination of the illustration of the rocket leaving only the boy looking through a telescope at the moon. Only 1st book club edition has a cover all other editions were illustrated cloth.  "I can read it all by myself Beginner Books " (195/195). Also 1971 edition.










Gallant, Roy A, Illustrated by Ames, Lee J. Man's Reach into Space. Garden City, NY: Garden City Books. (152 p.) 32 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1959mansreachintospaceIT. Primary. Color, 3 color and B&W drawings. Text concerns conditions in high speed flight and in space and human testing and preparation. Discussions of vacuum, g-forces, weightlessness, isolation. An interesting book in its focus on the people of space flight rather than the ships. Very dynamic illustrations of rockets, space suits, physical testing of pilots and astronauts, a Moon landing, and Mars from space. Also 1964 edition.













Gottlieb, William P. Marshall, John W , Hodge, Paul and Dahlen, Ed. Jets and Rockets and How They Work. Garden City, NY : Doubleday and Co, Inc. (55 p.) 25 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IE. Primary. Color and B&W photographs, paintings and drawings. Text illustrates various scientific principles involved with rockets using 100 step-by-step experiments. Illustrated mostly with photographs of children performing the experiments there are a few illustrations of rockets, and the Earth from space. Adapted from the filmstrip "Flying with Jets and Rockets", from the set, "Science Facts about Transportation" produced by the William Gottlieb Company and published by McGraw-Hill. Also available as a book club edition. Reprinted as part of Scott, Foresman  "Invitations to Personal Reading Program".

Grey, Vivian. Geygan, George. The First Book of Astronomy. New York: Franklin Watts Inc. (68 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. 2 color drawings and B&W photographs. A basic book about astronomy. Illustrations of the surface of the Moon, the solar system, planets from space.

Hendrickson Jr, Walter B. Illustrated by Russell, Jack. Handbook for Space Travelers. Indianapolis: New Bobbs-Merrill Co. Inc. (256 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary/secondary. B&W drawings. Text covers basic rocket theory, history of rockets, the future exploration of space and basic description of the planets of the solar system. Illustrations of rockets, a space station, and a Moon lander.

Holsaert, Eunice. Illustrated by Solbert, Ronni. Outer Space. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. (48 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1959outerspaceID. Primary. B&W (blue tinted) illustrations.  It covers principles of rockets, conditions in space, and the "possible" plans for manned exploration. Includes illustrations of space suits, space stations, and rockets. "A Book to begin on…" series.












Hurst, Earl Oliver.  The Big Book of Space: Space Ships, Space Stations, Rockets, Equipment, Star Maps (2nd edition). New York: Grosset and Dunlap. (24 p.) 34 cm. Illustrated Boards.

ID. Primary. Color paintings. Some updated text about the launch of Sputnik and Vanguard satellites with mostly the same illustrations as the earlier edition. "Big Treasure Books".  See 1953 1st edition.

Hyde, Margaret O. Illustrated by Geary, Clifford N. Exploring Earth and Space: the Story of the I.G.Y (2nd edition). New York: Whittlesey House. (160 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1959exploringearthandspaceIT. See 1957 1st edition.












Hyde, Margaret O. Myers, Bernice. Off into Space! Science for Young Space Travelers. New York: Whittlesey House. (63 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1959offintospace1IT. Primary. B&W drawings. The text depicts an imaginary space journal to the Moon. The art by Bernice Myers is great and very original in style. The drawings are simple and a little "blocky" in style. Heavily illustrated with drawings of rockets, astronauts, and Moon bases. Also 1966, 1969 editions.









Johnson, Gaylord. Illustrated by Angelini, Frank. The Story of Planets, Space, and Stars. Irvington-on-Hudson, NY: Harvey House. (153 p.) 26 cm. Softcover.

1959thestoryofplanetsstarsandspaceIT. Primary. Color and B&W drawings and photographs. Also found as part of toy astronomy kit called: "Astronomy for the Young Scientist". In the kit the book has only 148 pp. Also in the kit was a telescope, compass, star guide wheel, and a sky map. "The Story of Science" series.

















Lacroix, Pierre. The Conquest of Air. London : Burke Books. (85 p.) 30 cm. Cloth, DJ.


IT. Primary. B&W photographs and drawings. Focuses on aviation with some discussion of space flight. Originally published as "Air, avions, fuseés" (1958). Translated and adapted from the French by Michael Heron. "Man and His Conquests" series.

Lauber, Patricia. Illustrated by Ames, Lee J. The Quest of Galileo. Garden City, NY: Garden City Books. (56 p.) 32 cm. Illustrated Boards.

BP. Primary. Color and B&W drawings. A biography of Galileo (see Land. “The Quest of Isaac Newton” (1960)), the illustrations include Ptolemy's model of the universe, early drawings of the Moon and Jupiter,  Included for its beautiful illustrations and as a science book created to address the educational needs of the space race.


Le Roi, David. Jet-Propulsion and Rocket Power. London : Wheaton. (80 p.) 24 cm. Format?

IT. Primary.

Lewellen, John and Shapiro, Irwin. Illustrated by McNaught, Harry. The Story of Flight: From the Ancient winged gods to the age of space. New York: Golden Press. (94 p.) 34 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1959storyofflightIT. Primary/secondary. Color paintings. This book is primarily about aviation. With the "Age of space" on pp. 86-96.  The extra large format makes the illustrations of the X-15, a rocket launch and men on the Moon fun to look at.  See 1960 UK reprint. Also 1970 UK edition.












Lewellen, John. Illustrated by Fisher, Lois. The Junior True Book of Moon, Sun and Stars. London : Frederick Muller Ltd. (46 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. UK Reprint of 1954 1st US edition.

May, Julian. Illustrated by Blackmun, William, Jorjorian, Leonard. Show Me the World of Astronomy. Cleveland, OH: Pennington Press. (61 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. B&W paintings and drawings. A basic survey of astronomy with one topic per page. Illustrations of astronauts, satellites, a space station, and planets from space.

May, Julian. Illustrated by Barker, Robert. Show Me the World of Modern Airplanes. Cleveland, OH: Pennington Press. (61 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. B&W paintings and drawings. A basic survey of aviation with one topic per page. Illustrations and discussion of preparing for space with high altitude aviation research.

May, Julian. Illustrated by Loew, Richard. Show Me the World of Space Travel. Cleveland, OH: Pennington Press. (61 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1959showmetheworldofspacetravelIT. Primary. Two color drawings and paintings. Many illustrations of rockets, space stations, Moon colonies, surfaces of other planets.









Mehrens, H.E. The Dawning Space Age. Ellington Air Force Base, Texas : United States Air Force, Civil Air Patrol National Headquarters. (224 p.) 22 cm. Softcover.

IT. Secondary. B&W (blue or red tinted) drawings and photographs. A textbook for Civil Air Patrol cadets it was also recommended for use in secondary schools. Discusses the history of rockets and manned space flight, rockets engine theory, missile guidance, and future planned space missions. It is notable for its many aerospace contractor's paintings and illustrations of present and future rockets. See 1960 reprint. Also 1963, 1971 editions.

Munch, Theodore W. Illustrated by Tiedemann, Berthold. What is a Rocket. Chicago: Benefic Press. (47 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ..

ID. Primary. Color and 2-color drawings and paintings. Text covers the theory and function of rocket as well as guidance technology and the physics of orbiting. Has a great painting of a Sputnik burning up as it re-enters the atmosphere. The cover is generic and uninteresting but inside it is a delight. "What is it…" series. See 1961 US and UK reprints.

Munch, Theodore W. Illustrated by Tiedemann, Berthold. What is a Solar System? Chicago : Benefic Press. (41 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1959whatisasolarsystemID. "What is it…"series. See 1961 US and UK reprints.












Nephew, William and Chester, Michael. Illustrated by Buehr, Walter. Moon Base. New York : GP Putnam's Sons. (72 p.) 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1959moonbaseIS. Primary. B&W drawn illustrations.  Building on the 1st book this discusses a permanent settlement on the Moon. Many full page and double-page illustrations of rockets, Moon vehicles, and Moon base. Number 2 in Nephew and Chester’s space quartet ( #1 being Nephew. “Moon Trip" (1958)). See 1960 softcover reprint.












Page, Lou Williams. A Dipper Full of Stars: A Beginner's guide to the heavens (3rd edition). California State Dept of education. (223 p.) 22 cm. Cloth.

IT. Primary. B&W photographs and drawings. The 3rd updated edition of an astronomy book first published in 1944. Text is mostly about astronomy, of interest is chapter 9 "satellites and space travel (pp. 190-213). This material focuses on basic rocket theory and the use of satellites, with some discussion of manned exploration of space. Illustrations of satellites and rockets. See 1944 1st edition. Also 1964 edition.

Podendorf, Illa. Illustrated by Borja, Robert. The True Book of Space. Chicago: Children's Press. (48 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. B&W and 2 color drawings. A very basic science book about what space is and how we plan to travel in it.  Illustrations of rockets, satellites, space suits, space stations and space suits.  An interesting early book probably intended for school use. Included in the 1963 "True Science Library" in the same volume with "Air Around Us" and "Moon, Sun and Stars". Reprinted in 1960 with the title: "My Easy-to-read True Book of Space".  Also 1965 edition.

Radlauer, Edward and Radlauer, Ruth. About Missiles and Men. Chicago : Melmont Publishers. (45 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. B&W photographs. A very basic book about the men who design, construct, and test missiles. It follows a missile from initial design through its construction all the way to launch. Includes short paragraphs about the roles of project engineers, aeronautical engineers,  chemists, draftsmen,  and machinists.  "Look, Read, Learn" series.

Ross, Frank Jr. Guided Missiles: The Rockets and Satellites of Today and Tomorrow (2nd edition). New York: Lothrop, Lee and Shepard.(216 p.) 22 cm. Cloth.

IT. Primary/secondary. B&W photographs and drawings. Discusses the history of rockets, U.S. missile development since World War 2, satellites, and the future of guided missiles. Filled with photographs of military rockets. The chapter on satellites has a number of illustrations of satellites as well as a proposed "ICBM four-man space station". See 1951 1st edition under the title: "Guided Missiles: Rockets and Torpedoes, Covering the principles and techniques of the missiles of today and tomorrow".

Ross Jr., Frank. Young People's Book of Jet Propulsion : Containing foreign jets. (3rd edition). New York: Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Co Inc. (222 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. See 1948 1st edition.

Stoiko, Michael and Cox, Donald. Illustrated by Stanilla, N. Man… in the Universe: What You Should Know about Our Solar System. Philadelphia: John C Winston Co. (41 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. Color paintings. Shows each of the planets from space, also includes a nice fanciful illustrations of astronauts on the Moon seeing a flying saucer.  It gives a description of the conditions on each planet.  Includes a table of planetary properties at the back.

Taylor, John W.R. and Allward, Maurice. Every Boy's Book of Flight. London. Spring Books. (188 p.) 25 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. B&W drawings and photographs. Mostly about aviation. Has chapters on "Rockets and Missiles" (pp. 155-168), "Men in Space" (pp. 169-1974), "Living in Space" (pp. 178-183), and "Preparing for Space" (pp. 184-188). Has no space art with a couple of photographs of a rocket, Sputnik II and a centrifuge.

Taylor, John W.R. Aircraft: Biplanes, Monoplanes, Jets, Sputniks, Rockets. London : Hulton Press. (66 p.) 26 cm. Illustrated Boards

ID. Primary. "Swift Picture Books" series.

Taylor, John W. R. Illustrated by Wood, John W. Rockets and Satellites Work like This. London : Phoenix House / New York : Roy Publishers. (71 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1959rocketsandsatellitesworklike1IT. Primary. B&W drawings. It has 60 drawings of rockets, Moon ships, and military missiles. Part of "Science Works Like this" series. Also 1961, 1964, 1968 editions with the same title and 1970 edition re-titled “Rockets and Spacecraft: How They Work”.








 Throm, Edward L. Illustrated by Urbanowich, Evelyn and Pious, Robert. The Boy Engineer. New York : Golden Press. (248 p.) 25 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary/secondary. B&W drawings and paintings. Primarily about the history and story of engineering, this book is included for its final 9 page chapter written by Willy Ley on "Space and Rocket Engineering". Illustrations (borrowed from the Disney "Man in Space" books) of rockets, satellites and a Mars ship. See 1960 reprint.

Vessel, Mathew F. and Wong, Herbert H. What is Space? San Francisco: Fearon Publishers. (14 p.) 22 cm. [format unknown].

ID. "Fearon Science education" (No. P-1).

Walt Disney. Walt Disney's Man in Space. New York : Dell Pub Co Inc. (96 p.) 26 cm. Softcover.

Primary. Color drawings. Comic Book. An anthology of the 3 Walt Disney "Man in Space comic adaptations: "Satellites" (1958), "Man in Space" (1956), and "Mars and Beyond" (1957). Back cover shows heights reached by recent rockets (1959) and the building of a space station. "Dell Comics Giant" (#27). $0.35 cover price.








Walt Disney Productions. Adapted for school use by Ley, Willy. Illustrated by Carbe, Nino. Man and Weather Satellites : A Tomorrowland Adventure. Syracuse, NY: LW Singer Co. Inc.  (48 p.) 21 cm. Softcover.

1959manandweathersatellitestomorrowland1IC. Primary. Color paintings and photographs. It focuses primarily on meteorology discussing only at the end how satellites may help with weather prediction. Has a few illustrations of satellites, the Earth from space, and a proposed "space mirror" to change the climates. A nice book but not the best in the series. Some materials was used from this book in the Disney short film "Eyes in Outer Space" (1962). "Tomorrowland Adventure" series.













Walt Disney Productions. Adapted for school use by Ley, Willy. Illustrated by Carbe, Nino. Man in Space: A Tomorrowland Adventure. Syracuse, NY: LW Singer Co. Inc. (48 p.) 21 cm. Softcover.

1959mandissp1.gifIC. Primary. Color paintings and photographs. Based on the 1955 Walt Disney television program "Man in Space".  Discusses the effect of space flight on astronauts, and the first space missions. The book is very lush for such a small book. Includes photos of Werner von Braun discussing staged rockets, and lovely paintings of a rocket on the pad, the launch into Earth orbit and testing space suits and a fiery re-entry prophetic of modern shuttle missions. "Tomorrowland Adventure" series.











Walt Disney Productions. Adapted for school use by Ley, Willy. Illustrated by Carbe, Nino. Mars and Beyond : A Tomorrowland Adventure. Syracuse, NY: LW Singer Co. Inc. (48 p.) 21 cm. Softcover.

1959marsandbeyondtomorrowland1.gifIC. Primary. Color paintings, photographs and drawings. Based on the 1957 Walt Disney television program "Mars and Beyond". Covers conditions on Mars and the other planets, a description of a manned expedition to Mars and whether conditions for life exist on Mars.  Has wonderful color paintings of the Earth from orbit, the Mars ships, Mars from orbit, a landing on Mars and a Mars colony. Difficult to find. "Tomorrowland Adventure" series.


















Walt Disney Productions. Adapted for school use by Ley, Willy. Illustrated by Carbe, Nino. Tomorrow the Moon : A Tomorrowland Adventure. Syracuse, NY: LW Singer Co. Inc. (48 p.) 21 cm. Softcover.

1959tomorrowthemoon.gifIC. Primary. Color paintings and photographs. One of the best of the "Tomorrowland Adventure" books, based on the 1955 Walt Disney television program "Man and the Moon". Discusses the history of lunar astronomy.  Also show the construction of a space stations and a flight to the Moon. Of special interest are photos of Wernher Von Braun (from the film) explaining with models his concept of a lunar mission. "Tomorrowland Adventure" series.













Watson, Jane Werner. Illustrated by Carbe, Nino. Man in Flight: A Tomorrowland Adventure. Syracuse, NY: LW Singer Co. Inc. (48 p.) 21 cm. Softcover.

IC. Primary. Color paintings and photographs.  Primarily about the history of flight this has no space art in it except 1 painting of the XR-1 at the back in the "supersonic flight" section. "Tomorrowland Adventure" series.

Wyler, Rose and Ames, Gerald. Illustrated by Polgreen, John. The Golden Book of Astronomy: A Child's Introduction to the Wonders of space (Revised 2nd edition). New York: Simon and Schuster. (98 p.) 34 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IT. See 1958 2nd edition and 1955 1st edition.




Adventure in the Sky. Edited by L.S. Richardson and The Nestle Company. Sydney, AU : The Nestle Company (Australia) Ltd. (72 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IT. Primary. Color paintings, photographs and B&W drawings. This is a book about aviation and space flight issued by Nestle Australia and Quantas Empire Airways Ltd. Written with an Australian slant on aviation the book has slots for colored stamps (found in chocolate bars) to be glued into the book. The text covers the history of aviation and space flight through 1960. Although mostly about aviation the last chapter is entitled "Into Space --- Greatest Adventure of All" (pp. 66-72).  This chapter gives a basic history of space flight, discusses military rockets and outlines Von Braun's plans for a space station, moon landings, and Mars expedition. The stamps have photographs of airplanes and a few rockets.

Asimov, Isaac. Illustrated by Polgreen, John. Satellites in Outer Space. New York: Random House. (79 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. B&W (blue tinted) drawings and paintings. Discusses uses of satellites and conditions found in space. Last chapter discusses upcoming Mercury launches. Focuses on U.S. satellites up until August 1959.  Illustrations of satellites, the Earth from space and a space capsule. "Easy to Read" (R-16). Also 1964, 1966, 1973 editions.

Beeland, Lee and Wells, Robert. Illustrated by Coggins, Jack. Space Satellite: The story of the man-made Moon (3rd edition). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. (78 p.) 25 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. Color and B&W drawings and paintings. Updated with a new prologue, a revised chapter reporting on the I.G.Y. results and upcoming space probes, and a "space log" of launches through 9/18/59. See 1957 1st edition.

Bendick, Jeanne. The First Book of Space Travel (2nd ed.). New York : Franklyn Watts. (93 p.) 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. B&W drawings. Revised and rewritten to include current scientific information and describes current rockets, missiles, satellites, and the advent of manned spaceflights.  See 1953 1st edition.

Bergaust, Erik. Rockets of the Air Force. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons. (48 p.) 28 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IP. Primary. B&W photographs. Mostly publicity photos of the various rocket systems used by the Air Force at the time, including the X-2 and X-15 efforts.

Bergaust, Erik. Rockets of the Army. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons. (48 p.) 28 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IP. Primary. B&W photographs. Mostly publicity photos of the various rocket systems used by the Army at the time.

Bergaust, Erik. First Men in Space. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons. (48 p.) 28 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IP. Primary. B&W photographs. Photographs of the early space program and includes profiles of the 7 Mercury astronauts.

Bergman, Jules. Ninety seconds to Space: The X-15 Story. Garden City, NY: Doubleday and Co Inc.  (224 p.) 27 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IR. Primary/Secondary.

Branley, Franklyn M. Illustrated by Geygan, George. Guide to Outer Space. New York: Home Library Press. (32 p.) 26 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1960guidetoouterspace1.gifID. Primary. B&W and color paintings. Primarily an introduction to astronomy with several nice illustrations of a space station, space suits and manned exploration of the solar system.













Burt, Olive. Space Monkey: The True Story of Miss Baker. New York : John Day Co. (64 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1960spacemonkey.jpgIR. Primary. B&W photographs. See 1961 UK edition.














Chester, Michael and Kramer, Saunders B. Discoverer: The Story of a Satellite. New York  : GP Putnam's Sons. (48 p.) 28 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1960discovererstorysat.jpgIR. Primary. B&W photographs. Covers in detail the development of the Thor Agena launch system and the Discovery satellite program. An important piece of early space flight testing, revealed in the 1980s as the start of the U.S. "spy satellite" program.












Classics Illustrated. Illustrated by Evans, George, Glanzman, Sam and McCann, Gerald. Rockets, Jets and Missiles. New York : Gilberton. (96 p.) 26 cm. Softcover.

IT. Primary. Color drawings. Comic book. Covers the history of rockets, a dictionary of "space" terms, descriptions of each of the planets, military rockets, and Project Mercury. Many illustrations of rockets and astronauts. "Classics Illustrated Special" (Issue #159A) December 1960.












Colby, C.B. Count Down: The Story of Our Missile Bases. New York: Coward-McCann. (48 p.) 28 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

1960countdown.jpgIP. Primary. B&W photographs. This book is a series of publicity photographs from NASA and aerospace contractors arranged thematically with extensive captions.  Reprinted several times with a new photographic cover. Also 1970 edition.








Cooke, David C. Jet and Rocket Planes that Made History. New York : Putnam. (70 p.) 19 x 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary.

Coombs, Charles. Gateway to Space. New York: William Morrow and Co. (256 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary/secondary. B&W photographs. The text cover all aspects of space exploration from descriptions of rocket theory to various military aerospace projects and the civilian efforts at exploration.  The last  chapter on possible future exploration is especially interesting. Many photographs of aerospace company space art.

Coombs, Charles. Illustrated by Smith, Robert G. Project Mercury. New York: William Morrow and Co. (64 p.)  22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1960projectmercury.gifID. Primary. B&W charcoal drawings. Wonderful illustrations. The artist, Robert Smith shows a feel for the equipment that is involved in getting a rocket off the ground that is breath-taking.  One of the best books for children showing the excitement of Project Mercury. See 1968 softcover reprint.
















Cox, Donald. Illustrated by Kocher, W.A. Stations in Space: Our Stepping Stones to the Stars. New York: Holt Rinehart and Winston. (55 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1960stationsinspace.gifIC. Primary. Two color paintings. Excellent illustrations of the many varieties of space stations that had been proposed up to that time, both historic ideas and current. Also shows many of the proposed types of rockets needed for manned exploration.













Davis, Clive E. Man and Space. New York : Dodd, Mead, and Co. (95 p.) 19 x 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary/secondary.




Del Rey, Lester. Illustrated by Heugh, James. Rockets Through Space: The Story of Man's Preparation to Explore the Universe (2nd edition). Philadelphia: Winston. (118 p.) 27 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1960rocketsthroughspace2ed.jpegIT. See 1957 1st edition.













Del Rey, Lester. Rockets through Space (Revised 1st edition). Greenwich, CN : Fawcett Pub Inc. (192 p.) 18 cm. Softcover.

IT. Primary/Secondary.

Dietz, David and others. Exploring Space. Columbus, OH : Highlights for Children Inc. (? p.) 28 cm. Softcover.

IA. Primary. B&W and 2 color drawings. Anthology of selected space flight articles that appeared in "Highlights" magazine between 1947-1959. "Highlights Handbook" series.  Also 1964 edition.

Hutchinson, William M and Spielberg, Dr. Kurt. Illustrated by Hutchinson, William M. Space Travel.  IN Standard Treasury of Learning, Volume 14, pp 1172-1198. New York: Standard Reference Works Publishing.  (89 p.) 27 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1960standardtreasuryoflearningvol14.jpgID. Primary. Color paintings.  A combination of book and encyclopedia it contains the updated text of Space Travel. New  text about Russian and U.S. satellites and a table of space vehicle launches through May, 1960.  See 1958 1st edition.











Hyde, Margaret O. From Submarines to Satellites: Science in Our Armed Forces (2nd edition). New York: Whittlesey House. (106 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. See 1958 1st edition.


Johns, Kenneth. The True Book about Space Travel. London: Frederick Muller. (144 p.) 19 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1960truebookaboutspacetravel1.jpgIR, IC. Primary/secondary. B&W drawings












Kay, Terence. Space Volunteers. New York: Harper and Brothers. (136 p.) 25 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IC. Primary/secondary. B&W photographs. Focuses on aerospace human testing and the "space volunteers" who have helped gain knowledge about man's resistance to temperature, pressure, g-forces etc. Includes photographs of astronauts and pilots in space suits and testing equipment.



Knight, Clayton. The How and Why Wonder Book of Rockets and Missiles. New York: Grosset and Dunlap. (48 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1960rockets&missiles.gifIT. Primary. Color and B&W paintings and drawings. Text focuses on military and NASA use of rockets for national defense and space exploration. Many illustrations of missiles in use at the time. Discussion of conditions in space and Russian accomplishments in space. Illustrations of rockets, satellites, space stations. Also found in softcover. "How and Why Wonder Books" #5005. Also 1962, 1967, 1970 editions.












Lauber, Patricia. Illustrated by Renshaw, Arthur. All About the Planets. New York: Random House. (139 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. 2 color (blue tinted) paintings and drawings. The text is concerned with conditions found on the planets. Illustrations of satellites, the planets from space, the surface of the Moon. "Allabout books" #33.

Lawrence, Mortimer W. The Rockets' Red Glare: The Challenge of Outer Space. New York: Coward-McCann, Inc. (121 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. B&W photographs, paintings and drawings. Covers basic rocket history, conditions in space and astronaut testing, the X-15 flights and the planned Mercury program.  Illustrations of rockets, space gliders and space stations.

Lewellen, John D. The Story of Flight: From Ancient Winged Gods to the Age of Space. London : Purnell. (94 p.) 34 cm. Illustrated Boards.

                IT. UK reprint of 1959 1st  US edition.

Malmstrom, Ray. Eagle Book of Spacecraft Models. London : Longacre Press Ltd. (64 p.) 27 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IH. Primary/secondary. B&W drawings and photographs. The text minimally describes some of the plans for space exploration. The book is not about manned space flight as such, rather it contains 9 full size plans “to build tomorrow's balsa wood models today”.

Moore, Patrick. Illustrated by Helm, A L. The Boy’s Book of Space (4th ed.). London : Burke. (143 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. See 1954 1st ed.

Nephew, William and Chester, Michael. Illustrated by Buehr, Walter. Beyond Mars. New York: GP Putnam's Sons. (72 p.) 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1960beyondmars1.gifIS. Primary. B&W (blue tinted) drawings. This book functions as a sequel to "Planet Trip" (1960) by the same authors. It focuses on manned space travel beyond Mars to the other planets as well as travel to other stars. Heavily illustrated with interplanetary craft, it also illustrates the construction and functioning of a "generation ship" as it travels between the stars.













Nephew, William and Chester, Michael. Illustrated by Buehr, Walter. Moonbase. New York: Scholastic Book Services. (64 p.) 21 cm. Softcover.

                IS. Softcover reprint. See 1959 1st edition.

*Nephew, William and Chester, Michael. Illustrated by Buehr, Walter. Planet Trip. New York: GP Putnam's Sons. (72 p.) 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1960planettrip.tifIS. Primary. Orange and blue drawings. The text focuses on a trip to Mars.  Filled with many full page illustrations. One of the earlier non-fiction children's books focusing solely on a manned trip to Mars.








*Neurath, Marie. Man-made Moons. New York : Lothrop, Lee and Shepard / London : Parrish. (36 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1960manmademoons1.jpgID.B&W (red and/or blue and/or yellow tinted) drawings. Discusses satellites, rocket fuels, orbits, and animals in satellites.  "How and Why" series (US). "Colour Book" series (UK). See 1961 reprint.









Neurath, Marie. Rockets and Jets (5th edition). London : Wood, Rozelaar and Wilkes. / New York: Lothrop, Lee and Shepard. (36 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. See 1951 1st edition.

Newell. Homer E. Illustrated by Jauss, Anne Marie. Space Book for Young People (2nd edition). New York: Whittlesey House. (128 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. See 1958 1st edition.

Nicholson, Thomas D. A Rocket Trip to the Moon. New York: Columbia Record Club. (45 p.) 30 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1960arockettriptothemoon.gifIS. Primary. B&W paintings and drawings. Text starts with a short history of space flight, followed by 1 page of text per illustration describing an imaginary trip to the Moon with some striking illustrations of a landing on the Moon. Book includes 2 cards containing 32 (6 x 14 mm) slides of the illustrations, which could be projected with a special projector.  The series was revised and this title was replaced by Bonestell, "Rocket to the Moon" (1961). "Adventures in Nature and Science Panorama Colorslide book".











Our Place in Space. Sydney, Australia: Australian Visual Education Pty. Ltd. (32 p.) 29 cm. Softcover.

1960ourplaceinspace1.jpgIT. Primary. B&W (color tinted) drawings and paintings.  Classroom text about astronomy and manned spaceflight. Illustrations of the planets, a space station, and a manned landing on the Moon. Has a 2 fold cardboard cover. "Pictoral Social Studies, Series 2".












Reed, W. Maxwell. The Stars for Sam (2nd edition). New York: Harcourt Brace and Co. (179 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. B&W photographs and illustrations. Revision and updating of the 1931 edition. This was a popular children's astronomy book for many years. With the space race a decision was evidently made to bring it up to date and re-issue it. It's main focus is astronomy and the planets. However the new last chapter is titled "We Step into Space". Photographs of rockets, satellites, astronauts. No space art.

Schussler, Eileen and Schussler, Raymond. Illustrated by McMains, Denny. Starbound: The Story of Rocketry. New York: GP Putnam's Sons. (160 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. B&W charcoal drawings. This book focuses on the history of space flight, US space flight research, the planned Mercury mission and exploration of the Moon and Mars. Illustrations of rockets, astronauts, satellites, and a Mars ship. Also 1964 adaptation.

Shelton, William R. Countdown: The Story of Cape Canaveral. Boston : Little, Brown. (185 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IR. Primary.


Tannenbaum, Harold E, Stillman, Nathan. Illustrated by Lovelle, Tom. We Read About Rockets and How They Work. St Louis: Webster Publishing Co. (24 p.) 23 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1960wereadaboutrockets.gifID. Primary. Color and B&W paintings. Covers basic rocket history and theory. It has a number of illustrations of rockets and space suits. "Webster Junior Science" series.














Tannenbaum, Harold E. and Stillman, Nathan. Illustrated by Walter, John and Kish, Lester. We Read about Earth and Space. St. Louis: Webster Publishing Co. (24 p.) 23 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1960wereadaboutearthandspace.gifID. Primary. B&W and color drawings. Beginning science text about the Earth, the Moon and the solar system.  A few illustrations of the Earth from space, a rocket, the Moon and the Planets from space, and a satellite. "Webster Junior Science" series.












Tellander, Marian. Illustrated by Hodgell, Robert. Space. Chicago: Follett Publishing Co. (32 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. Color paintings. Cover basic astronomy and the planets of the solar system.  Only a few "space art" illustrations including the Earth and Mars from space and the surface of Mercury. "Follett Science" series. See 1967 reprint.






Von Braun, Wernher. Illustrated by Freeman, Fred. First Men to the Moon. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. (96 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1960firstmentothemoon1.gifIS. Secondary. B&W drawings and paintings. This book is a description of a voyage to the Moon with extreme scientific detail (being the only children's book written by Wernher Von Braun). Each page has sidebars explaining the terms used in the story. Fred Freeman as a space artist is known for his earlier work in the "Collier's" magazine articles about space flight and Moon exploration. There are sketches and drawings on almost every page. Adapted from a 1958-1960 serial story written for "This Week" magazine. See 1961 UK reprint and a "condensed version for children" as part of the anthology "Treasury for young readers" (1961).



Adler, Irving. Illustrated by Adler, Ruth. Seeing the Earth from Space: What the man-made moons tell us (3rd edition). New York : John Day Co. (160 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1961seeingtheearthfromspace.jpgIT. Primary/secondary. B&W drawings. Based in part on Adler. "Man-made moons" (1958). See 1962 reprint. See 1957 1st edition.








Allward, Maurice. Illustrated by Taylor, John W.R. ABC Satellites and Space Travel. London : Ian Allan. (65 p.) 19 cm. Softcover.

IT. Secondary/adult. B&W photographs and drawings. Updating (and title change) of  Allward. "ABC Rockets and Space Travel" (1956). "Ian Allan ABC" book.


Allward, Maurice. Illustrated by North, T.E. Timothy's Space Book. London : Collins. (44 p.) 21 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1961timothyspacebook.gifID. Primary. B&W and color drawings and paintings. Basic text includes a history of space flight, basic rocket theory, and plans for Project Mercury. Contains many beautiful illustrations of rockets, spacesuits, space stations, the surface of the Moon, and the planets.







Astronauts: Exciting Accurate Punch-outs ready to assemble: Including Redstone Rocket, Ground Control Center, Launching the Atlas, and Recovery of the Astronaut. New York : Golden Press. (6 pp.) 33 cm. Softcover.

1961astronautspunchout.jpgIH. Primary. Color paintings. Build punch-out of the first Mercury launch.  Illustrations of astronauts and rockets. "Golden Funtime Punch-out Books" (GF200).












Beitler, Stanley. Illustrated by Culin III, John. Rockets and Your Future. New York: Harper and Brothers. (141 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Secondary. B&W drawings and photographs. A "one stop" book for older children interested in space flight.  Discusses rocket theory, the history of rockets, the activities of the US  space program, and how to "prepare for a career in rocketry". Has a 10 pg. glossary of terms at the back.

Bergaust, Erik. Birth of A Rocket. New York : GP Putnam’s Sons. (48 p.) 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IP. Primary. B&W photographs. Heavily captioned photographs of the construction of rockets.


Bergaust, Erik. Rocket Aircraft, U.S.A.  New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons. (48 p.) 28 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IP. Primary. B&W photographs. Many publicity photographs of the various rocket aircraft systems in use including the X-1, X-15, and Dynasoar programs.

Bergaust, Erik. Rockets to the Moon. New York: GP Putnam's Sons. (48 p.) 28 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1961rocketstothemoon.gifIP. Primary. B&W photographs. Discusses planned lunar exploration efforts both unmanned and manned. Text is a nice snapshot of what was thought possible at the time. A unique photograph caption is on pg. 47 to an illustration (from Martin) of the Air Force's 1st anti-gravity ship (also used on the cover).  Includes photographs of rockets, lunar bases, lunar vehicles from space art generated by NASA and the aerospace contractors.








Bergaust, Erik. Rockets to the Planets. New York: GP Putnam. (48 p.) 28 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1961rocketstotheplanets.jpgIP. Primary. B&W photographs.  Discusses life on other planets, exploration of Mars and Venus, and future manned and unmanned planetary exploration programs.  Illustrated with photographs of rockets, as well as space art of space stations and interplanetary vehicles as proposed by NASA and aerospace contractors like Martin, Rocketdyne, and Aerojet-General.












Binder, Otto. Illustrated by Solonevich, George and Berger, Charles. Jets and Rockets. New York : Golden Press. (48 p.) 28 cm. Softcover.

IT. Primary. Color paintings and B&W drawings.  Pages 18-48 are concerned with rockets, both military and civilian. With 48 color stamps to put in appropriate places. "Golden learn-about book" (P-96).

Binder, Otto. Illustrated by Solonevich, George. The Moon: Our Neighboring World (2nd ed.) New York : Golden Press. (54 p.) 24 cm. Illustrated Boards.

ID. Primary. Color paintings, drawings and photographs. Small changes in text and several paintings are different from the 1st edition. Text is formatted differently so illustrations are not in the same order. See 1959 1st edition.

Bonestell, Chesley. Illustrated by Bonestell, Chesley. Solar System. New York: Columbia Record Club Inc. (45 p.) 30 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IT. Primary. B&W paintings and drawings. The text explains conditions found on the planets of the solar system. This book has an unusual format, an introduction to the subject then pages describing each of the 32 illustrations. The book includes a set of 2 cards containing 32 (6 x 14 mm) slides of the illustrations, which could be projected with a special projector and a 33 1/3  RPM (20 min.) record with narration by Walter Cronkite. A rarer book to find. "Panorama" series. Also 1967 edition with some paintings in color.

Bonestell, Chesley. Illustrated by Bonestell, Chesley. Rocket to the Moon. New York: Columbia Record Club Inc. (46 p.) 30 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1961rockettothemoon.gifIT. Primary. B&W paintings and illustrations. Consists of a short introduction to space flight and then 32 pages where each page describes a different stage of a trip to the moon represented by the illustration. The book includes a set of 2 cards containing 32 (6 x 14 mm) slides of the illustrations, which could be projected with a special projector and a 33 1/3 RPM (20 min.) record with narration by Walter Cronkite.  "Panorama" series. Also 1968 edition with some of the paintings in color.








Branley, Franklyn. Illustrated by Kessler, Leonard.  A Book of Planets for You. New York : Thomas Y Crowell. (58 p.) 21 x 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Also 1966 edition.

Branley, Franklyn M. Illustrated by Wimmer, Helmut K.. Exploring by Astronaut: The Story of Project Mercury. New York: Thomas Y Crowell. (104 p.) 20 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IR. Primary/Secondary. B&W paintings and drawings. Explains the planned Mercury program in anticipation of the first launch. Has illustrations of rockets, space capsules, and space suits. Helmut Wimmer's painting are very beautiful, even in black and white. Interesting how the accuracy of the paintings anticipated what the photographs of the actual mission would look like.

Branley, Franklyn. Illustrated by Sokol, Bill. Rockets and Satellites. New York: Thomas Y Crowell. (40 p.) 21 x 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. B&W drawings (blue or green tint). See 1964 UK reprint. Also 1970 edition.


Burt, Olive. Space Monkey.  London : Darwen Finlayson (48 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1961spacemonkey.jpgIR. Primary. B&W photographs. See 1960 US 1st edition under title: “Space Monkey: The True Story of Miss Baker”








Caidin, Martin. X-15: Man's Daring Flight into Space (2nd edition). New York : The Ridge Press. ( 64 p.) 20 cm. Softcover.

IR. Primary. B&W photographs. Slight re-titling from 1st edition, text and photographs very similar. "Rutledge Book" (RB22). See 1959 1st edition.

Chester, Michael. Illustrated by McMains, Denny. Let's Go to a Rocket Base. New York: GP Putnam. (48 p.) 21 cm. Cloth.

1961letsgorocketbase.jpgIS. Primary. B&W (orange tinted) drawings. Focuses on a trip to a rocket base similar to Cape Canaveral. Illustrations of rockets, rocket engines, launch towers, control rooms, basic rocket theory, telemetry and uses of rockets.












Classics Illustrated. Illustrated by Torres, Angelo, Kirby, Jack, and Glanzman, Sam. To the Stars! New York : Gilbert Company. (96 p.) 26 cm. Softcover.

1961tothestars.gifIT. Primary. Color drawings. Comic book. Covers the history of space flight and astronomy. Also has sections on the constellations and the conditions on the various planets of the solar system.  Has a great cover painting of a rocket launch. Classics Illustrated Special Issue (#165A) December 1961.














Cooper, Gordon : Wainwright, Loudon and The Seven Astronauts of Project Mercury . Astronauts, Pioneers in Space. New York: Golden Press / London : Cassell. (92 p.) 27 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1961astronautspioneersinspace.gifIR. Primary. Color and B&W photographs. A cooperative book between Golden Press and Life magazine this presents the story of the Mercury program in 9 chapters, 2 by the editor and 1 by each of the Mercury astronauts covering training, the space capsule, the mission etc. This was written before Alan Shepard's flight and is a nice "snap shot" of the time.












Cooper, Gordon : Wainwright, Loudon and The Seven Astronauts of Project Mercury . Astronauts, Pioneers in Space (Post-flight printing). New York: Golden Press  (95 p.) 27 cm. Softcover.

IR. Primary. Color and B&W photographs. Sub-titled "Special Edition, containing Commander Alan Shepard's own account of his flight into space". A soft-cover revised edition of the 1961 hardback edition was issued after Alan Shepard's May 5, 1961 flight. Contains  Alan Shepard's account of his flight on pp. 84-93.


Del Rey, Lester. Illustrated by Polgreen, John. Space Flight: The Coming Exploration of the Universe (2nd edition). New York: Golden Press. (54 p.) 24 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IT. Primary. Color paintings. Some minor text updating. Includes information about Explorer, later satellites, and the Jupiter C rocket. No discussion of manned launches. See 1959 1st edition.

Dietrich, Fred and Reit, Seymour. Illustrated by Bukor, Harold, Peschke, Karl,  and Voh, Oswald. Wheels, Sails and Wings: The Story of Transportation. New York: Golden Press. (94 p.) 34 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IT. Primary. Color drawings and paintings. Text is primarily concerned with all forms of transportation with many large illustrations. Last section focuses on "New Horizons" and has several nice illustrations of rockets, satellites, a city of the future, and a spectacular painting of a "Von Braun-type" space station.

Egan, Philip S. Illustrated by Fleishman, Seymour. Space For Everyone. Chicago: Rand McNally and Co.  (72 p.) 28 cm. Cloth, DJ / Softcover.

1961spaceforeveryone.jpgIT. Secondary. B&W photographs and (blue-tinted) drawings. Popular book covering astronomy, orbital mechanics, and rocket theory.  Heavily illustrated with diagrams of the planets, orbits, and rockets.  This is an example of one of many basic books that appeared after the first Mercury launch to explain what this "space thing" was all about.








Ellacott, S.E. Illustrated by Ellacott, S E. Rockets. New York : Criterion Books. (160 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. See 1959 UK 1st edition.

Gilmore, H.H. Illustrated by Gilmore, H.H. Model Rockets for Beginners. New York, NY : Harper and Row. (117 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IH. Primary. B&W drawings.  Although this has no "space art" it is still fascinating. The author provides instruction and diagrams to build 16 scale paper models of current and future rockets. The first few pages are devoted to the history of rockets, rocket theory and some famous rockets and satellites. Provides instructions for models of the Atlas, Titan, Thor, Snark, Bomarc, Minuteman, Jupiter, Redstone, Honest John, Nike-Hercules, Polaris, Talos, USSR CH-10, USSR T-2, Project Mercury Capsule, Saturn, and Nova rockets.

Greene, Carla. Illustrated by Cieslak, Donna. I Want to be a Space Pilot. Chicago: Children's Press. (28 p.) 25 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1961iwanttobeaspacepilot.gifID. Primary. B&W and color drawings. The text describes in very simple words the basic facts about space flight and astronaut training. Illustrations of rockets, space suits, and a Moon base. "I want to be…" series. See 1963 UK  reprint and 1969 US reprint as a 2-sided book paired with "I want to be a scientist" as part of a 5 book "I want to be..." set.













Haggerty Jr, James J. Illustrated by Lupo, Dom. Project Mercury.  New York: Scholastic Book Services. (63 p.) 21 cm. Softcover.

1961projectmercury.jpgIR. Primary/Secondary. B&W photographs and drawings.  A nice basic description of the history of the Mercury program and astronaut training.













Hendrickson Jr, Walter B. Illustrated by Russell, Jack. Pioneering in Space. Indianapolis, IN: Bobbs-Merrill Co Inc. (256 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IC. Secondary. B&W drawings.  The text concerns biomedical testing and training of astronauts and X-15 pilots.  Also discusses the planned Mercury launch and conditions in space.

Hyde, Margaret O. Edited and with Additional Material by Hoare, Robert G. Illustrated by Lee, Colin. Flight: Today and Tomorrow (2nd edition). London : Brockhampton Press. (137 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Revised UK edition. See 1953 1st edition.

Leavitt, William. The Space Frontier, with Astronautics Glossary (2nd edition). Washington, D.C. : National Aviation Education Council. (32 p.) 28 cm. Softcover.

IT. Secondary/adult. See 1958 1st edition.

Lent, Henry Bolles. Man Alive in Outer Space; Our Space Surgeons' Greatest Challenge. New York : Macmillan. (147 p.) 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1961manaliveinouterspace.jpgIT. Primary/secondary. B&W photographs. Discusses "why put a man in outer space?", the Mercury astronauts, and biomedical testing for spaceflight. Includes chapters on testing for tolerance to G-forces, temperature variation, noise, low air pressure, and isolation.












Lewis, Claudia. Illustrated by Weisgard, Leonard. When I Go to the Moon. New York: Macmillan Co. (28 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1961whenigotothemoon.jpgIS. Primary. Color paintings. A basic book about viewing the Earth from the point of view of a boy standing on the Moon. A beautiful children book filled with loose impressionistic paintings of the Earth in space, and the surface of the Moon. This book is not so much about space flight, with only one picture of a rocket but rather viewing the Earth as a whole, seeing your place on Earth from a new point of view. See 1967 reprint.











May, Julian. Illustrated by Potts, Richard. There's Adventure in Astronautics. New York: Hawthorn Books Inc. (160 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IS. Primary. B&W (blue tinted) drawings.  Text is about young boys learning scientific facts about astronauts and astronaut training. Covers conditions in space, design of space capsules, animal flight testing, and the future benefits of space flight research. Pictures of rockets, astronauts, and space stations. "Popular Mechanics Career" series.

Moore, Patrick. The Boy’s Book of Space (4th revised edition). New York: Roy Publishers. (143 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary/secondary. B&W drawings and photographs. Updated text with information about the far side of the Moon (Lunik III). Drawings are reused from other editions but has several new photographs. See 1954 1st edition. 

Munch, Theodore W. Illustrated by Tiedemann, Berthold. What is a Rocket? Chicago : Benefic Press / London : Collins. (48  p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. US and UK reprint. "What is it… series". See 1959 US 1st edition.

Munch, Theodore W. Illustrated by Tiedemann, Berthold. What is a Solar System? Chicago : Benefic Press / London : Collins. (41 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. US and UK reprint. "What is it…"series. See 1959 US 1st edition.


Myrus, Don.  The Astronauts: The True Story of Man's Greatest Adventure in Outer Space. New York: Grosset and Dunlap. (92 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1961theastronauts.jpgIR, IP. Primary. B&W photographs and drawings. Mostly photo-illustrated this describes the first planned U.S. manned space mission. Last chapter has short biographies of the Mercury 7 astronauts.  Also 1962, 1963, 1964 editions re-titled “Keeping Up with the Astronauts”.








Newell, Homer E. Illustrated by Fauss, Anne Marie. Guide to Rockets, Missiles and Satellites (2nd edition). New York : Whittlesey House. (95 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. See 1958 1st edition.

Parker, Bertha Morris. Illustrated by Teason, James. Satellites and Space Travel.  New York: Row, Peterson, and Co. / London : Wheaton. (36 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1961satellitesandspacetravel.gifID. Primary. Color paintings. Text focuses on the basic facts of space flight known up to the time.  Discusses the basic components needed for space flight and projected future space craft and landings on the Moon and space stations. Checked for scientific accuracy by Wernher von Braun. Also found in softcover. See 1963, 1966 reprints.








Robbins, Jack, Caraker, George E, and Curtis, L. Illustrated by Hoopes, Harold Dexter. Earth and Space Science for Today. Bronxville, NY : Cambridge Book Co Inc. (284 pp., 90 p.) 19 cm. Softcover.

IT. Secondary/adult. B&W drawings. This is a textbook-type presentation of Earth and space science. It is 2 books in one and the second 90 page book on space science is of interest. Includes questions at the end of each chapter and a fold out back cover showing US rockets and missiles and "steps in the US Moon landing program”.

Robbins, Jack, Caraker, George E, Curtis, L. Illustrated by Hoopes, Harold Dexter. An Introduction to Space Science. Bronxville, NY : Cambridge Book Co Inc. (90 p.) 19 cm. Softcover.

IT. Secondary/adult. B&W (red tinted) drawings. This is a textbook-type presentation of space science. Includes questions at the end of each chapter and a back cover showing US rockets and missiles. Drawings are very detailed and futuristic. See Robbins. "Earth and Space Science Today" (1961) for this book combined with another.

Schanche, Don A. Illustrated by Strauss, Myron. The Astronauts: Pioneers in Space. New York: Golden Press. (48 p.) 28 cm. Softcover.

IR. Primary. Color photographs and B&W drawings.  Describes the early US space program and astronaut training with 48 color stamps and drawings of various aspects of the space program. Many of the photographs of the astronauts are from "Life Magazine". "Golden Learn-about book"

Schanche, Don A. Illustrated by Strauss, Myron. Men in Space. New York: Golden Press. (48 p.) 28 cm. Softcover.

1961meninspace.jpgIR. Primary. Color photographs and B&W drawings.  Describes the Project Mercury with 48 color stamps and drawings of various aspects of the training program. Many of the photographs of the astronauts are from Life Magazine. "Golden Stamp Book" P-87.













Schneider, Leo. Illustrated by Schrotter, Gustav. Space in Your Future. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World Inc. (260 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Secondary. B&W drawings and photographs. Mostly about astronomy and tools of the astronomer, last chapter is ""Man leaves the Earth". Minimal space art.

Sharp, Elizabeth N. Illustrated by Waltrip, Mildred. The Science Book of Jets and Rockets. New York : Science Materials Center. (48 p.) 31 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IE. Primary. 2 color (red and blue) drawings. A book of 8 experiments with explanatory text. Covers mostly the topic of jet engines with some coverage of the principles and use of rockets. Each book in the series came with a kit of science materials. This one came with a model jet engine you assembled. Illustrations of rockets. "Science book-labs" series, #1427.

Stambler, Irwin. Space Ship : The Story of the X-15. New York : Putnam. (48 p.) 28 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IR. Primary. B&W photographs. Discusses the training of pilots for and basic engineering of the X-15. Illustrated with publicity photographs and diagrams of the pilots, machinery and flight path.   

Taylor, John W.R. and Allward, Maurice. Illustrated by Sentovic, J.  Eagle Book of Rockets and Space Travel. London : Longacre Press. (192 p.) 27 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1961eaglebookofrocketsandspacetravel1.gifIT. Primary/secondary.  B&W photographs, drawings and paintings. Covers all aspects of space travel, from the history of space to rocket models to future Moon landing plans and interplanetary travel. Interesting for its British perspective on space travel and rocket research.












Taylor. John W.R. Illustrated by Wood, John W. Satellites Work Like This. (2nd edition). London : Phoenix House / New York : Roy Publishers. (71 p.) 25 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IC. "Science Works Like this" Series. See 1959 1st edition.

Taylor, John W.R.. Space Flight: A Swift Picture Book. London : Longacre Press Ltd. (64 p.) 26 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IR, IP. Primary. B&W photographs. Heavily photo-illustrated with captioned photographs rather than text.  It has a large number of recent (1961) photographs of rockets, missiles and space launches. It seems to have been issued just after Gagarin since photographs of Alan Shepard are not included. Book ends with a number of photographs of  aerospace contractor’s paintings of "space-ships of tomorrow". “Swift Picture Books” series.


Throneburg, James. Illustrated by Plasencia, Peter. Man on the Moon: Our Future in Space. New York: Alfred A Knopf. (63 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1961manonthemoon.tifID. Primary. B&W drawings. An excellent early book about a manned voyage to the Moon. It discusses the history of study of the Moon, what current theories about it are and why we must explore the Moon. It lays out the steps building up to a manned trip and then discusses an imaginary voyage from take off  (in your 6 man ship) to touchdown. Illustrations of rockets, astronauts, a lunar lander, and a Moon base.











Treasury for Young Readers. Pleasantville, NY : Reader's Digest Association. ( 202 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IA. Primary. Color and B&W drawings. Story anthology which includes a "condensation" for children of: Von Braun. "First Men to the Moon" (1960) on pages 87-98. Several nice color illustrations by Fred Freeman are reproduced from the book including a fold-out diagram of a rocket. See 1963 edition with different stories under the title "New Treasury for Young Readers".

Von Braun, Wernher. Illustrated by Freeman, Fred. First Men to the Moon. London : Muller. (96 p.) 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IS. UK reprint of 1960 1st US edition.

Wells, Robert. Illustrated by Curran, Robert. Alive in Space: The Science of Bio-Astronautics. New York : Little, Brown. (180 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IC. Primary.

Wells, Robert. Illustrated by Tinsley, Frank. What does an Astronaut Do? New York: Dodd Mead and Co. (63 p.) 22 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1961whatdoesanastronaut.jpgIP. Primary. B&W photographs. This book focuses on the day-to-day tasks of an astronaut. Many of the photographs are of NASA and aerospace space art. There are paintings of  projected rockets, space stations and lunar bases.











Wilkins, Hugh P. The True Book About the Moon. London : Wilkins. (141 p.) size? Cloth?

IT. Secondary?



Adler, Irving. Illustrated by Adler, Ruth. Seeing the Earth from Space: What the man-made moons tell us (3rd edition). New York : New American Library. (144 p.) 18 cm. Softcover.

1962seeingtheearthfromspace.jpgIC. Primary/secondary. B&W drawings. Reprint of 1961 edition. "Signet Science Book". See 1957 1st edition.














Allward, Maurice. Illustrated by Teece, I. Do You Know about Space Flight. London : WM Collins Sons and Co. (48 p.) 25 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

1962doyouknowaboutspaceflight.gifID. Primary. Color and B&W paintings and drawings. A basic book about space flight covering the history of rockets, rocket theory, how satellites work, current manned missions, and future expeditions. It has paintings of  satellites, the Dyna-Soar glider in space, a manned landing on the Moon, a Moon rover and a manned landing on  Mars. Also found in softcover. "Pageant of Knowledge" series.












Bergaust, Erik. Rocket Power. New York : Putnam. (48 p.) 28 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IP. Primary. B&W photographs. Primarily photographs and text describing the big liquid-propellant engines in use at the time. Systems discussed include Thor, Agena, Atlas, Titan, Saturn, F-1, and nuclear. Uses mostly aerospace contractor's photographs and paintings.

Bergaust, Erik. Saturn Story. New York: GP Putnam’s Sons. (48 p.) 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IP. Primary. B&W photographs. Primarily a photographic book on space and rocket technology focusing on the construction and testing of the Saturn booster. The last few pages focus on the planned uses of the Saturn booster including several paintings of possible space stations.  With an introduction by Wernher von Braun.

Bergaust, Erik. Space Stations. New York: GP Putnam's Sons. (48 p.) 28 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IP. Primary. B&W photographs, paintings and drawings. Uses large  number of publicity photographs and aerospace contractor illustrations with one illustration per page and extensive captions. It has a minimal narrative throughout the book but the pleasure is in the  illustrations of the many space station ideas that were being explored at the beginning of the space program.

Branley, Franklyn M. Illustrated by Wimmer, Helmut K. Mars: Planet Number Four. New York: Thomas Y Crowell. (116 p.) 23 cm Cloth, DJ.

IC. Secondary. B&W paintings and drawings. Text concerns all that is known about Mars from its formation, atmosphere, temperature, satellites, canals, and life on Mars to how man may reach Mars. Paintings of Mars from space and a Mars ship. “Exploring Our Universe” series. Also 1966, 1975 editions.

Challenge Magazine. Illustrated by Bertolino, P A. An Adventure in Space. New York : Challenge Magazine. (24 p.) size? Softcover.

ID. Primary. B&W (blue tinted) drawings. It cover basic aspects of space flight, space suits, conditions in space and description of the planned Apollo mission to the Moon.  Set up as an introduction to space flight it was intended as a career book.  With preface by James Lovell and  a postscript by Wernher Von Braun. See reprint as Smithsonian Institution, "An Adventure in Space" (1967).

Coombs, Charles I. Rocketmen and What They Do. New York: Franklin Watts Inc. (184 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Secondary. No illustrations. Discusses the people who fire rockets and support those firings. Descriptions include NORAD personnel, Submarine ICBM operators, fuel fabricators, and aerospace medicine technicians, devoting a chapter to each.

Dan Dare's Space Annual 1963. London : Longacre Press, Ltd. (109 p.) 27 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IA. Primary. B&W drawings and photographs. Although mostly focused on the fictional space hero Dan Dare, this annual has 6 non-fiction articles written by Maurice Allward about space flight including astronaut training, the Mercury missions, and manned exploration of the Moon. It also has a wonderful comic strip version of Yuri Gagarin 1st flight. Illustrations of rockets, satellites, astronauts, manned landing on the Moon.

Desoutter, Denis. Illustrated by Jenkins, David L. Your Book of Space Travel. London : Faber. (72 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. B&W drawings.  An introduction to space travel consisting of 19 short chapters (3-5 pgs.) covering topics such as orbits, rocket theory, surviving in space, problems of weightlessness, and is there life on other planets. "Your book" series. Also 1970 edition.

Dewey, Anne Perkins. Robert Goddard: Space Pioneer. Boston: Little, Brown, and Co. (154 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

BF. Primary. B&W photographs. Biography of Robert Goddard.


Dietz, David. All About Satellites and Space Ships (2nd ed.) New York: Random House. (137 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1962allaboutsatellitesandspaceships.jpgIT. Primary. B&W photographs and drawings. Heavily revised from the 1958 edition this takes advantage of advances in space flight by using lots of full page photographs. It covers the same basic topics as the 1958 including: The history of rockets and the first satellites into space.  Also has new chapters on man into space, scientific tools in space, exploring the Moon, space stations, and atomic space ships. Still one of the best books about the whole range of the US space program at the time. See 1958 1st edition.











Eisner, Will. America's Space Vehicles: A Pictorial Review. New York : Sterling Publishing Co. (140 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IP. Secondary/adult. B&W photographs and paintings. A picture book of present and future space vehicles, includes sections about launch vehicles, rocket motors, Earth satellites, interplanetary vehicles and manned space vehicles. Lots of photographs and aerospace contractor paintings. Illustrations of every space vehicle and mission planned at the time so it is a snapshot of the space program right at its birth (up to Oct 1961). Many paintings by Frank Tinsley who was one of the great science fiction artists and did a lot of aerospace illustrations later in his life.

Ely, Lawrence D. Your Future in Aerospace Technology. New York : Richard Rosen Press. (153 p.) 20 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1962yourfutureaerospace.jpgIC. Secondary. "Careers in depth" #23.















Foley, Scott. Illustrated by Miller, Garet. Man in Orbit. New York: Parent's Magazine Press Inc. (40 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1962manintoorbit.gifID, IR. Primary. B&W (color tinted) paintings. A basic book about John Glenn's orbital flight. Consisting of 3 "chapters”, the 2nd is about the history of rockets, the others focusing on a narrative of Glenn's voyage. Paintings of rockets, space suits, space capsules, and the Earth from space.













Forler, Gladys. Adventures Beyond Our Earth. Racine, WI : Whitman. (80 p.) 31 cm. Softcover.

IH. Primary. Color drawings. A workbook/ play activity book with perforated pages. Concentrates mostly on astronomy with illustrations of star maps, telescopes and the solar system.  Has a few illustrations of space capsules, space suits and satellites.

Freedman, Russell. Illustrated by Cook, Lauren. Man's Greatest Adventure. Chicago : Science Research Associates. (32 p.) 21 cm. Softcover.

BF. Primary. Brown & white drawings. Biography of Wernher Von Braun. Text adapted from Freedman. "Teenagers who made history" (1961). "SRA Pilot Library IIC" (#56). 

Freeman, Mae and Freeman, Ira. Illustrated by Patterson, Robert. You will Go to the Moon. London : Collins. (63 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IS. UK reprint of 1959 1st US edition.

George, Frances. Illustrated by Bopst, Joan. You and Space. Washington, DC: National Aerospace Educational Council. (30 p.) 22 x 28 cm. Softcover.

1962youandspace.gifID. Primary. Two color drawings and paintings. A pamphlet intended for elementary school classroom use. Text alternate between questions for the teacher to ask and pages for the student. Discusses the basic concepts of space exploration.  Illustrations of rocket space suits, surface of the Moon. See 1964 reprint.












Goodwin, Hal. Edited by Helen Hoke and Patrick Pringle. Illustrated by Wenck, Paul. The Real Book of Stars (2nd ed.).  London : Dobson. (190 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. UK only edition with no US second edition. See 1951 1st US edition under the title "The Real Book About Stars".

Gunn, John. Illustrated by Morgan, Derek. The Conquest of Space. Sydney, AU : The Nestle Company (Australia) Ltd. (55 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1962theconquestofspace.gifIT. Primary. Color paintings, photographs and B&W drawings. This is a book about space flight issued by Nestle Australia as part of their "Nestle's Space Club". The book has slots for 100 colored stamps (found in chocolate bars) to be glued into the book. The text covers the history of space flight through 1961, the first manned space efforts, a mission to the Moon, our solar system and planned future space missions. The stamps have a variety of images from photographs of equipment and missions to various paintings of future spacecraft and the surface of the Moon and other planets. Written with an  Australian/UK slant this is a unique book.










Gurney, Gene. Americans into Orbit: The Story of Project Mercury. New York: Random House. (190 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IR. Primary. B&W photographs. The text covers the history of rockets and space exploration, choosing the Mercury astronauts (with short biographies of each), Mercury missions up to 1962, and the Soviet space program.  This was one of the best selling children's space books at the time (according to the cover). "Landmark Book" series (#101). Also 1965, 1969 editions.

Haggerty Jr, James J. Spacecraft. New York: Scholastic Book Services. (159 p.) 20 cm. Softcover.

IT. Secondary. B&W photographs. Describes history of space flight, theories of rockets, future planned manned and unmanned space exploration. Last chapter includes science experiments and a bibliography. "Vistas of Science Book" (#1).

Hendrickson Jr, Walter B. Illustrated by Perry, Stephen. Space Travel. Chicago: Science Research Associates. (24 p.) 21 cm. Softcover.

IT. Primary. B&W drawings. Text derived from: Hendrickson. “Pioneering in Space (1961)”. Illustrations of space suits and a Moon ship. "SRA Pilot Library IIC" (#39).

Highland, Harold Joseph. Illustrated by McMains, Denny. The How and Why Wonder Book of Planets and Interplanetary Travel. New York: Wonder Books. (47 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated boards.

1962howwhybookplanetsinter.jpgIT. Primary. Color and B&W drawings and paintings. Text focuses on the solar system, history of rockets, human factors in space  travel, and current exploration efforts. Illustrations of rockets, astronauts, a manned landing on the Moon. Updated text through the editions but the illustrations remain the same. "How and Why Wonder Books" #5068.  Also found in softcover ("How and Why Wonder Books" #5048). Also 1967, 1969 editions.














Hill, Robert W. What Colonel Glenn Did All Day. New York: The John Day Co. (64 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1964colglendid.jpgIR, IP. Primary. B&W photographs. This is a photographic scrapbook of John Glenn's flight.  Each photo is captioned and linked with 1 page intervening "chapters".













Hyde, Margaret O. Illustrated by Geary, Clifford N. Flight: Today and Tomorrow  (2nd edition). New York: Whittlesey House. (139 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. B&W drawings. Primarily about aerospace although the last few chapters do touch on space flight. The space flight sections does not seem to be updated. See 1953 1st edition.

Hynek, J. Allen and Anderson, Norman D. Illustrated by Wimmer, Helmut K. Challenge of the Universe. New York / McGraw-Hill. (143 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ. / New York : Scholastic. (143 p.) 20 cm. Softcover.

IT. "Vistas of science" (#4). Also 1964 edition.

Kane, Elmer R and Fellger, Merrill C. Illustrated by Tiedemann, Berthold. What is Space. New York: Benefic Press. (47 p.) 21 cm. Cloth.

ID. Primary. Color and 2-color drawings and paintings. This very basic book explores what is space and how do we explore it.  Filled with many illustrations of rockets and satellites, the book ends on a single photograph of John Glenn in his spacesuit. See 1964 reprint.


King, Henry. Illustrated by Ball, Alan. Worlds in Space. Leicester, England : Brockhampton Press. (96 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. B&W Drawings. Basic text about the position of the Earth in space, the solar system and the universe.  Illustrations of the Earth from space, the Moon, astronauts, and planets of the solar system. "Brock Books World of Science". Also 1964 US reprint re-titled: "Our world in space…".

Knight, Clayton. The How and Why Wonder Book of Rockets and Missiles (2nd edition). New York: Grosset and Dunlap. (48 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IT. Primary. 2 color and B&W paintings and drawings. Minor text changes to include the Mercury Program with mostly the same illustrations. Also found in softcover. "How and Why Wonder Books" #5005. See 1960 1st edition.

Longo, Angelo and Barry, Catharine. Illustrated by Longo, Angelo. The Space Book. New York: Paxton-Slade Publishing Co. (44 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Boards,

1962thespacebook.gifID. Primary. 2 color drawings. Very basic text about astronomy, rockets and the manned exploration of space.  Simple illustrations include planetary surfaces, spacesuits, various launch vehicles and spaceships of the future. "Paxton-Slade Picture-Story Books".














Mallan, Lloyd. Satellites As a Hobby. Maplewood, NJ: C.S. Hammond and Co. (45 p.) 27 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IE. Secondary/adult. Color and B&W photographs, paintings and drawings. Aimed at a popular audience to cover some of the basic of satellite theory, the use of satellites, how to buy a telescope and the use of a telescope to observe satellites. It has a number of nice paintings of satellites, a Moon colony, and rockets. Also contains interesting (incorrect) text concerning the formation of the craters on the Moon via gas bubble formation.

Myrus, Donald. Keeping Up With the Astronauts: The Story of Man’s Greatest Adventures in Outer Space Including the John Glenn and Scott Carpenter Flights. New York: Grosset and Dunlap. (92 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IR. Updated (and re-titled) edition for 1962. See 1961 1st edition under Myrus. "The Astronauts" (1961).

 Neurath, Marie. Speeding Into Space (4th ed.) London : Parrish. (36 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. 3 color drawings. Very slight textual revisions with mostly unchanged illustrations. See 1954 1st edition.

Parker, Bertha Morris. Rockets and Missiles. New York : Harper and Row / London : Wheaton. (36 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. Color drawings.

Philips, Dean. Illustrated by Smith, R F. Man and Missiles. Akron, OH: Saalfield Pub Co. (48 p.) 28 cm. Softcover.

1962manandmissiles.jpgIT. Primary. B&W and color drawings and paintings. Text covers the history of rockets, military and civilian use of rockets, and manned exploration of space.  Has illustrations of rockets, spacesuits, space stations, Moon and planetary exploration.  Harder to find but similar to the more common "How and Why Wonder Books" series. "Saalfield Science" series (#5860).













Phillips, Dean. Illustrated by Smith, Robert. Man in Flight. New York : Saalfield Publishing Co. (48 p.) 28 cm. Softcover.

1962maninflight.jpgIT. Primary. B&W and color drawings and paintings. Primarily about aviation. Harder to find but similar to the more common "How and Why Wonder Books" series. "Saalfield Science" series (#???).













Pierce, Lt. Col. Philip N. and Schuon, Karl. John H Glenn: Astronaut. New York: Franklin Watts /  London : Harrap. (208 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1962johnhglennastronaut.gifBF. Primary/secondary. B&W photographs and drawings. A biography of John Glenn. The first 69 pages concern his life pre-Mercury program, it then discusses training, his historic flight and the aftermath.  Included in the appendix is his address to congress on Feb 26, 1962.













Pizer, Lt. Col. Vernon. Illustrated by Takdil, Talat. Rockets, Missiles and Space. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co. (160 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary/secondary. B&W photographs. Summarizes the history and basic principles of rockets followed by discussions of missile technology and use, satellites, and men in space.  Includes a glossary of space terms at the back.

Polgreen, John and Polgreen, Cathy. Illustrated by Polgreen, John and Polgreen, Cathy. A Look at the Moon. Garden City, NY: Doubleday and Co Inc.  (24 p.) 27 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

ID. Primary. Color and B&W drawings. Gives simple facts about the Moon and its surface. A few nice illustrations of the Moon's surface as well as spaceships and astronauts.  Has a detailed appendix for the teacher or parent giving more facts about the Moon.

Rocca, Angelo. Illustrated by Fedini. The Solar System. New York : Duell, Sloan and Pearce. (58 p.) 32 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IT. Primary. Color paintings. This is one of 3 books by Rocca I have found with space art by Fedini (see Rocca. "The Moon" (1963) and Rocca "Our Sun and its Planets" (1963) ). Originally published in Italian in 1961 this is an 1962 English translation. The text discusses stars, the sun and planets of the solar system. Includes large paintings of many of the planets' surfaces as an imaginary rocket takes you through the solar system.

Ross Jr, Frank. Illustrated by Polgreen, John. Beyond the Sky. Chicago : Science Research Associates. (32 p.) 21 cm. Softcover.

IT. Primary. B&W drawings An SRA booklet derived from: Ross. “Partners in Science" (1961). Illustrations of rockets and satellites. "SRA Pilot Library IIC" (#72).

Rush, Hanniford. Man to the Moon: The Wonderful World of Project Apollo. Chicago: Rand McNally and Co. (96 p.) 27 cm. Softcover.

IT. Primary/secondary. B&W photographs. With lots of photographs of contractor's space art, the text covers the plan to go to the Moon, some of the plans for exploration, Moon colonies, what private life on the Moon might be like, and how we may explore the solar system.  Lots of amazing pictures of Moon domes, Moon vehicles, and civilians on the Moon.

Schneider, Leo. Illustrated by Schrotter, Gustav. Man Leaves the Earth. Chicago : Science Research Associates. (32 p.) 21 cm. Softcover.

IT. Primary. B&W drawings. A SRA booklet derived from:  Schneider. “Space in Your Future (1961)”. Illustrations of rockets and a space station. "SRA Pilot Library IIC" (#19).

Simmons, Sanford. Planets and Space Travel (2nd ed.) Garden City, NY: Doubleday and Co. (127 p.) 26 cm. Softcover.

IH. Primary/Secondary. B&W (single color tinted) drawings. A play activity book similar to the 1st edition in content, but with a blue rather than black cover, and updated to reflect events up to January 3, 1962. Illustrations of rockets, space suits, a Moon landing, and U.S. and Russian space vehicles. See 1958 1st ed.






Smaus, Jewel and Spangler, Charles B. America's First Spaceman. Garden City, NY: Doubleday and Co. Inc. (159 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1962america'sfirstspaceman.jpgBF. Secondary. B&W photographs.  A basic biography of Alan B Shepard.












Solomon, Louis. Telstar: Communication Break-through by Satellite. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc. (64 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1962telstar.jpgIR. Primary/secondary. B&W photographs. Describes the events leading up to the launch of Telstar as well as a chronology of the first transmissions in orbit. It conveys the excitement of the early space launches, especially the "will it work?" of each new launch. Also 1963 and 1965 editions.













Stine, G. Harry. Illustrated by Zacks, Lewis. Man and the Space Frontier. New York: Alfred A Knopf. (149 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1962manandthespacefrontier.gifIT. Primary/secondary. B&W drawings. This book address the human factors that need to be accounted for in planning for space exploration, pressure, heat, g-forces, sound etc. Illustrations of  astronauts, a rocket and a space station.












Taylor, John W.R. Rockets and Missiles. Feltham, England : Odhams. (127 p.) 10 x 13 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1962rocketsandmissiles.jpgIT, IP. Primary. B&W photographs. Photographs of each type of rocket or missile alternating with descriptions. Pocket sized book.  "Hippo Books" series (#8). Also 1968, 1971 editions.









Thompson, Gordon V. E. Illustrated by MacKenny, R. J. Artificial Satellites. London : Weidenfeld and Nicholson. (140 p.) 19 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IC. Secondary. B&W photographs and drawings. Written by the editor of the "Journal of the British Interplanetary Society". Discusses history of satellites, orbits, launching satellites, tracking satellites, and the uses of satellites.  "The Young enthusiast library: The Young Scientist" (#19).

The Universe, Earth and Man. Maplewood, NJ: CS Hammond. (64 p.) 32 cm.  Illustrated Boards.

IT. Primary/secondary. Color paintings. Text is a brief survey of scientific knowledge including astronomy, geology, evolution, meteorology, sociology etc. Last section is "Man in relation to his future discussing the environment around the Earth and the exploration of space. Illustrations include the solar system, satellites, rockets, and spacesuits. Very fine space art on pp. 2-5, 8-11, 56-64.  Many of the illustrations and much of the text was reused in "Our World in Space Atlas" (1963). Also 1967 edition.

Verral, Charles Spain. Illustrated by Zachs, Lewis. Go! The Story of Outer Space. New York: Prentice-Hall. (72 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1962gothestoryofouterspace.gifID. Primary. B&W drawings and paintings. History of spaceflight, discussion of current and future space efforts. Illustrations of satellites, rockets, astronauts, a moon base and a space plane. "Prentice-Hall Science Books for Young Readers". See 1970 softcover reprint.












Viorst, Judith. Projects: Space. New York: Washington Square Press. (221 p.) 17 cm. Softcover.

IE. Secondary. B&W photographs.  This book gives an overview of all aspects of space flight and includes information about constructing rockets and science fair opportunities.  Illustrated with a center photographic section.

Watson, Jane Werner. Illustrated by Solonevich, George. Science of the Heavens. Chicago : Science Research Associates. (32 p.) 21 cm. Softcover.

IT. Primary. B&W drawings. A SRA booklet derived from: Watson. About radio astronomy. Illustrations of a radio dish. Derived from “The World of Science (1958)”. "SRA Pilot Library IIC" (#51).

Wells, Robert. Illustrated by Martin, Kenneth. Testing Man for Space. Chicago : Science Research Associates. (32 p.) 21 cm. Softcover.

IT. Primary. B&W drawings. Derived from: Wells. “Alive in Space: The Science of  Bio-astronautics (1961)”. Illustrations of rockets and astronauts. "SRA Pilot Library IIC" (#?).

Welmers, Everett T. Thrust Into Space. New York : Scholastic. (128 p.) size? Softcover.

IT. Primary.


Bendick, Jeanne. The First Book of Space Travel (3rd edition). New York: Franklin Watts. (93 p.) 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. B&W drawings. Text revised and rewritten to include more on military missiles, telemetry, planetary probes and launch vehicles. With many new illustrations of rockets and satellites it reuses some images from the first edition. See 1953 1st edition.

Bergwin, Clyde R. Animal Astronauts: They Opened the Way to the Stars. New York: EM Hale and Co. (207 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IR. Secondary. B&W photographs in an 8 page center section.  Gives a history of the use of animals in space flight research. See 1965 reprint.

Book of Space Adventures #1. London : Atlas Publishing and Distributing Co. Ltd. (62 p.) 31 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1963bookofspaceadventures.jpgIA. Primary. Color drawings and B&W drawings and photographs.  Title page title is "Boys' Book of Space : with factual features on the World's space programme and fictional adventures of SPACE ACE - intrepid Commander of the Galactic patrol". Short articles on the history of rockets, training for space, exploration of the Moon, and the Dyna-Soar project. Also #2 (1964), #3 (1965), and #4 (1966).














Branley, Franklyn M. Illustrated by Bobri, Vladimir. What the Moon is like. New York: Thomas Y Crowell. (40 p.) 21 x 23 cm. Cloth.

1963whatmoonislike.jpgID. Primary. B&W and 2 color drawings. Simple text about phases of the Moon and conditions on the Moon. Illustrations of spacesuits, the surface of the Moon, rockets and a Moon landing. The illustrations are very simple and very striking, well worth seeking out. Also 1964 UK reprint.












Branley, Franklyn M. Illustrated by Kessler, Leonard. A Book of Astronauts for You. New York: Thomas Y Crowell. (48 p.) 21 x 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. B&W (blue or red tinted) drawings. Illustrated on every page, this book focuses mostly on astronaut training and the Mercury Program, although Gemini and Apollo are also mentioned. "A Book of  …. For You" series.


Briscoe, Mervyn and Gerard Gibbons. Rocket Propulsion. London: Chatto and Windus. (63 p.)  21 cm. Cloth, DJ.














Brenna, Virgilio. Illustrated by Brenna, Virgilio. The Moon. New York: Golden Press. (104 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

1963themoon1.gifIT. Primary/secondary. Color and B&W paintings and photographs. This is a unique book in that many of the pictures in it are composites of paintings and photographs of a plaster model of the moons surface. The text covers what is known about the Moon, the theories of formation, geography and geological processes. It has no illustrations of rockets or space flight but the picture/paintings of the Moon's surface are wonderful to see.








Caidin, Martin. By Apollo to the Moon. New York : Dutton. (183 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IC. Primary/Secondary.

Canby, Courtland. A History of Rockets and Space. Hawthorn Books Inc. (112 p.) 28 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Secondary/adult. Color and B&W photographs and drawings. Volume 1 of "The New Illustrated Library of Science and Invention". This is a nice history of rockets. With photographs on almost every page this is barely a "children's book" but the full page illustrations at the end of planned future space missions are wonderful (pp. 94-101).


Chester, Michael. Illustrated by Coggins, Jack. Let's Go on a Space Trip. New York: GP Putnam's Sons. (48 p.) 21 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

1963letsgoonaspacetrip.jpgID, IS. Primary. B&W drawings.  It focuses on a first person point of view as you go up in a Mercury capsule. Contains an excellent drawing of re-entry as friction flames engulf the capsule.













Chester, Michael and McClinton, David. Illustrated by Bartram, Robert. The Moon: Target for Apollo. New York: GP Putnam's Sons. (160 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Secondary. B&W drawings and photographs. The focus of the book is on the Moon, its formation, effect on the tides, astronomy, etc and only secondarily on the manned and robotic exploration of it.

Coombs, Charles. Illustrated by Foor, R.H. Lift-off: The Story of Rocket Power. New York: William Morrow and Co. (96 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. B&W drawings and paintings. Rocket theory, history of rocketry, types of rocket motors, rocket guidance. Illustrations of construction and test-firing of rockets, satellites, and an ocean launch of a rocket.

Fenton, Carroll Lane. Illustrated by Fenton, Carroll Lane. The Moon for Young Explorers. New York : John Day. (64 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1963moonforyoungexplorers.jpgID. Primary. Blue & white (yellow tinted) drawings. With 38 illustrations, this is a basic book about conditions found on the Moon and the present and future exploration of the Moon. Illustration of rockets, unmanned probes, a manned landing on the Moon, Moon cars and a Moon base.  Uses mostly very early designs of the Apollo vehicles to illustrate exploration.












Freeman, Russell. 2000 Years of Space Travel. Holiday House. 256 pp. Size? Cloth, DJ.

IT. Secondary.

Gottlieb, William P. Illustrated by Dahlin, Ed, Jenney, Robert and Cantwell, James. Space Flight and How it Works. Garden City, NY: Doubleday and Co. (61 p.) 27 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

1963spaceflightandhowitworks.gifIE. Primary. Color and B&W drawings and paintings, B&W photographs. Answers 22 questions about space flight with diagrammed answers and experiments to try.














Greene, Carla. Illustrated by Cieslak, Donna. I Want to Be a Space Pilot. London : Chambers. (32 p.) 25 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. UK reprint of 1961 1st US edition.

Guillot, Rene. Illustrated by Giannini. Astronomy. Racine, WI: Whitman Publishing Co. (104 p.) 32 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IT. Primary/secondary. Color paintings. Text covers astronomy, planned exploration of the Moon, history of rocketry, current space effort. Many illustrations of rockets, spacesuits, space stations, Moon landing, Moon rovers, and planetary surfaces. "Whitman World Library". Translation of the French book "L'espace" by the same author. 

Hendrickson, Walter B. Satellites and What They Do. Indianapolis, IN: Bobbs-Merrill. (272 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ. (juvenile!)

IC. Primary.

Hendrickson, Walter B Jr. Study of Rockets, Missiles, and Space Made Simple. Garden City, NY: Doubleday and Co Inc.(151 p.) 26 cm. Softcover.

IC. Secondary. B&W drawings.

Hill, Robert W. What the Moon Astronauts Will Do All Day: The Official Plan of Project Apollo. New York: John Day Co. (64 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IP. Primary. B&W photographs. Shows some of the events that will have to take place for US astronauts to prepare for a lunar mission. it has very little linking text rather extensive captions for each photograph which are gathered into various chapters. A nice early photo album of the space program. Also 1966, 1968 editions under the same title and 1971 edition under the title "What the Moon Astronauts Do".

Hirsch, S Carl. Illustrated by Silverman, Burt. The Globe for the Space Age. New York: Viking Press. (88 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. 2 tone charcoal drawings. Winner of the 1963 Edicon award for the Best Children's Science Book. This combines a history of globes and planetary maps with the new uses and possibilities of maps in the space age. It ties in the seasons, weather prediction, with geography.  The last chapter does project what other planets geography might be like as we explore the Moon.

Holsaert, Eunice. Illustrated by Solbert, Ronni. Outer Space. London : Oliver and Boyd. (48 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. UK reprint of 1959 1st US edition. "Open Gale Library" (#3).

Hutchinson, William M. and Spielberg, Kurt. Illustrated by Hutchinson, William and Dugen, John. Space Travel. London : Oliver and Boyd. (30 p.) 26 cm. Illustrated Boards.

               ID. UK reprint of 1958 1st US edition.

Hyde, Margaret O. Exploring Earth and Space (3rd edition). New York: Mc-Graw Hill. (159 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary/secondary. B&W drawings and photographs. Updated text includes discussion of the production of energy by atomic fusion, Mariner II Venus results, Project Apollo and Project Mohole. See 1957 1st edition.

Hyde, Margaret O. From Submarines to Satellites (3rd edition). New York: McGraw-Hill. (107 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. See 1958 1st edition.

Johnson, Robert. Illustrated by Bakacs, George. Astronomy: Our Solar System and Beyond. Racine, WI : Whitman Publishing. (58 p.) 22 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IT. Primary. Color drawings.

King, H C. Illustrated by Hall, Roger. Do You Know about Our Solar System. London :  Collins Sons and Co. (48 p.) 27 cm. Cloth.

1963doyouknowaboutoursolarsystem.gifID. Primary. B&W and color paintings. Mostly concerned with astronomy, there are illustrations of space probes, the surfaces of several planets and a manned landing on the Moon. "Pageant of Knowledge" series.








Mehrens, H.E. Revised by Conroy, Charles W. The Dawning Space Age (2nd ed.) Ellington Air Force Base, Texas : United States Air Force, Civil Air Patrol National Headquarters. (248 p.) 22 cm. Softcover.

IT. Secondary. B&W (blue or red tinted) drawings and photographs. A textbook for Civil Air Patrol cadets it was also recommended for use in secondary schools. Discusses the history of rockets and manned space flight, rockets engine theory, missile guidance, and future planned space missions. It is notable for its many aerospace contractor's paintings and illustrations of present and future rockets. See 1959 1st edition.

Moore, Patrick. The Boy's Book of Space (6th edition). London : Burke. (144 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. B&W photographs and drawings. According to introduction the first "completely new edition" since the 1954 first edition (the other editions being revisions). A mixture of astronomy and space flight information, this covers many basic topics. Revised to take into account the many discoveries then arriving from space satellites and the planned manned space flight efforts. See 1954 1st edition.

Myrus, Donald. Keeping Up with the Astronauts 2: The Story of Man's Greatest Adventures in Outer Space Including the Glenn, Carpenter and Schirra Flights. New York: Grosset and Dunlap. (92 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IP, IR. See Myrus "Keeping Up With the Astronauts…"(1962) and 1961 1st edition.

Neurath, Marie. Rockets and Jets (6th edition). London : Max Parrish. (36 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. Color drawings. See 1951 1st edition.

New Treasury for Young Readers. Pleasantville, NY : Reader's Digest Association. ( 200 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IA. Primary. Color and B&W drawings and photographs. Story anthology including a condensation for children of a 1962 Time Magazine article "John Glenn and his Day in Space" on pages 38-43. Several nice color illustrations and photographs are reproduced from the article. See 1961 edition with different stories under the title "Treasury for Young Readers".

Newlan, Irl. First to Venus: The Story of Mariner II. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co Inc. (64 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IR. Secondary. B&W photographs. This is the story of the first planetary probe to examine another planet.  The exciting story of the successes and failures as they try to collect the first data from another planet. See 1964 UK reprint.

Newlon, Clarke. Famous Pioneers in Space. New York: Dodd, Mead and Co. (127 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

BC. Primary/secondary. B&W photographs in 8 page center insert. Short biographies of 8 pioneers in the history of space flight.  Biographies include Robert Goddard, K Tsiolkovskiy, and James van Allen. Ends with 2 chapters of capsule biographies of the current Soviet cosmonauts and US astronauts.

Ordway, Frederick I and Wakeford, Ronald C. Illustrated by Lange, Harry H-K. Conquering the Sun’s Empire. New York : E.P. Dutton and Co. 128 pp. 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IC. Secondary. B&W drawings and paintings. Discusses manned exploration of the solar system. Paintings of planetary surfaces, and exploration vehicles, and space probes. See 1965 UK reprint.

Our World in Space Atlas: A concise and modern atlas containing maps of all parts of the world plus a timely section on the exploration of space. Maplewood, N. J.: C.S. Hammond and Co. (xvi, 50 p.) 32 cm. 

IT. Primary/secondary.  Color paintings and  B&W photographs. This is a 50 pages atlas of the world with a 20 page preface about "Space- A new frontier".  The preface describes and shows the universe, planets of our solar system, recent photographs of the Moon, satellites launched to that point, and possible manned missions.  Illustrations of interest include satellites, rockets, spacesuits, the interior of a space craft and early reentry ideas such as parachute, semi-ballistic re-entry and boost-glide recovery (early space shuttle). See "The Universe, Earth, and Man" (1962) for the source of many of the illustrations.


Parker, Bertha Morris. Illustrated by McNaught, Harry. The Golden Book of Science (2nd edition). New York: Golden Press. (108 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IT. See 1956 1st edition.

Parker, Bertha Morris. Illustrated by Teason, James. Rockets and Missiles. Evanston, IL : Harper and Row Publishers. (36 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Reprint, see 1961 1st edition.

Polgreen, John and Polgreen, Cathleen. Illustrated by Polgreen, John and Polgreen, Cathleen. The Earth in Space. New York: Random House. (80 p.) 24 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IT. Primary. B&W paintings and drawings. A basic astronomy book discussing the planets of the solar system. Illustrations of the planets from space and the surfaces of the Moon, Mercury, Mars, and Pluto.

Raymond, John. Illustrations furnished by the NASA. We Land on the Moon: Based on NASA's Project Apollo. Long Island, NY: Child Guild Publications Inc. (94 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1963welandonthemoon.gifIT. Primary/secondary.  Color photographs and paintings.  Text is a mixture of NASA's planned effort to explore the Moon and a fictional narrative of what the first mission might be like.  It is illustrated with some very strange aerospace contractor's illustrations along with the standard early Apollo illustrations. Presented as a text intended for school use (with a space term glossary) it really has to be seen. See 1964 UK reprint " We Land on the Moon: Based on America's Project Apollo".












Ravielli, Anthony. Illustrated by Ravielli, Anthony. The World is Round. New York : Viking Press. ( 45 p.) 28 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

1963theworldisround1.jpgIC. Primary. 3 color drawings and color paintings. Primarily focuses on the shape of the earth and historically how ideas about the shape of the earth developed. Has a nice painting of the Earth from space as view from a Mercury Capsule. Also 1970 edition.
















Rocca, Angelo. Illustrated by Fedini. The Moon. New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce. (58 p.) 32 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

1963themoonitaly.jpgIT. Primary. Color paintings. This is one of 3 books I have found written by Rocca with space art by Fedini (see The Solar System 1962, Our Sun and Its Planets 1963). Originally published in Italian in 1961 this is the English translation. The text describes the history of through about the Moon, its effect on Earth, how it was formed, and the exploration of the Moon by satellites and men. The illustrations are wonderful with strong colors. Illustrations of the surface of the Moon, satellites, and manned Moon ships.








Rocca, Angelo. Illustrated by Fedini. Our Sun and Its Planets. London : Odhams. (61 p.) 33 cm. Cloth.

IT. Primary. Color paintings. Originally published as “Il sistema solare”. Fabbri, 1961.

Sasek, Miroslav. Illustrated by Sasek, Miroslav. This is Cape Canaveral. New York: The Macmillan Co. (60 p.) 32 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1963thiscapecanaveral.jpgIP. Primary. Color paintings. Text and illustrations show a "tourist's scrapbook" of a visit to Cape Canaveral.  There are illustrations and discussion of launch equipment, the local space museum and the launch of the Atlas rockets of the Mercury program.  A colorful and fun book, highly recommended. See 1964 reprint under: Sasek. “This is Cape Kennedy.”











Schwartz, Julius. Illustrated by Simont, Marc. The Earth is Your Spaceship. New York: Whittlesey House.  (32 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary.  Color and B&W drawings. A charming book about how the Earth travels in space, gravity, the causes of day and night etc. It has only one "space" illustration, a child in a space capsule. It discusses the Earth as a model spaceship with air, heat , gravity, food, etc. See 1965 reprint.

Segal, Stanley S. Illustrated by G.E. Ball.  The Space Age. London: Blond Educational. (30 p.) 24 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

1962thespaceage1.jpgID. Primary. B&W ( yellow and red tinted) drawings. A very basic reader. Describes the space race, the Earth from space, and rockets. "The Space Age Readers" #1.












Segal, Stanley S. Illustrated by G.E. Ball. The World of Ann Martin. London: Blond Educational. (30 p.) 24 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

ID. Primary. A very basic reader. Describes a girl going to Russia to sing and discussing the space race, a landing on the moon, and what other planets are like. B&W ( yellow and red tinted) drawings. "The Space Age Readers" #2.

Segal, Stanley S. Illustrated by G.E. Ball. New Worlds of Ivan Chekov. London: Blond Educational. (30 p.) 24 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

ID. Primary. B&W ( yellow and red tinted) drawings. "The Space Age Readers" #3.

Segal, Stanley S. Illustrated by G.E. Ball. Dan Driver Trains for Space. London: Blond Educational.  (30 p.) 24 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

ID. Primary. B&W ( yellow and red tinted) drawings. "The Space Age Readers" #4.

Shelton, William Roy. Illustrated by Curran, Robert. Flights of the Astronauts. Boston: Little, Brown, and Co. (205 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IR. Primary/secondary. B&W watercolors.  Text and illustrations describing the 1st 4 US space flights. Beautiful realistic illustrations.

Solomon, Louis. Telstar: Communication Break-through by Satellite (2nd edition). New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc. / London : Constable Young Books Ltd. (64 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IR. Updated. See 1962 1st U.S. edition.

Sparks, Jr., James C. Rescue from the Air and In Space. New York : Dodd, Mead, Co. (160 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IC. Primary. Discusses Air and Sea Rescue operations.

Stoiko, Michael. Illustrated by DiPietro, Frank. Project Gemini: Step to the Moon. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. (128 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1963projectgemini.jpgIT. Primary/Secondary. B&W photographs, drawings and paintings.  Includes an overview of the history of space flight and the US space program. Goes on to outline the planned Gemini missions and tests of the booster. Nice illustrations of rockets, spacesuits, the Gemini capsule. Concludes with a discussion of the planned robot exploration of the Moon.










Sutton, Felix. Illustrated by Mora, Raul Mina. The How and Why Wonder Book of The Moon. New York: Grosset and Dunlap. (48 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IT. Primary. Color and B&W paintings and drawings. Text focuses on formation of and conditions found on the Moon and Current and planned exploration efforts.  Illustration of rockets, the Moon surface, man on the Moon, lunar probes, lunar bases. "How and Why Wonder Books" #5068. Also found in softcover ("How And Why Wonder Books" #5048). Also 1969 edition.

Understanding Rockets and Jets. London : Low, Marston. 17 pp. 32 cm. Softcover.

ID. Primary. B&W drawings. School pamphlet for classroom use.

Verral, Charles S. Illustrated by Frame, Paul. Robert Goddard, Father of the Space Age. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. (80 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

BF. Primary. B&W drawings. This is a basic biography of  Robert Goddard with drawings of him at different stages of his life.

Verral, Charles Spain. Illustrated by Frame, Paul. Rocket Genius. Englewood Cliffs, NJ : Prentice-Hall / New York: Scholastic Book Services. (76 p.) 20 cm. Cloth, DJ / Softcover.

BF. Primary. B&W drawings and photographs. A re-titling of " Robert Goddard-Father of the Space Age (1963)". Book ends with 11 pages of photographs of the current space exploration efforts up to 1963.

Winders, Gertrude H. Robert Goddard: Father of Rocketry. New York : John Day. (189 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

BF. Primary/secondary.



Adler, Irving. Illustrated by Adler, Ruth. Seeing the Earth from Space: What the man-made moons tell us (4th edition). New York : John Day Co. (216 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary/secondary. B&W drawings. See 1957 1st edition. Based in part on Adler, Irving. Man-made moons (1958).

Akens, David S. Rockets and Rocketry : A Picture History. Huntsville, AL : Strode. (228 p.) 27 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IP, IT. Also 1966 edition.

Alexander, Tom. Illustrated by Turner, Tom. Project Apollo: Man to the Moon. New York: Harper and Row. (234 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ / London : Frederick Muller.  (272 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IC. Secondary. B&W drawings. The drawings are almost simplified engineering drawings of the Apollo and Gemini spacecraft. It describes the planned flight with all its details and hazards. It also goes into the Russian race to the Moon and future space flight possibilities. British edition has a  forward by Sir Bernard Lovell.

Asimov, Isaac. Illustrated by Polgreen, John. Satellites in Outer Space (2nd edition). New York: Random House. (61 p.) 24 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

1964satellitesinouterspace.gifIT. Primary. 2 color (blue) paintings.  Describes basic satellite theory, the uses of satellites in space and satellites launched up to that point. Updated from 1960 edition with a chapter on "Man in space" with a list of men and women in orbit.  Has nice Illustrations by John Polgreen of satellites and the Mercury capsule. See 1960 1st edition.












Bixby, William and Editors of Horizon . The Universe of Galileo and Newton. New York: American Heritage Publishing Co. Inc. (153 p.) 27 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

BP. Primary/secondary. Color and B&W photographs and drawings. A biographical history of Galileo and Newton and how their theories allowed the present exploration of space and the development of astronomy. An interesting book for its use of the space race to promote history. See 1966 UK reprint.

Book of Space Adventures #2: The Latest Developments in the World Space Programmes. London : Atlas Publishing and Distributing Co. Ltd. (93 p.) 27 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1964bookspaceadventures.gifIA. Primary. 3 color drawings, B&W drawings and photographs. Contains factual articles about Mercury, Gemini,  Apollo, U.K. 3 satellite and the E.L.D.O. (European Launcher Development Organization) projects. Illustrated with a few colored drawings it has many B&W photographs of spacecraft. Has a wonderful cover illustration of an early Apollo prototype for a Moon lander. Also contains fictional comic strip "Ace Jordan".  See "Book of Space Adventures #1" (1963).












Branley, Franklyn M. Apollo and the Moon. Garden City, NY : Published for the American Museum-Hayden Planetarium by Natural History Press. (32 p.) 21 cm. Softcover.

IT. Secondary.  Part of 8 part "Astronomy Highlights" series.

Branley, Franklyn M. Illustrated by Kessler, Leonard. A Book of Moon Rockets for You (2nd edition). New York: Thomas Y Crowell Co. (58 p.) 21 x 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. B&W and 2 color drawings. Some updating of text and illustrations. Kessler's drawings are simple but fun to look at. Many pictures of rockets, lunar probes and the proposed Apollo LEM. A nice basic book. See 1959 1st edition.

Branley, Franklyn Mansfield. Illustrated by Sokol, Bill. Rockets and Satellites. London : Black. (39 p.) 21 x 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. UK reprint of 1961 1st edition.

Branley, Franklyn M. Illustrated by Bobri, Vladimir. What the Moon is Like. London : Black. (37 p.) 21 x 23 cm. Cloth.

ID. UK reprint of 1963 1st  US edition.

Butterworth, W E. The Wonders of Rockets and Missiles. New York: GP Putnam's Sons. (127 p.) 24 cm. Cloth.

IT. Primary. B&W photographs. This book focuses on the technology of rockets and missiles.  Topics include aerospace engineering, fuels, guidance, and communications. One chapter on the Saturn 5 rocket.

Carey, David. “How it Works” : The Rocket. Loughborough, Leics. : Wills and Hepworth. (53 p.) 18 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. Color paintings. "A Ladybird book". See 1967 edition.

Chester, Michael. Rockets and Spacecraft of the World. New York : Norton. (205 p.) 24 cm. Cloth.

1964rocketsandspacecraftoftheworld.jpgIT. Primary.












Clarke, Arthur C and the Editors of Life. Man and Space. New York: Time Inc. (200 p.) 28 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

1964manandspace.jpgIT. Primary/secondary. B&W and color photographs, paintings and drawings. As with the other books in the series these books were ubiquitous in school libraries and homes in the 1960s. . Text is profusely illustrated with photographs and paintings. It focuses on the history of space flight, the space race, the current exploration efforts, planned exploration efforts of the Moon and solar system. One of my favorite books as a child as there are illustrations of every kind of rocket, astronauts, satellite and space probes and imagined future ships. "Life Science Library". See 1966, 1968, 1969, 1974 editions.










Colby, C.B. Communications: How Man talks to Man across Land, Sea, and Space. New York: Coward-McCann Inc. (48 p.) 28 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IP. Primary. B&W photographs. Mostly a series of photographs with extensive captions. This book is of interest for its last few pages with photographs of the satellite relay station and the Telstar satellite. Reprinted several times with a new photographic cover.

Coombs, Charles. Aerospace Pilot. New York : William Morrow. (224 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ

IT. Secondary. B&W photographs.

Daugherty, Charles M. Illustrated by Daugherty, James. Robert Goddard: Trail Blazer to the Stars. New York: Macmillan Co. (48 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

BF. Primary. B&W (brown tinted) drawings. With editorial supervision by Willy Ley. A very basic biography of Goddard. With illustrations by a well-known children's book illustrator, it publicizes the major events of Goddard's life with very charming drawings. "Science story library".

Dietz, David and others. Exploring Space (2nd ed.) Columbus, OH : Highlights for Children Inc. (33 p.) 28 cm. Softcover.

1964exploringspace.jpgIA. Primary. B&W tinted drawings. Anthology of non-fiction articles and illustrations from 1947-1961 about space from "Highlights Magazine". Topics covered included astronomy, construction of a space stations, and manned flights to the Moon and Mars. Illustrations of rockets, space suits, space stations and a Moon landing.  "Highlights Handbook" series. See 1960 1st edition.













        Engelbrektson, Sune. Illustrated by Ames, Lee. Why Satellites Stay in Orbit? New York: Holt Rinehart and Winston Inc. (26 p.) SIZE?. Illustrated Cloth.

1964whysatellitestay.jpgID. Primary. B&W or 2-color paintings. A very basic book on gravity using satellites and space craft as examples. Illustrations of satellites, rockets and the Earth from space.














Forler, Gladys. Our Solar System and Beyond. St. Louis : Milliken Pub. Co. (64 p.) 28 cm. Format?

IT. Primary.

Gallant, Roy A. Illustrated by Ames, Lee J. Man's Reach into Space (2nd edition). Garden City, NY: Doubleday and Co. (152 p.) 32 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IT. Primary. Color, 3 color and B&W drawings. Revised text from 1959 edition. Illustrations of rockets, space suits, physical testing of pilots and astronauts, a Moon landing, and Mars. New illustrations included Mercury capsule in orbit, ion engines, Apollo capsule during re-entry, and a description of orbital transfer satellite mission to Mars. See 1959 1st edition.


Gibson, Walter B. Illustrated by Tallarico, Tony. Out of This World Fun and Activity Book. New York: Treasure Books. (64 p.) 28 cm. Softcover.

1964outofthisworldfunandactivity.gifIH. Primary. 2 color drawings. A play activity book for children 8-12 years.  It has various space oriented puzzles, games, cut-outs, mazes etc.  Interesting cover of children in space helmets riding on the outside of a rocket.









Goodwin, Harold L. Illustrated by Polgreen, John. All About Rockets and Space Flight. New York: Random House. (143 p.)  24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. B&W drawings and photographs. Give a basic history of rockets, the history of the U.S. space program, discussion of the technologies used for spaceflight, the Apollo mission plans, and conditions found on other planets. My favorite chapter title in this book is: "Turbo-ram-rocket Aero-space-plane" which discusses future propulsion technologies. "Allabout books" #50. See also 1970 edition.

Hawkins, Gerald S. Illustrated by Moore, Fred. The Sun and Its Planets. New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc. (32 p.) 13 cm x 22 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

ID. Primary. Color paintings.

Hess, Fred C. Man in Space. Garden City, NY : Published for the American Museum-Hayden Planetarium by Natural History Press. (32 p.) 21 cm. Softcover.

IT. Secondary. Part of 8 part "Astronomy Highlights" series.

Hynek, J. Allen and Anderson, Norman D. Illustrated by Wimmer, Helmut K. Challenge of the Universe (2nd edition). New York : Scholastic. (143 p.) 20 cm. Softcover.

IT. "Vistas of science" (#4). See 1962 1st edition.

James, Albert. Illustrated by Stubley, Trevor. Moving Through Air and Space. Huddersfield, England : Schofield and Sims. (111 p.) 24 cm. Format?

IT. "Panorama" series.

Jones, Daisy M and Cooper, J Louis. From Actors to Astronauts. New York : Harper and Row Publishers. (383 p.)  Size? Illustrated Cloth.

IA. Primary. Color and B&W paintings. School reader. On pp. 273-367 discusses "Mercury Astronaut Glenn: First American in Orbit".

Kane, Elmer R and Fellger, Merrill C. Illustrated by Tiedemann, Berthold. What is Space. New York: Benefic Press. (47 p.) 21 cm. Cloth.

ID. Reprint. See 1962 1st edition.

King, Henry C. Illustrated by Ball, Alan. Our World in Space: An easy guide to the universe. Philadelphia, PA: Macrae Smith Co. (94 p.) 21 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IT. US Reprint of 1962 1st  UK edition titled: "Worlds in Space".

Lamb, G.F. Modern Adventures in Air and Space. London : George G. Harrap & Co Ltd. (192 p.) 19 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IR. Primary/secondary. B&W drawings and photographs. Text consists of chapters devoted to various famous flights including: X-15, Gagarin, Shepard, and Gemini.


Lent, Henry B. Your Place in America's Space Program. New York: Macmillan Co. (xii, 209 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1964yourplaceinamericaspaceprogram.jpgIC. Primary/secondary. B&W photographs. A book on preparing for possible careers in aerospace and NASA.  Outline the many present occupations that support space flight and ways to prepare for future careers. Forward by Willy Ley. A very nice "snapshot" of the space race.











Moore, Patrick. Illustrated by Deakins, Cyril. Exploring the Moon. London : Odhams Books, Ltd. (96 p.) 22 cm. format

IT. Primary. B&W drawings. 75 drawings. Also 1968 edition.

Myrus, Don. Keeping Up with the Astronauts 3: The Story of Man's Greatest Adventures in Outer Space including the Glenn, Carpenter, Schirra, and Cooper Flights. New York: Grosset and Dunlap. (93 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IP, IR. Primary. B&W photographs and drawings. This "series" re-uses and updates text, photographs, and illustrations to keep up with the changing space program. This is the last of the 4 updated editions of this book. See Myrus. "Keeping up with the Astronauts…" (1962) and 1961 1st edition: Myrus, Don. "The Astronauts".

Newland, Irl. First to Venus: The Story of Mariner II. Leichester, England: Brockhampton Press. (64 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IR. UK reprint see 1963 1st US edition.

Poole, Lynn and Poole, Gray J. Scientists Who Work with Astronauts. New York : Dodd, Mead. (172 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.


BC. Secondary. B&W photographs. "Gives the stories and the work of thirteen key men and women in twelve areas of science that are essential to the success of the space program. ' includes Homer Newell, Nancy Roman, Jocelyn Gill, Eugene Shoemaker, Wernher von Braun, Ernst Stuhlinger, Robert Gilruth, Maxime Faget, Charles Berry, and Christopher Craft".  "Makers of our modern world books".  Also 1967 adaptation.

Posin, Dr Dan Q. Illustrated by Ricketts, Ralph E. Find Out! First Step to the Future. Racine, WI: Whitman Publishing Co. (59 p.) 22 cm. Illustrated Boards.

ID. Primary. Color drawings and paintings. Text concerns science and the effort to find out new things, discusses discoveries and tools for making discoveries.  Last chapter is on vehicles for finding out including satellites and space ships. Illustrations of satellites, rockets, and the Earth from space.

Raymond, John. Men on the Moon : Based on America's Project Apollo. London : Collins. (96 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1964menonthemoonbasedonamericaproject.jpgIT. UK reprint (and re-titling) see 1963 US 1st edition titled: “We Land on the Moon: Based on NASA's Project Apollo”












Rocca, Angelo. Illustrated by Fedini. Our Moon and Its Marvels. London : Odhams. (61 p.) 32 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IT. UK reprint (and re-titling) of 1963 1st US edition titled "The Moon".

Rogers, Don E. Illustrated by Bakacs, George. Rockets to Explore the Unknown. Racine, WI: Whitman Pub Co. (59 p.) 22 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1964rocketstoexplore.tifID. Primary. Color paintings.  Basic book about how rockets work and the future uses of rockets. Includes a chapter on nuclear powered ion engines. Illustrations of rockets, space stations, and a manned landing on an unknown planet. "A Whitman Learn About Book".








Ronan, Colin A. Illustrated by Woods, Sidney W. Man Probes the Universe. Garden City, NY : Natural History Press.(156 p.) 27 cm. Cloth, DJ.


IT. Secondary/high school. Color and B&W photographs. Concerned with astronomy, includes a guide to the constellations and describes how man uses the spectrum, radar, telescopes, and space probes to learn about the stars, planets, and other bodies in the universe. With a few photographs of satellites and rockets.

Sasek, Miroslav. Illustrated by Sasek, Miroslav. This is Cape Kennedy. New York: Macmillan. (60 p.) 32 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IP. A reprinting and re-titling of: Sasek. “This is Cape Canaveral (1963)”.

Schussler, Eileen and Schussler, Raymond. Steps to the Stars: The Story of Rocketry. New York: Berkeley Publishing Corp. (128 p.) 18 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. Adaptation and re-titling of  Schussler. “Starbound, The Story of Rocketry” (1960). A "Ladder Edition at the 1,000 word level". Adapted by Anita Shalett.

Soule, Gardner. Gemini and Apollo. New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce. (64 p.) 24 cm. Illustrated Cloth, DJ.

IC. Primary, B&W photographs and paintings. Sub-titled: "The next 2 projects in space". Illustrated with aerospace contractors' paintings this book covers the planned Gemini and Apollo missions. The illustrations are very imaginative including space capsules, space stations, the lunar base and various re-entry options. 

Stambler, Irwin. Project Gemini. New York : Putnam. (64 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1964projectgemini.tifIC. Primary. B&W photographs. Discusses design and development of the Gemini program with the hope that the first missions would be launched by the end of 1964. Discusses the "skid-type landing gear" system with an illustration on the cover of the capsule dangling from a delta-wing parachute.









Stambler, Irwin and Ashmead, Gordon. Project Mariner. New York : Putnam. (127 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IR. Primary/secondary. B&W photographs. Describes the Mariner planetary probe program, the Venus encounter and the planned Mars probe. Interesting for its overview of the US planetary exploration program.

Taylor, Frieda and Howard, Ethel K. Illustrated by Oliver, Martha. John Glenn : A Man in Orbit. Cleveland, OH : Educational Research Council of Greater Cleveland. (34 p.) 22 cm. Softcover.

IR, BP. Primary. B&W (blue-tinted) drawings. Drawings of astronauts and rockets. A school reader for grades 1-3 describing John Glenn’s flight. Has a photograph of John Glenn on the cover with a simulated John Glenn autograph. Adapted by Frieda Taylor from a story by Ethel Howard. Part of GCSSP (Greater Cleveland Social Science Program) "Initial Teaching Alphabet" series. Also 1968 edition by Educational  Research Council of America.

Taylor, John W.R. Illustrated by Wood, John W. Rockets and Satellites Work Like This (3rd edition). London : Phoenix House / New York: Roy Publishers. (71 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. "Science Works Like This" series. See 1959 1st edition.


Worvill, Roy. Illustrated by Knight, B. Exploring Space. Loughborough, England: Wills and Hepworth Ltd. (50 p.) 18 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. Color paintings. Format is text followed by a full page illustration. Covers history of rockets and current space programs. Illustrations of astronauts, spacecraft, space stations, Moon landing and exploration. Surface of the Earth from space. Surface of Mercury and Mars. "Ladybird Achievements Book" (601-9). Also 1964, 1970 editions.

Zacks, Irene. Illustrated by Plasencia, Peter P. Space Alphabet. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc. (26 p.) 19 x 25 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1964spacealphabet1.gifID. Primary. 3 color drawings. Very basic book about space vocabulary, discussing words such as: capsule, engine, Laika, Moon and orbit.  Each entry then has a 1 line definition and a simple illustration.





Book of Space Adventures #3. London : Atlas Publishing and Distributing Co. Ltd. (95 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1965bookofspaceadventures.jpgIA. Primary. Color drawings and B&W drawings and photographs. Title page title: "Book of Space Adventures : The latest developments in the world space programmes".  Short articles about the Douglas Aircraft Global Transport Rocket projects PEGASUS (single-stage passenger rocket) and ITHACUS (single-stage ship-launched troop-carrying rocket). Also articles about Project Gemini and manned exploration of the planets. Has 32 page glossy photographic section. Also with Ace Jordan comic strips.  See "Book of Space Adventures #1" (1963).











Bova, Ben. Illustrated by Giusti, George. The Uses of Space. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. (144 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. B&W photographs and drawings. Describes the future of man in space. Starting off with the next few years it focuses on post-Apollo, the development of a Moon base and exploration of the planets. A children's book on how we planned to expand into the solar system and justify the space program. With very few illustrations.





Chester, Michael. Illustrated by Micale, Albert. Let's Go to the Moon. New York: GP Putnam's Sons. (46 p.) 21 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

1965letsgotothemoon1.gifIS. Primary. B&W drawings (with orange or blue tint). Takes the reader on an imaginary voyage to the Moon using the planned Apollo Command and Lunar modules. The space suits look very different from the eventual reality, more 1962 designs than 1969. Fascinating in its details of exactly how the actual landing would go (from the perspective of 1965). Illustration of astronauts, rockets, lunar surface. "Let's Go…" series.













Chester, Michael. Illustrated by Leskin, Andy. Robots in Space. New York: G P Putnam's Sons. (127 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IC. Primary. B&W photographs and drawings. Focuses on the uses of robots in space exploration. Discusses aspects of design such as guidance, attitude control and communication. Also discusses specific probe programs such as: Surveyor, Mariner, and Tiros.

Coombs, Charles. Illustrated by Naylor, Raymond. Rocket Pioneer. Evanston, IL : Harper & Row. (256 p.) 20 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

BF. Secondary/adult. Robert Goddard biography. "American Adventure" series.

   Coombs, Charles. Project Apollo: Mission to the Moon. New York: William Morrow and Co. (96 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ. / New York: Scholastic Book Services. (75 p.) 20 cm. Softcover.

1965projectapollo.gifIC. Primary. B&W photographs. This book gives a detailed description of the planned Apollo missions. The contractor/NASA paintings could be mistaken for black and white photographs of the actual launches.











Crosby, Alexander L. Illustrated by McMains, Denny. The World of Rockets. New York: Random House. (79 p.) 24 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IT. Primary. B&W photographs and color drawings. Gives a short history of rocketry and the US Space program. Derived partially from: Crosby and Larrick. “Rockets Into Space (1959)”.

Darby, Gene. Illustrated by Hugo, Ric. Leonard Visits Space. San Francisco: Field Educational Publications Inc. (44 p.) 25 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IS, IR. Primary. 3 color drawings. An informational storybook. Part of a series where a small boy visits various important moments in history.  This book concerns his visit to watch the flight of Friendship 7, which he observes from launch to splashdown. "Leonard and His Time Machine" series.

DeCaprio, Annie and Krieger, David. Illustrated by Nydorf, Seymour. One, Two. New York: Wonder Books. (24 p.) 16 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

1965onetwo.gifID. Primary. B&W (blue tinted) drawings. A charming pre-school rhyming book about a boy getting dressed up as an astronaut for his flight ("one, two, buckle your…") It goes from 1 to 10 and launch time then 10 to 1 as the boy gets ready for bed. Illustrations of spacesuit and rocket.











Dille, John and the Editors of American Heritage. Americans in Space. New York: American Heritage Publishing Co. (153 p.) 27 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1965americansinspace.gifIR. Primary. Color and B&W photographs and drawings. This book focuses on a historical approach to rockets and the American space program primarily covering the period from 1914 to 1963. It has many photographs and descriptions of the various missions. It is interesting that the introduction points out that the American Heritage editors feel that the "1st stage" of the US space program was over by 1963 and with Gemini mission they were now into the "2nd phase" of the exploration of space. Also 1970 edition.












Elting, Mary. Illustrated by Koering, Ursula. Spacecraft at Work. Irvington-on-Hudson, NY: Harvey House. (96 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1965spacecraftatwork.jpgID. Primary. 2 color drawings. The illustrations are very beautiful and simple.  The text and illustrations cover  all aspects of space flight including space suits , Moon landings, recent space missions, and space stations.  Organization of text is odd with subjects scattered randomly throughout the book. Also 1966 edition.












Fay, Leo C and Clifford, Eth, Sheviak,. Illustrated by Lacy, Jackie. Look at the Moon. Chicago: Lyons and Carnahan. (48 p.) SIZE?. Softcover.

ID. Primary. Color drawings. This book has no space art in it.  The text describes using children how the phases of the Moon work.  Intended as a classroom science text.

Gurney, Gene. Americans into Orbit: The Story of Project Mercury (2nd edition). New York: Random House. (193 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IR. See 1962 1st edition. "Landmark Books" (#101).

Halacy, Jr., D.S. Father of Supersonic Flight: Theodor von Karman. New York: Julian Messner. (192 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

BF. Primary/secondary. No illustrations. A biography of the Hungarian aerospace scientist. Interesting story of one of the men responsible for promoting the US rocket program. Also 1968 adaptation.

Hendrickson Jr, Walter B. Winging Into Space. Indianapolis : Bobbs-Merrill. (207 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IC. Primary/secondary.

Hicks, Clifford B.  Illustrated by Potts, Richard. The World Above. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. (153 p.) 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1965worldabove.jpgIT. Primary. B&W drawings. Explores the Earth's atmosphere and the skies beyond it. Mostly focuses on the Earth as a spaceship, the atmosphere, the sea, the Earth's magnetic field. Occasional pictures of the Earth from space and stylized rockets.








Hyde, Wayne. The Men behind the Astronauts. New York : Dodd, Mead. (128 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary/secondary. B&W photographs. Describes the personnel who do the research, development, and logistical support of the US space program.  Includes chapters on the development of the space vehicles, the development of the space suits, the tracking network, space medicine and the launch and recovery crews.

Lauber, Patricia. Big Dreams and Small Rockets: A short history of space travel. New York: Thomas Y Crowell Co. (71 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. B&W photographs and drawings. A very basic history of space travel covering from the 1st Chinese rockets through Tsiolkovskiy, Goddard, and Oberth. The history ends with the capture of the V-2 team by the Americans.


Lyon, Jene. Illustrated by Solonewitsch, George. Our Sun and the Worlds Around it: Planets, Moons, Comets, and other wonders of the solar system. New York: Golden Press. (64 p.) 26 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

1965oursunand the worldsaround1.gifIT. Primary. Color paintings and drawings, B&W photographs. Updated text with photographs of current space efforts.  Many illustrations reused from 1955 edition. Also found in softcover. See 1955 1st edition: Lyon, Astronomy: Our Sun and its Neighbors.











Moffet, Samuel and Shneour, Elie A. Illustrated by Wimmer, Helmut K.  Life Beyond Earth. New York: Four Winds Press. (156, 4 p.) 20 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IC. Primary/secondary. B&W paintings, photographs and drawings. A science book for the classroom concerning the nature and evolution of life, and chances for locating life on other planets.  Illustrations of Earth during its early history, the surface of the Moon, planets in the solar system. An interesting book for its subject matter. "Vistas of Science Book" (#1). Produced by the National Science Teachers Association and NASA

Moore, Patrick and Brinton, Henry. Illustrated by Deakins, Cyril. Exploring Other Planets. London  : Odhams. (95 p.) 22 cm. Cloth

IC. Primary.  Discusses possibility of rocket travel to and observations and descriptions of each planet. See 1967 U.S. reprint.

Mueller, Robert E. Illustrated by Mueller, Robert E. Eyes in Space: Spacecraft views of the universe. New York : John Day Co. (159 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IC. Primary. B&W drawings and photographs. Discusses the history of making observations of the Earth and the Planets.  Discusses telescopes, rockets, radio astronomy, satellites and planetary probes.

Ordway, Frederick I and Wakeford, Ronald C. Illustrated by Lange, Harry H-K. Conquering the Sun’s Empire. New York : E.P. Dutton and Co. 128 pp. 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IC. Reprint. See 1963 US 1st edition.

Ordway, Frederick . Illustrated by Lange, Harry H-K. Life in Other Solar Systems. New York : E.P. Dutton and Co. 96 pp. 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IC. Secondary. B&W paintings and drawings. Explores the idea of life elsewhere in the universe. A few paintings of other solar systems and hypothetical planetary surfaces.

Pacilio, James V. Illustrated by Rohrer, George. Discovering Aerospace. Chicago: Children's Press. (157 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IT. Primary/secondary. B&W, 2 color and color drawings. About the history of flight and space travel, the 1st 2/3 of the book is devoted to the airplane. Drawings of rockets, satellites, Mercury capsule, and a space station. Text include student experiments at the end of each chapter to illustrated scientific principle involved. See 1967 UK reprint.

Parker, Bertha Morris. Illustrated by Dugan, William. Out Into Space. New York: Harper and Row. (36 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. Color paintings. Describes the theory behind rockets, basic facts about space flight, a summary up to that point of space travel, and a quick look at the planned trips to the Moon and space stations.


Podendorf, Illa. Illustrated by Borja, Robert. The True Book of Space (2nd edition). Chicago: Children's Press. (48 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. 2 color drawings. Answers basic questions about what is space, how do rockets work etc. Illustrations of satellites, rockets, space suits, and a space station. See 1959 1st edition.

Rule, Leonard. Space. Worthington, OH : Austin Lynn. (108 p.) 21 cm. Format?

IT. "The Conquerors" series. Reprinted in 1967.

Scharff, Robert. Into Space with the Astronauts. New York: Wonder Books. (48 p.) 28 cm. Softcover.

1965intospaceastronauts1.gifIT, IR. Primary. Color and B&W photographs, paintings, and drawings. This is published by the same publishers as the "How and Why Wonder Books" series. They reused many of their illustrations and text to create a new book about the astronauts. Arranged in a question and answer format there are many aerospace contractors' paintings reproduced in color as well as NASA photographs of astronauts.












Shapp, Martha and Shapp, Charles. Illustrated by Tashiro, Yukio. Let's Find Out about the Moon. New York: Grolier International Inc. (55 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1965letsfindoutaboutthemoon.jpgID. Primary. B&W blue-tinted charcoal drawings. The art in this book is especially beautiful.  Has drawings of rockets, astronauts, the surface of the Moon, and a Moon base. Illustrations are loosely based on the Apollo program but with some fun fanciful details. Text covers basic description of phases of the Moon, tides, and conditions on the Moon, and a manned flight to the Moon. See 1966 softcover reprint and 1971 UK reprint. Also 1973 and 1975 editions.











Solomon, Louis. Telstar: Communications Break-through by Satellite (3rd edition). New York: McGraw-Hill. (64 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IR. Updated editions. See 1962 1st edition.


Sonneborn, Ruth A. Illustrated by Polgreen, John. The Question and Answer Book of Space. New York: Random House. (66 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

1965questionanswerbkofspace.jpgIT. Primary. Color paintings, color and B&W photographs and 2 color drawings. Arranged in 5 categories with questions and answers about: space, rockets, astronauts, a trip to the Moon and space stations. The book has some very nice color paintings of rockets, astronauts, space stations, and a manned Moon landing. "Let's Find Out Books" series. See 1966, 1969 UK reprints. Also 1970 edition.














Stambler, Irwin. Illustrated by Lessin, Andy. Orbiting Stations: Stopovers to Space Travel. New York: GP Putnam's Sons. (95 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1965orbitingstations0.jpgIC. Primary/secondary. B&W photographs. Outlines the plans the military and NASA had for lifting bodies and orbital research stations. Uses a number of aerospace contractor's paintings of possible future missions.













Vaeth, J. Gordon. Weather Eyes in the Sky: America’s Meteorological Satellites. New York : The Ronald Press Co. (124 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IC. Secondary/adult. B&W photographs. Past, present and future of remote weather observation. Aerospace contractor's paintings of satellites and a manned space station.

Victor, Edward. Illustrated by Barss, Bill. Planes and Rockets. Chicago: Follett Publishing Co. (30 p.) 21 cm. Cloth.

1965planesandrockets2.jpgID. Primary. Color paintings. Elementary text about flight and rocket theory.  Includes illustrations of rockets, satellites and the Apollo lunar lander. Also found in softcover. "Follett Beginning Science" series.











Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Science: A Child’s First Book of the World We Live in.  London : Young World Productions. (30 pp. ) 34 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IT. Primary. Color drawings, paintings and photographs. The 2nd half of the book focuses on manned space flight with illustrations and photographs of rockets and men walking in space. The test describes the modern Mercury and Gemini exploration efforts but the illustrations used are those of the 1950s era. This book reuses illustrations from Walt Disney's 1959 “Tomorrowland Adventure" book series that included illustrations from the 3 "Man in Space" television films.

Wyler, Rose and Ames, Gerald. Illustrated by Polgreen, John and Solonevich, George. The New Golden Book of Astronomy: An Introduction to the Wonders of Space. New York: Golden Press. (104 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IT. Primary. Color paintings. An updated (and re-titled) edition of: Wyler. "Golden Book of Astronomy" (1959) this includes added illustrations by George Solonevich. Features many illustrations of astronomical objects, planetary surfaces, and planets from space.  The last sections covers "Exploring other worlds" and has some recycled illustrations from the 1958-1959  Ley, Willy "Adventure in Space" book series as well as new illustrations of spacecraft and possible space missions. Reprinted as "Exploring Other Worlds" (1968 US) and "Wonders of Space" (1968 UK). See 1955 1st edition. Also 1970 edition.



Akens, David S. Rockets and Rocketry : A Picture History (2nd edition). Huntsville, AL : Strode. (231 p.) 27 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. See 1964 1st edition. Also 1967 reprint.

Asimov, Isaac. Illustrated by Ebel, Alex. The Moon. Chicago: Follett Publishing Co.(32 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1966themoonasimov.jpgID. Primary. Color paintings. This was probably intended (as part of the series) as a school reader to get young students interested in science topics. It has just a couple illustration of the Moon and manned missions on the Moon's surface. "Follett Beginning Science Book" series.











Asimov, Isaac. Illustrated by Polgreen, John. Satellites in Outer Space (3rd edition). New York: Random House. (61 p.) 24 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IT. See 1960 1st edition.

Bixby, William. The Universe of Galileo and Newton. London : Cassell. (153 p.) 27 cm. Cloth, DJ.

BP. UK reprint of 1964 1st US edition.

Branley, Franklyn. Illustrated by Kessler, Leonard.  A Book of Planets for You (2nd edition). New York : Thomas Y Crowell. ( 58 p.) 21 x 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. B&W and 2 color drawings. Very basic text about the conditions found on the planets of the solar system including data gathered by Mariner probes. Drawings of the Planets from space, the surfaces of Venus and Mars, and interplanetary manned and unmanned spacecraft. Also 1972 paperback reprint. See 1961 1st edition.

Branley, Franklyn M. Experiments in Principles of Space Travel (2nd edition). New York: Crowell. (119 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IE. See 1955 1st edition.

Branley, Franklyn M. Illustrated by Wimmer, Helmut. Mars: Planet Number Four (2nd edition). New York: Crowell. (130 p.) 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IC. See 1962 1st edition. "Exploring out Universe" series.

Coombs, Charles. Aerospace Power: A Pictorial guide. New York: William Morrow and Co. (256 p.) 27 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IT. Primary. B&W photographs. Primarily about aircraft. The last 3 chapters in the book are about guided missiles, satellites and space probes, and man in space. Has a couple of nice space art illustrations from aerospace contractors. See 1967 UK reprint.

Daugherty, Charles M. Illustrated by Daugherty, James. Robert Goddard, Trail Blazer to the Stars. New York : Macmillan. (48 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

                BF. Primary. Robert Goddard biography. Science Story Library.

Elting, Mary. Illustrated by Koering, Ursula. Spacecraft at Work (2nd edition). Irvington-on-Hudson, NY: Harvey House. (96 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. 2 color drawings. Updated text to include Project Gemini. See 1965 1st ed.

Gallant, Roy A. Illustrated by Hess, Lowell. Exploring the Moon (2nd edition). Garden City, NY: Doubleday and Co Inc.  (62 p.) 32 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1966exploringthemoon.jpgIT. Primary. Color and B&W paintings, B&W photographs. Revised from the popular 1955 edition this reused many of the striking black, orange and yellow painting of the formation of the Moon and the surface of the Moon. These are supplemented by photographs of the Moon.  The text is updated but much of the charm of this book is derived from the earlier edition. See 1955 1st edition.








Haggerty, James J. Man's Conquest of Space. New York : Scholastic. (125 p.) 20 cm. Softcover.

IT. "Vistas of Science Book" (#12).

Hill, Robert W. What the Moon Astronauts Will Do All Day: The Official Plan of Project Apollo (2nd edition). New York: John Day Co. (64 p.) 27 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IP. See 1963 1st edition.

Hoyt, Mary Finch. American Women of the Space Age. New York: Athenaeum. (88 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

BC. Secondary. B&W photographs (two 8 page sections). It discusses the women who are active in different sections of the US space program and space research in general.

Hyde, Margaret O. Illustrated by Myers, Bernice. Off Into Space! Science for Young Space Travelers (2nd edition). New York: McGraw-Hill. / London : Blackie. (63 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. See the 1959 edition. Basically the same illustrations, some updated text. English edition has same content with "British" spelling of words and illustrations of a cricket game under the "Moon dome" instead of a baseball game.

Jakes, John. Tiros: Weather Eye in Space. New York : Messner. (191 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IR. Secondary. B&W photographs. Story of the Tiros meteorological satellite. Also 1969 adaptation.

Knight, David. First Book of Mars: An Introduction to the Red Planet. New York: Franklin Watts. (96 p.) 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. Also 1971 UK and 1973 US editions.

Knight, David C. Illustrated by Miller, Don. Let's Find Out about Mars. New York: Franklin Watts Inc. (55 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. B&W red-tinted charcoal drawings. Very basic book about Mars. Illustrations of rockets, space probes, imaginary surface of Mars, manned Mars landing and a Mars colony.

Moore, Clyde B. Illustrated by Fiorentino, Al. Robert Goddard: Pioneer Rocket Boy. Indianapolis : Bobbs Merrill. (200 p.) 19 cm. Cloth, DJ.

BF. "Childhood of Famous Americans" series.

Olney, Ross. Americans in Space : Five years of manned space travel. Camden, NJ : Nelson. (123 p.) 23 cm. Format?

                IT. Also 1970 edition.

Rockets and Spacecraft, Books One and Two. London : Collins. (28 p.) 10 cm. Board, DJ.

1965rocketsandspace.jpgIP. Primary. Color paintings. With no obvious copyright date, from spacecraft depicted it is around 1966. Has text alternating with illustrations. Very small format (10 x 10 cm) it has many illustrations of rockets, both military and various civilian programs.  "Orbit Pocket Library".












Ronan, Colin. Illustrated by Hardy, Wilfred.  Exploring Space. London:  Odhams, (96 p.) : 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1966exploringspace.jpgIT. Primary













Sagan, Carl, and Leonard, Jonathan Norton. Planets.  New York : Time-Life Books. (200 p.) 28 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IT. Primary/secondary. B&W and color photographs and drawings. Covers history of astronomy, tools for exploring the planets, conditions on each of the planets. This book is an excellent "snapshot" of what was known about the planets at the times and our state of exploration. "Life Science Library". Also 1969, 1972 editions.

Scarboro, Pat. Arrow at America's Spaceport: The Children's Book on Space. Cape Canaveral, FL: Pat Scarboro. (96 p.) 28 cm. Softcover.

1966arrowatspaceport.jpgIS. Primary. B&W photographs. This is one of the more unusual books produced at the time. It is illustrated with many photographs which depicts Arrow, a palomino quarter horse, interspersed with pictures of the astronauts and the Kennedy space center equipment.  Produced in the Cape Canaveral area it shows the horse giving us a spoken guided tour of various aspects of space flight. It was probably developed as a souvenir of the area. "Golden Arrow Educational Books for Children" book.








Shapp, Martha. Illustrated by Tashiro, Yukio. Let's Find Out About the Moon. New York: Scholastic Book Services. (48 p.) 21 cm. Softcover.

ID. Softcover reprint. See 1965 1st edition.

Sonneborn, Ruth A. Illustrated by Polgreen, John. The Question and Answer Book of Space. London : Odams. (63 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IT. UK reprint of 1965 US 1st edition.

The Space Pioneers themselves (written and illustrated by). The Astronauts Book (Excitement out of this world with the…). London : Panther Books. (110 p.) 26 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1966exciteoutofworldastron.jpgIR, IA. Primary/secondary. B&W photographs. An anthology of writings about manned space flight with selections from Scott Carpenter and other astronauts as well as a selection by Wernher von Braun. Photographs and stories of aerospace testing, flight operations, the future of manned flight and first-hand narration of what it is like to be in space. 
















Veale, S.E., Allward, Maurice, and Carter, F.J. Book of Space Adventures #4. London : Atlas Publishing and Distributing Co. Ltd. (79 p.) 27 cm. Illustrated Boards.


1966bookspaceadventures.gifIA. Primary. Color photographs, B&W drawings and photographs. Contains factual articles about the history of spaceflight, satellites, manned exploration of space, the Apollo missions, and future spacecraft. Illustrated with photographs of spacecraft and missions. Has a wonderful cover illustration of a "red" capsule" meeting a U.S. capsule. A "boys annual" (labeled on title page "Book of Space Adventures No. 4") but unusual in that it has no fiction stories. "Atlas Annual". See "Book of Space Adventures #1" (1963).











Warshofsky, Fred. Target Moon. New York: Four Winds Press. (116 p.) 20 cm. Cloth, DJ. / New York: Scholastic Book Services. (127 p.) 20 cm. Softcover

1966targetmoon.gifIT. Primary/secondary. B&W photographs This book focuses on astronomy, the history of space exploration, the Apollo programs and the future planned uses of the Moon. With aerospace space art from various contractors.



Above and Beyond, The Encyclopedia of Aviation and Space Sciences. Johnson, Raymond J (ed.). Chicago: New Horizon Publishers. (14 vols.) 29 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

1967aboveandbeyondency.jpgIT. Primary/secondary. Color and B&W photographs, drawings and paintings. Covers aviation as well as space science with many entries for the history of flight, aviation vocabulary etc. The space science portion is great with entries for astronauts, satellites, rockets, and space missions past and present. Heavily illustrated with photographs and paintings from aerospace contractors, this is a great picture source. Also 1971 edition as "The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Aviation and Space".











Asimov, Isaac. Environments Out there. London : Abelard-Schuman. (128 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ. / New York : Scholastic Book Services. (95 p.) 20 cm. Softcover.

IT. Secondary. B&W photographs. Focuses on the environments found on Moon and the planets of our solar system.


Asimov, Isaac. Illustrated by Herrick, Herb. Mars. Chicago: Follett Publishing Co. (29 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1967marsasimov.bmpID. Primary. Color paintings. Focuses on what is known about Mars at the time, both how it appears through the telescope and planetary conditions. It includes a short discussion and a photograph from the Mariner mission. Worth seeking out for a wonderful cover and illustrations of Mars vehicles, a Mars base, and a Mars rover. "Follett Science" series. See 1971 UK reprint.










Bergaust, Erik. Mars: Planet for Conquest. New York: GP Putnam's Sons. (95 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1967marsplanetconquest.jpgIC. Primary/secondary. B&W photographs. It describes what is known about Mars and how various manned and unmanned missions are planned to explore the planet. Includes a number of paintings from aerospace contractors and NASA of proposed missions and spacecraft. 









Berman, Louis. American Rocketry. Chicago : Rand McNally. (61 p.) 23 cm. Format?

ID. Primary. "Rand McNally Classroom library".

Bonestell, Chesley. Illustrated by Bonestell, Chesley and Borja, Robert. Solar System (2nd edition). Chicago: Children's Press. (63 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IS. Primary. Color and B&W paintings, photographs and drawings. This book was updated with photographs from various space probes. It also has color versions of many of the 1961 Chesley Bonestell paintings of the planets’ surfaces. See 1961 1st edition.

Bruce, Lois Margaret. Space ABC. Indianapolis : Bobbs-Merrill. (64 p.) 29 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. B&W photographs. An alphabet book with each letter standing for some aspect of space exploration. Format is double-page B&W photographs with a single word. The last 4 pages of the book ("About the photographs") define and discuss each term used.


Carey, David. Illustrated by Robinson, B H. How it Works: The Rocket. Leichester, England : Willis & Hepworth. (53 p.) 18 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. "A Ladybird Book".


Cobb, Robert T. Illustrated by Irving, Gordon. Mission Moon. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc. (18 p.) NOTE SIZE?. Softcover.

1967missionmoon1.gifID. Primary. Color paintings and drawings. Another of the numerous pamphlets from the Apollo era. This outline the plans for the Apollo mission.  Aimed at a basic level there is very little text.  There are several special things about the format.  The first couple of pages are not full pages but rather 1/2 pages overlapping to show the stages of the Saturn 5 rocket.  There is a center section of transparencies showing the interiors of the command and lunar modules. A unique book.











Coombs, Charles. Aerospace Power: A Pictorial Guide. London : Bell. (256 p.) 27 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IT. UK reprint of 1966 US 1st edition.

Cox, Donald W. Illustrated by Dobbins, Dwight. America's Explorers of Space (including a special report on UFOs). Maplewood, NJ: Hammond Inc. (93 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1967americasexplorersofspace.gifBC. Primary. Color and B&W photographs and drawings. A biographical encyclopedia with biographies of 16 men involved in the history of space exploration including Robert Goddard, Chuck Yeager, Virgil Grissom, and John Glenn. ). Last section of book focuses on UFO's. (pp. 74-87). Reprinted and distributed widely by the Disabled American Veterans (with DAV mark on the cover).  Also 1969 edition.








CS Hammond. The Universe, Earth and Man (2nd ed.) Maplewood, NJ: Hammond. (44 p.) 32 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IT. See 1962 1st edition.

David, Heather. Wernher von Braun. New York : Putnam. (255 p.) 22 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

BF. Secondary/adult. A basic biography. Includes a von Braun life chronology.

Downing, J. G. Illustrated by Puig, Anthony. The Story of Communications Satellites. Exeter, England: Wheaton. (48 p.) 22 cm. Softcover.

IT. Primary/secondary  B&W drawings. Discusses satellites and includes a short history of space flight.  From a series of books used in British schools about the history of communications.

Educational Research Council of America, Illustrated by Shipley, Kenneth L. John Glenn. Boston : Allyn and Bacon Inc. (45 p.) 20 cm. Softcover.

BP, IR. Primary. B&W and color photos. Simple biography of John Glenn for school children. Based partially on Taylor. "John Glenn : A Man in Orbit" (1964).

Gallant, Roy A. Illustrated by Polgreen, John. Exploring the Planets (2nd edition). Garden City, NY: Doubleday and Co Inc.  (119 p.) 32 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1967exploringtheplanets.jpgIT. Primary. Color and B&W paintings and B&W photographs. Devotes a chapter to the formation of the solar system and then a chapter to each planet (including the asteroids).The text describes what was known about the conditions found on each planet. There are a number of double page color paintings of different planets from space and their formation from the previous edition. New to this edition the chapters on the Moon and Mars use photographs as well as paintings for illustrations. See 1958 1st edition.








Glines, Carroll V. The First Book of the Moon. New York : Watts. (78 p.) 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. B&W drawings and photographs. Discusses the history of thought about the Moon, the Moon's composition and structure, and exploration of the Moon.  Arranged chronologically the book ends with satellite exploration of the Moon in preparation for the Apollo program's planned manned landing in 1969. Photographs of satellites, unmanned landers and Apollo craft. 

Gurney, Gene. Walk in Space: The Story of Project Gemini. New York: Random House. (185 p.) 22 cm. Illustrated Cloth. / 21 cm. Softcover.

IR. Primary/secondary. B&W photographs. The story of the Gemini project, with many photographs of the mission and personnel involved. Has short biographies of the astronauts involved at the back. Hardcover edition is "Landmark Books" (#117). Softcover edition is "Windward Book" (#12).

Haber, Heinz. Space Science; A New look at the Universe. New York: Golden Press. (154 p.) 22 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IT. Primary/secondary. B&W photographs and drawings. This book is a sort of "state of the art” for space science in 1967. The text discusses new discoveries in astronomy including data about the planets of the solar system that has been gained through space exploration, with a focus on robotic explorers. Photographs and drawings of future satellites, planetary explorers, rockets, and satellites.

Hawkins, Gerald. Illustrated by Solonovich, George. The Moon Tonight. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. (26 p.) 17 x 24 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IP. Primary. Color paintings. This book has very little text, consists mostly of incredible paintings of the Moon and the Earth from space.

Hertz, Louis N. The Complete Book of Model Aircraft, Spacecraft and Rockets. New York : Crown. (278 p.) 27 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IH. Primary. B&W photographs. Text covers all varieties of models including flying power planes, static planes, rockets and space models. Over 500 photographs and drawings of models.

Highland, Dr Harold J. Illustrated by McMains, Denny. The How and Why Wonder Book of Planets and Interplanetary Space (2nd edition). New York: Grosset and Dunlap. (48 p.) 28 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IT. Primary. Color and B&W drawings and paintings. Updated chapters include: “A close look at the planets” and “Mariner and  the Mission to Venus and Mars”. Illustrations remain the same through editions. "How and Why Wonder Books" #4027.  Also found in softcover ("How and Why Wonder Books" #5026). See 1962 1st edition.

Hirsch, S Carl. Illustrated by Steinel, William. On Course! Navigating in Sea, Air, and Space. New York : The Viking Press. (156 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1967oncourse.tifIC. Primary. B&W pastel drawings. Mostly a history of navigation, the last couple of chapters discuss the problems found with navigation in space and the solutions being used. Several nice drawings of spacecraft including an illustration of an astronaut on the cover.









Hirsch, S Carl. Illustrated by Silverman, Burt. The Globe for the Space Age. New York : The Viking Press. (88 p.) 27 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IC. See 1963 1st edition.

Houston, Walter S. Earth Science set: Discovering the Moon. Middletown, CN : Xerox. Pg? 28 cm. Format?

ID. 1 of 6 volume set on Earth science. "Science Unit Books".

Hyde, Margaret O. Exploring Earth and Space (4th edition). New York: McGraw-Hill. (159 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. See 1957 1st edition.

Keen, Martin L. Wonders of Space: Rockets, Missiles and Spacecraft. New York: Grosset and Dunlap. (159 p.) 25 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

1967thewondersofspace.gifIT. Primary. Color and B&W photographs. This book is a broad survey of the history of rockets and jets, principles involved in flying them, with only the last third of the book focusing on the space program and man in space. Illustrations of rockets, astronauts, space stations, and a manned landing on the Moon. See 1968 UK reprint under the title: "Rockets, Missiles and Spacecraft: Man's Adventures in Space – Past, present and future".










Knight, Clayton. The How and Why Wonder Book of Rockets and Missiles (3rd edition). New York: Grosset and Dunlap. (48 p.) 28 cm. Softcover.

IT. Primary. Color and B&W paintings and drawings. Small text changes with the same illustrations. "How and Why Wonder Books" #5005. See 1960 1st edition.

Lauber, Patricia. Illustrated by Polgreen, John. Look-it-up Book of Stars and Planets. New York: Random House. (132 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IT. Primary. Color and B&W photographs and drawings. An encyclopedic dictionary of astronomy. Simple sketches of planets, the solar system, telescopes. See 1970 UK reprint.




Lomask, Martha . Illustrated by Mellor, Gordon. Moonshot 1970. Columbus, OH: For Children, Inc. (33 p.) 18 cm. Softcover.

1967moonshot1970.tifID. Primary. Color paintings. Many full page illustrations. Basic description of a flight to the Moon. "Grow-ahead" series. Also available as a free premium on the giant size of Thrill dish soap. See 1969 reprint. Also reprinted as: Lomask. "Our Man on the Moon (1968)", and Lomask. "The Big Trip to the Moon" (1969).











Lukashok, Alvin. Communications Satellites: How they work. New York: GP Putnam's Sons. (160 p.) 22 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IT. Primary/secondary. B&W drawings and photographs. A rather technical children's book on how satellites work. It covers the theory behind electromagnetic radiation, bandwidth, antennas, amplifiers, and tracking an orbiting body. Illustrations of satellites and tracking equipment.



May, Julian. Illustrated by Barss, Bill. Rockets. Chicago: Follett Publishing Co. (32 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1967rocketsmay.jpgID. Primary. Color paintings. Basic descriptions of the history of rockets and how rockets work. Very nice paintings including a nuclear rocket. "Follett Beginning Science" series. See 1969 UK reprint.








Moore, Patrick and Brinton, Henry. Illustrated by Deakins, Cyril. Exploring Other Planets. New York : Hawthorn. (96 p.) 24 cm. Cloth

IT. US reprint of 1965 1st UK edition.

Pacilio, James V. Illustrated by Rohrer, George. Discovering Aerospace. London : Oliver and Boyd. (157 p.) 28 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IT. UK reprint of 1965 1st US edition.

Poole, Lynn, Poole, Gray and Walker, Robert M. Scientists Who Work for Astronauts. New York : Popular Library. (128 p.) 18 cm. Cloth, DJ.


BP. Secondary. B&W photographs. Adaptation of 1st edition. "A Ladder edition at the 3,000-word level". Adapted by Robert Maxwell Walker. See 1964 1st edition.

Posin, Daniel Q. Exploring and Understanding Rockets and Satellites. Chicago: Benefic Press. (96 p.) 24 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IT. Primary. Color and B&W drawings and photographs. A textbook for the elementary school class room. Many illustrations of rockets and astronauts.


Settle, Mary Lee. Illustrated by Evans, George. The Story of Flight. New York: Random House. (86 p.) 20 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

ID. Primary. B&W orange tinted drawings.  Text primary concerned with the history of manned flight but last 3 chapters cover the V-2 rocket program, the beginning of space flight with sputnik and manned space flight through Friendship 7 mission.  Very basic text with a wonderful illustration of a man with a rocketpack on the last page. "Step-up Books" series.









Silverstein, Dr Alvin and Silverstein, Virginia B. Illustrated by Ames, Lee. Life in the Universe. Princeton NJ : Van Nostrand. (48 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.


IC. Primary. B&W drawings. Basic text examines life on Earth, conditions on the planets, and the possibilities of other life in our solar system. Illustrations of the planets from space and an astronaut on the moon.

Slote, Alfred. Illustrated by Kaufman, John. The Moon in Fact and Fancy. Cleveland : World Pub. Co. (127 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Also 1971 edition.

Smithsonian Institution and General Electric. Illustrated by Bertolino, P A. An Adventure in Space. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press. (24 p.) 22 cm. Softcover.

1967anadventureinspace1.gifID. Primary/secondary. B&W (blue-tinted) drawings. An interesting pamphlet it covers basic aspects of space flight, space suits, conditions in space and description of the planned Apollo mission to the Moon.  It may have been intended as a career book.  With preface by James Lovell and  a postscript by Wernher Von Braun. Reprint of : Challenge Magazine, "An Adventure in Space" (1962).










Splaver, Sarah. Some day I'll be an Aerospace Engineer. New York: Hawthorn Books Inc. (80 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1967somedayiwillbeanaerospace.jpgIC. Primary. B&W photographs. A basic vocational book about training for an aerospace career. Covers history of space flight, what an engineer does, why we need to explore space, what to study and aerospace engineering specialties.











Tellander, Marian. Illustrated by Hodgell, Robert. Space. Sacramento, CA: California State Series. (32 p.) 21 cm. Illustrated cloth.

ID. Reprint see 1960 1st edition.





Asimov, Isaac. Environments Out There. London : Abelard-Schuman. (128 p.) 8 ½ in. Cloth, DJ.

IT. UK reprint of 1967 1st US edition.

Bonestell, Chesley. Illustrated by Bonestell, Chesley and Borja, Robert. Rocket to the Moon (2nd edition). Chicago: Children's Press. (63 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

1968rockettomoonbonestell.jpgIS. Primary. Color and B&W paintings, photographs and drawings. This is an updated version of the 1961 book with photographs from the space program. The text remains much the same. What is special about this book is that the some of the Chesley Bonestell B&W paintings from the 1961 edition are reproduced as color full page illustrations. Also included are color paintings by Robert Borja of the planned Apollo landing on the Moon. See 1961 1st edition.








Boy's Own Annual #5: Britian's 150 M.P.H. Jet-Bullet Train. Edited by Jack Cox. London : Purnell (125 pp.) 28 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IA. Primary. B&W drawings and photographs. Assorted articles, stories, projects, and games. Of interest are the stories "Modern space research" and "Moon rockets". By Patrick Moore.

Branley, Franklyn M. Illustrated by Kessler, Leonard. A Book of Mars for You. New York: Thomas Y Crowell Co. (56 p.) 21 x 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. B&W and color drawings. It outlines what is known currently about Mars and our exploration plans. Includes drawings of spacecraft, manned exploration of the Mars surface and reproductions of some of the early photos of Mars. It ends promoting Mars as "space target number two" (after the Moon of course). "A Book of…For You". Also 1975 edition.


Brennan, Dennis. Adventures in Courage : The Skymasters. Chicago : Reilly and Lee. (159 p.) 24 cm. Illustrated Cloth.


BC. Primary. Discusses exploits of famous aviation pioneers including: Montgolfier, Wright, Lindbergh, and Alan Shepard. "Adventures in Courage" series.

Clark, Mae Knight. Illustrated by Conner, Mac. Spaceship of Your Own. New York : Macmillan Co. (32 p.) 21 cm. Softcover.

IC. Primary. B&W (blue-tinted) drawings. Discusses the Earth in space and how it is similar to a spaceship in meeting the needs of gravity, heat, air etc. Simple drawings of astronauts, space capsules, and the Earth from space. "Readingtime Book".

Coombs, Charles. Illustrated by Smith, Robert G. Project Mercury.  Katonah, New York : Young Readers Press, Inc. (64 p.)  20 cm. Softcover.

Id. Softcover reprint of 1960 1st edition. "Young Reader's Press" #F809.

Davis, Daphne. Illustrated by Pineo, Craig. Andy Astronaut. New York: Golden Press. (22 p.) 41 x 17 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IS. Primary. Color paintings. Informational storybook. This book concerns astronaut training, his launch, flight into space, space walk and splashdown.  A bright and beautiful book. Binding is found with blue or red spine. Nice illustrations of space suit, rocket launch, splashdown. Also found with 10" 33 1/3 photograph record of text for classroom use. "Busy People" series.

Dwiggins, Don. Space and the Weather: The Story of Modern Weather Prediction. San Carlos, CA : Golden Gate Jr. Books. (80 p.) 28 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IC. Primary. B&W photographs and drawings.

Feravolo, Rocco V. Illustrated by Steinel, William. Around the World in Ninety Minutes: The journey of two astronauts. New York: Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Co. (47 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1968aroundtheworldin90mins.jpgID. Primary. B&W (Blue and yellow tinted) drawings. Tells in very basic language the story of a typical Gemini mission, including a space walk. It shows the mission from launch to splashdown with a fanciful picture of an astronaut with a space plane and a space station as one of the drawings.













Freeman, Mae and Freeman, Ira. Fun with Astronomy (2nd edition). London : Kay and Ward. (64 p.) 26 cm. Cloth / New York: Scholastic Book Services. (63 p.) 23 cm. Softcover.

IE. Primary. B&W photographs. See 1953 1st edition.

Gallant, Roy A. Illustrated by Hess, Lowell. Exploring Mars (2nd edition). Garden City, NY: Doubleday and Co Inc. (61 p.) 32 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. Color paintings and B&W photographs. This updated edition, has less imaginative planetary paintings, using Mariner photographs instead.  A nice introduction to the planet Mars. No illustrations of spacecraft. See 1956 1st edition.

Gallant, Roy A. Illustrated by Hess, Lowell. Exploring the Universe (2nd edition). Garden City, NY: Doubleday and Co Inc. (61 p.) 32 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. See 1956 1st edition.

Grant, Bruce. Illustrated by Fleishman, Seymour. A Trip in Space. Chicago: Rand McNally and Co. (22 p.) 21 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1968atripinspace.gifIS. Primary. Color paintings.  Shows the launch of a rocket, eating in orbit, and splashdown. Simple text and nice illustrations.



















Halacy, D.S. Master of the Wind; the life of Theodor von Karman. New York : Macfadden-Bartell. ( 126 p.) 18 cm. Cloth, DJ.


BF. Primary. Adaptation and re-titling of Halacy, D.S. "Father of Supersonic Flight: Theodore von Karman (1965)". A "Ladder edition at the 2,000 word level". Adapted by Robert l. Spaeth.


Hendrickson Jr., Walter B. Illustrated by Heugh, James. What's Going On in Space? Irvington-on-Hudson, NY: Harvey House Inc. / New York: Young Reader’s Press (48 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ/Softcover.

1968whatsgoingoninspacepaper.jpgID. Primary. B&W charcoal drawings with single color backgrounds. Covers the basic history and principles of space flight.  Also cover the history of the US space program through 1970. Illustrations of rockets, spacesuits, Gemini and Apollo ships. "Science Parade" series.











Hill, Robert W. What the Moon Astronauts Will Do All Day: The Official Plan of Project Apollo (3rd edition). New York: John Day Co. (64 p.) 27 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IP. See 1963 1st edition.


Keen, Martin L. Rockets, Missiles and Spacecraft: Man's Adventures in Space – Past, present and future. NOTE PUB SIZE FORMAT


IT. UK reprint and re-titling of : Keen. "Wonders of Space: Rockets, Missiles and Spacecraft" (1967).

Lomask, Martha. Illustrated by Mellor, Gordon. Our Man on the Moon. Columbus, OH: For Children Inc. (19 p.) 18 cm. Softcover.

1968Manonthemoon1.jpgID. Primary. Color paintings. Reprint of: Lomask. "Moonshot 1970” (1967) with the addition of the last 2 pages pop-up into a model of the lunar module on the Moon.












May, Julian. Illustrated by Barss, Bill. Astronautics. Chicago: Follett Publishing Co.  (28 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1968astronautics.jpgID. Primary. Color paintings. The text is about the conditions in space and the effect of space flight on astronauts. Illustrations of rockets and Moon landing craft. "Follett Beginning Science" series.











Moore, Patrick. Illustrated by Deakins, Cyril. Exploring the Moon (2nd edition). London : Odhams Books, Ltd. (96 p.) 22 cm. format

IT. Primary. B&W drawings. 75 drawings. See 1964 1st edition.

Newell, Homer E. Illustrated by Jauss, Anne M. Space Book for Young People (3rd edition). New York: McGraw-Hill. (176 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1968spacebookforyoungpeople.jpgIT. See 1958 1st edition.












Posin, Daniel Q. Exploring and Understanding Our Solar System. Westchester, IL : Benefic Press. (96 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary.

Pope, Billy N and Emmons, Ramona Ware. Your World: Let's Visit a Spaceship. Dallas : Taylor Pub Co. (32 p.) 28 cm. Illustrated Cloth.


1968yourworldsletsvisit.jpgIP. Primary. Color photographs. Three children visit the Manned Spacecraft Center (Houston, TX) and learn about space flight and astronaut training by getting to "visit areas other children are not normally allowed to visit".  Has 1 full page color photograph on each page including photographs of Mercury and Gemini spacecraft, a full scale LEM model, the artificial lunar "practice" surface, flight simulators, and Vice President Humbert Humphrey (who is credited in the introduction for assistance in getting permission for the children's visit). "Your world" series. Also 1971 edition.










Rand McNally and Company. Around the World: A View from Space. Chicago : Rand McNally and Co. (127 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IP. Secondary. Color paintings and photographs. Published seemingly to take advantage of the photographs from the Gemini missions. The format is a map of a region of the Earth followed in each section with the Gemini photographs of that region of the Earth (region shown outlined on the illustration). This book has minimal text seemingly dedicated to showing a new view of the Earth without any comment.

Shelton, William R. Man's Conquest of Space. Washington, DC: National Geographic Society. (199 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary/secondary. Color photographs.  A heavily illustrated description of manned space flight efforts up to the time.  Text covers history of space flight, conditions in space, satellites, and the effort to explore the Moon. Illustrated mostly by color photographs there are still many color space paintings from contractors and NASA of planned space efforts. Also 1972, 1974 editions.


Sparks, James C. Winged Rocketry. New York : Dodd, Mead. (183 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

               IC. Secondary.

Taylor, John W.R. Rockets and Missiles (2nd ed.). Feltham, England : Odhams. (127 p.) 10 x 13 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IT. Primary. B&W photographs. See 1962 1st ed.

Taylor, John W.R. Illustrated by Wood, John W. Rockets and Satellites work like this (4th edition). London : Phoenix House / New York: Roy. (71 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Secondary. B&W drawings. The first half of the book is devotes to the history of rockets and their military use.  The second half concentrates on the history of satellites and man in space.  It does cover the Apollo program and future Moon base plans. Has 54 drawings of rockets, Moon ships, and military missiles. "Science Works Like This" series. See 1959 1st edition.

Tharp, Edgar. Illustrated by Gottlieb, Charles. Giants of Space. New York: Grosset and Dunlap. (128 p.) 28 cm. Cloth, DJ.

BC. Primary/Secondary.  B&W drawings.  A biographical and encyclopedic source of spaceflight information. It has short descriptions and portraits of the major space vehicles, satellites, and people involved in the space program up to 1968. Includes Tsiolkovskiy, Goddard, Oberth, US Astronauts, and Cosmonauts. Also 1970 edition.

Tondow, Murray and Lundy, Ruthe Rose. Illustrated by Tannenbaum, Robert and Strejan, John. Discovering Space. Chicago : Follett Publishing Company. ( 20 p.) 27 cm. Softcover.

IT, ID. Primary. Color and B&W drawings and paintings. A pamphlet that accompanied a space game it discusses in very basic detail the history of rockets and manned exploration of space. Illustrations of astronauts, rockets, and a manned landing on the Moon. "Follet Learn-by-Discovery Game-Books" series (T-2043).

Wyler, Rose and Ames, Gerald. Illustrated by Polgreen, John and Solonevich, George. Exploring Other Worlds. New York: Golden Press. (77 p.) 18 cm. Softcover.

IT. US reprint of Wyler, R. "New Golden Book of Astronomy" (1965). Also 1971 UK edition.

Wyler, Rose and Ames, Gerald. Illustrated by Polgreen, John and Solonevich, George. Wonders of Space. Feltham, England : Hamlyn. (3, 104 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IT. UK reprint of Wyler, R. "New Golden Book of Astronomy" (1965).



The Adventure of Space Flight. London : Paul Hamlyn. (78 p.) 31 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary/secondary. Color paintings. Explains rockets and rockets theory, uses of satellites, and manned space exploration.  Many wonderful paintings of rockets, satellites, US and USSR space missions, and future space stations.  Worth seeking out for the illustrations.

Anderson, Poul. The Infinite Voyage: Man’s future in space. New York : Crowell-Collier. (160 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary/secondary.

Akens, David S.  John Glenn: First American in Orbit. Huntsville, AL: Strode Publishers. (128 p.) 22 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

BF. Primary. B&W photographs. A juvenile biography of John Glenn covering his activities through 1968. An interesting bit of "instant" history. "Heroes of Space" series.

Asimov, Isaac. ABC's of Space. New York: Walker. (47 p.) 29 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. B&W drawings and photographs. 51 "space words" arranged A-Z with a short definition and photograph or illustration for each one. See softcover reprint as: Asimov. "Space Dictionary" (1970).

Asimov, Isaac. Illustrated by Ebel, Alex. The Moon. London : University of London Press. (29 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. "Dolphin Science Book" (#16). UK reprint of 1966 US 1st edition


Bendick, Jeanne. Illustrated by Bendick, Jeanne. Space Travel. New York: Franklin Watts Inc. (94 p.) 23 cm. Illustrated Cloth.


1969spacetravel.gifID. Primary. B&W drawings. Text covers the conditions in space, basic rocket theory, the use of satellites, and manned exploration of the Moon and planets. Revised version of: Bendick. “First Book of Space Travel" (1953, 1963). One of the classic kid's space books updated for the space age. Many illustrations of rockets, space suits, space stations, surfaces of the Moon and Mars, satellites. 


















Bergaust, Erik. The Russians in Space. New York: GP Putnam's Sons. (95 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1969russiansinspace.jpgIR. Primary. B&W photographs and drawings. Traces the development of the Russian space program. Included detailed logs of all Russian space vehicles to date. Interesting overview including commentary about the author's perceived reasons that the Russians have a space program and a discussion of orbital weapons.








Bowen, Mollie. Illustrated by Wood, Gerald. Flying Saucers and Outer Space. London : Tyndall Mitchell. (45 p.) 27 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. About UFOs and manned space flight. "Seal" series. See 1972 edition under the title "Space, Fact and Fiction".

Boy's Own Annual #6: Moon Landing. Edited by Jack Cox. London : Purnell (125 pp.) 28 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1969boysownannualmoon.jpgIA. Primary. B&W drawings and photographs. Assorted articles, stories, projects, and games. Of interest is the cover story.








Branley, Franklyn M. Illustrated by Kessler, Leonard. A Book of Venus for You. New York : Thomas Y Crowell. (72 p.)  21 x 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. B&W drawings (with blue and yellow tints). A very basic book discussing what is known about Venus, the Mariner mission to Venus and future questions we have about the planet. Illustrations of rockets and Venus probes. "A Book of…For You".

Brinton, Henry. Man in Space. London : Black. (64 p.) 25 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. B&W drawings and paintings. Basic descriptions of the history of space flight, conditions found in space, and which planets should be explored by man. Mostly illustrated with photographs. Also 1970 edition.

Clarke, Arthur C and the editors of Time-Life . Man and Space (4th edition). New York: Time-Life books. (200 p.) 28 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IT. See 1964 1st  edition.

Cochrane, Jennifer. Space. London : Macdonald Educational. (60 p.) 23 cm. FORMAT?

ID. "MacDonald Jr. Reference Library" (#22). See 1972 US reprint.

Colby, C.B. Astronauts in Training: How Our Astronauts Prepare for Space Exploration. New York: Coward-McCann. (48 p.) 28 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IP. Primary. B&W photographs. Has very little text, mostly captioned publicity photographs from NASA and aerospace contractors arranged thematically.  No space art except in photographs of some of the aerospace contractors paintings but nice period photographs. Reprinted several times with a new photographic cover.

Coombs, Charles. Spacetrack: Watchdog of the Skies. New York: William Morrow and Co. (128 p.) 22 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IC. Primary. B&W photographs. Describes the USAF Spacetrack program.  Discusses need for orbital object census, US and Russian Spy satellites, and the technology involved in tracking orbital objects. Illustrations of rockets, satellites, space stations and tracking equipment.

Cooper Jr, Henry S. F. Apollo on the Moon. New York : The Dial Press. (144 p.) 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IC, IR. Primary.

Cox, Donald W. Illustrated by Dobbins, Dwight. America's Explorers of Space (including a special report on Project Apollo) (2nd edition). Maplewood, NJ : Hammond Inc. (93 p.) 27 cm. Cloth, DJ.

BC. Primary. Color paintings and B&W photographs. Updated with a new text section on Project Apollo (pp. 74-87, replacing 1st edition's UFOs section) and a new sub-title. See 1967 1st edition.

Dolezal, Erich. Conquest of Space. London : Abelard / New York : Abelard. (132 p.) 24 cm. Format?

IT. Primary/secondary. B&W photographs. With introduction by Wernher von Braun. Translated from the German by Alfred Kurti.

Dwiggins, Don. Illustrated by Dwiggins, Don. Voices in the Sky: The Story of Communications Satellites. San Carlos, CA: Golden Gate Junior Books. (80 p.) 28 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IC. Primary. B&W photographs, drawings and paintings. A basic history of communications satellites for children. Includes many aerospace contractors' paintings. Text is very information rich but complex for children with no conclusions drawn.

Edson, Lee. Worlds Around the Sun. New York : American Heritage. (159 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Secondary. Color and B&W photographs, drawings, and paintings. Mostly about the astronomy of the solar systems, and what had been learned from manned and unmanned exploration.  Many illustrations of planetary surfaces and satellites. Includes reproductions of a number of Chesley Bonestell paintings, B&W photographs from recent science fiction films, and a discussion of life on other worlds. Carl Sagan was a consultant for this book. "Smithsonian Library".

Ehricke, Kraft and Miller, Betty A. Exploring the Planets. Morrisstown, NJ : Silver Burdett. (63 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ. / (115 p.) 21 cm. Softcover.

IT. Primary.

Engelbrektson, Sune and Greenleaf, Peter. Let's Explore Outer Space: Elementary Research Problems in Space Science. New York: Arco Publishing Co Inc. (128 p.) 20 cm. Softcover.

IE. Secondary/adult. B&W drawings. Text is about how to do various astronomy and space science related science projects.  Interesting as a science fair and classroom project book of the time. See 1975 reprint.

Fairley, Peter. Illustrated by Brady, Pete. ABC of Space. London : Independent Television Publishers Ltd. (76 p.) 28 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1969abcspaceuk.jpgIT. Primary/secondary. B&W and color photographs. An A-Z dictionary of space terms and concepts. Usually 2-4 terms under each letter with a couple of paragraphs describing the concept. A publication spinning off from the MAGPIE television show.











Freeman, Ira A. Illustrated by Polgreen, John. The Look-it-up Book of Space. New York: Random House. (129 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IT. Primary. Color and B&W photographs and drawings. An encyclopedic dictionary of space flight. Mostly illustrated with photographs of the space program. . An interesting "snap-shot" of the space program but with no space art. See 1972 UK adaptation by Allward, M.


Fuchs, Erich. Illustrated by Fuchs, Erich. Journey to the Moon.  New York : Delacorte Press. (27 p.) 29 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1969journeytothemoon.gifIP. Primary. Color paintings.  A very unusual book about the first Moon landing. The artist painted 12 double page impressionistic scenes of a Saturn 5 launch, travel in space, landing on the Moon and the return to Earth.  The only text is 2 pages at the beginning of the picture section with very basic text about what is happening in each picture. Translated from the German title: “Heir Apollo 11”.











George Philip and Son. Around the World: A View from Space. London : George Philip and Son. (127 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IP. UK reprint of 1969 1st US edition by Rand McNally with the same title.

Goldstein, Kenneth K. The World of Tomorrow. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co. / London : Collins. (128 p.) 25 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IT. Primary/secondary. Color photographs, paintings and drawings.  Chapter 3 focuses on outer space and the future.  This book is illustrated with many beautiful color paintings and color photographs of intricate models of future construction projects. Illustrations of rockets, space stations and Moon cities.

Goodrum, John C.  Wernher von Braun: Space Pioneer. Huntsville, AL: The Strode Publishers. (166 p.) 22 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

BF. Primary. B&W photographs.  A basic biography. "Heroes of Space" series.

Gurney, Gene. Americans Into Orbit: The Story of Project Mercury (3rd edition). New York: Random House. (190 p.) 22 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IR. See 1962 1st edition.

Haggerty, James J. Apollo: Lunar Landing. Chicago: Rand McNally and Co. (159 p.) 25 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IR, IC. Secondary. B&W and color photographs. It gives a very detailed description of each component of the Apollo craft as well as a history of the program and descriptions of each mission. A good straightforward book on Apollo published just after the first Moon landing (and probably written in anticipation of it). See 1971 UK reprint.

Halacy, Jr., D.S. Colonization of the Moon. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. (159 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IC. Primary/secondary. B&W photographs and drawings  Written pre-moon landing it discusses how we will live on the Moon including transportation, communication, mining, and farming. Illustrations and some great aerospace company conceptual paintings of Moon vehicles and Moon bases

Highland, Harold Joseph. Illustrated by McMains, Denny. The How and Why Wonder Book of Planets and Interplanetary Space (3rd edition). New York: Grosset and Dunlap. (48 p.) 28 cm. Softcover.

IT. Primary. Color and B&W drawings and paintings. Small updating changes in the text:  “Into Space by Stages” section changed to "Steps to the Moon" and "After the Moon Mars". Illustrations remain the same through editions. "How and Why Wonder Books" #5048. See 1962 1st edition.

Holder, William G. Illustrated by Shields, Martha. Saturn V, The Moon Rocket. New York : Julian Messner. (190 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

               IC. Also 1970 edition

Hyde, Margaret O. Illustrated by Myers, Bernice. Off into Space! Science for Young Space Travelers (3rd edition). New York: McGraw-Hill. (63 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. B&W drawings. Text updated very little from the 1966 2nd edition with the same illustrations. See 1959 1st edition.

Jakes, John. Tiros: Weather Eye in Space. New York : Macfadden-Bartell. (191 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IR. Primary. Adaptation of 1966 1st edition. A "Ladder" series edition at 3,000 word level". Adapted by Cliff Bisbee.


*Lomask, Martha . Illustrated by Mellor, Gordon. The Big Trip to the Moon. Columbus, OH : Grow Ahead Press Inc. (33 p.) 18 cm. Softcover.

1969thebigtriptothemoon1.jpgID. Reprint of Moonshot 1970 (1967) with a changed title. A General Foods Tang give-away pamphlet. Tang advertisements on inside back cover and back cover. See 1967 1st edition.











*Lomask, Martha . Illustrated by Mellor, Gordon. Moonshot 1970: The True Story of America's Astronauts; from blastoff, to lunar touchdown, to ocean recovery. Columbus, OH : Grow Ahead Press Inc. (33 p.) 18 cm. Softcover.

ID. Reprint with added sub-title. Also found as General Foods Tang give-away pamphlet "The Big Trip to the Moon" (1969). See 1967 1st edition.

May, Julian. Illustrated by Barss, Bill. Rockets. London : University of London Press. (32 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. "Dolphin Science books" (#13). UK reprint of 1967 US 1st edition.

Ross Jr, Frank. Model Satellites and Spacecraft: Their stories and how to make them. New York: Lothrop, Lee & Shepard. (159 p.) 25 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IH. Primary. B&W drawings, paintings and photographs. Discusses the purposes of and illustrates ways of building paper models of 12 satellites. Includes contractors' paintings of satellites and photographs of the completed models.

Sagan, Carl and Leonard, Jonathan Norton. Planets (2nd edition.) New York : Time-Life Books. (200 p.) 28 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IT. See 1966 1st edition.

Sharpe, Mitchell R. Yuri Gagarin: First Man in Space. Huntsville, AL : Strode. (119 p.) 22 cm. Cloth.

1969yurigagarin.jpg  BF. Primary. B&W photographs. Basic biography. "Heroes of Space" series.









Silverberg, Robert. The World of Space. New York : Meredith Press. (185 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary/secondary.

Smith, LeRoi (editor). Illustrated by Irwin, Don and others. We Came in Peace. San Rafael, CA : Classic Press Inc. (77 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

1969wecaminpeace.jpgIR, IA. Primary/secondary. Color and B&W photographs, paintings and drawings.  One of the most common space books from the 1960s, it was given away by Gulf Oil gas stations. It was issued in response to the first landing on the Moon and describes in detail what the plans for the mission were, photographs of the Moon landings and many paintings of what the missions was to look like. Includes transcripts of the landing on the Moon, descriptions of other planets in the solar system, and a final chapter on "Your Future in Space". A fun book as a document of the times.










Smithline, Frederick. Illustrated by Mora, Raul Mina, Ponter, James, and Mc Mains, Denny. Answers about the Moon, Stars and Planets. New York: Grosset and Dunlap. (59 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IT. Primary. Color and B&W paintings and drawings. A repackaging of some of the material from the earlier "How and Why Wonder Books" series.  Text and illustrations cover basic astronomy, conditions on the planets and facts about the Moon. No space flight art. Also found in softcover.

Sonneborn, Ruth A. Illustrated by Polgreen, John. The Question and Answer Book of Space. London : Odhams. (63 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IT. 2nd UK reprint of 1965 US 1st edition (1st UK reprint 1966).

Space Adventure… to the Moon: History of major U.S. Space Flights, an exciting and authentic story depicting American Missions in Space. New York : Salesco Inc. (32 p.) 14 x 18 cm. Softcover.

1969spaceadventuretothemoon.gifIR. Primary. Color paintings. A souvenir pamphlet distributed in response to the Apollo 11 landing. Shows in comic book form the history of US manned space exploration up through the launch of Apollo 12. Contains (as per the cover) "32 full-color pages and 101 illustrations".











Sparks, James C. Moon Landing, Project Apollo. New York : Dodd, Mead. (109 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IR. Primary.

Sutton, Felix and Maurer, Alvin. Illustrated by Mora, Raul Mina and NASA. Conquest of the Moon. New York: Wonder Books. (59 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IR, IT. Primary. Paperback. B&W and color photographs, drawings and paintings.  Arranged in a question and answer format and reusing material from the "How and Why Wonder Books" series. It answers questions about what is known about the Moon and the history of the efforts to explore the Moon both manned and unmanned.

Warshofsky, Fred. 21st Century: The New Age of Exploration. New York : Viking. (173 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary/secondary.

Wilford, John Noble. We Reach the Moon: Young Reader's Edition. New York: WW Norton and Co Inc. (132 p.) 25 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IR. Primary/secondary. Color photographs and B&W drawings. A history of the American Space program, especially focusing on Apollo. Scattered diagrams of rockets, and Apollo vehicles CM, LM etc. Color photographs in center of astronauts and the surface of the Moon. Simplified text from adult version, see also 1973 edition.

Zaffo, George J. Illustrated by Zaffo, George J. The Giant Book of Things in Space. Garden City, NY: Doubleday and Co Inc. (152 p.) 32 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1969giantbookthingsinspace.jpegID. Primary. Color drawings. Very basic text with large illustrations of rockets, space stations, the surface of the Moon, the surfaces of the other planets.  Illustrations are fanciful rather than realistic illustration of rockets, space suits and space stations. Beautiful and a little odd.



Ahnstrom, D N. The Complete Book of Jets and Rockets (3rd edition). New York: World Publishing Co. (184 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IT. Primary/secondary. B&W photographs. The text of this book focuses mostly on jet aviation. Chapter 10 is on the "Age of Rockets", with a brief history of space travel up to the time. No space art. See 1957 1st edition.

Allward, Maurice F. Illustrated by Davies, Gordon. ‘Daily Mirror’ Book of Space. Feltham, England : Daily Mirror Books. (95 p.) 31 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1970dailymirrorbookofspace.jpgIA. Primary. Color and B&W photographs and paintings. A loose encyclopedia of 27 articles on space topics varying 2-10 pgs in length. Covers space history, the planets, landing on the Moon, the V-2, the Saturn 5, space stations, and a moon base. Has very nice paintings of rockets, satellites, space stations, and astronauts.












Asimov, Isaac. Space Dictionary. New York: Scholastic Book Services. (96 p.) 21 cm. Softcover.

 ID. Reprint (and re-titling) of Asimov. "ABC's of Space" (1969).

Binder, Otto. Illustrated by Solonevich, George. To the Moon and Beyond. New York : Western Publishing Co. (48 p.) 28 cm. Softcover.

1970tothemoonandbeyond.jpgID. Primary. Color paintings and photographs and B&W drawings. Discusses the exploration of and manned landing on the Moon. Speculates on future Apollo missions, development of a Moon base, exploration of Mars, and manned settlement of the Solar System. Illustrations of astronauts, spacecraft, manned landings on the Moon and Mars. Contains 48 stamps that can be pasted in the appropriate spots. "Golden Stamp Book" #6107.









Branley, Franklyn M. Illustrated by Kessler, Leonard. A Book of Moon Rockets for You (3rd edition). New York : Crowell. (65 p.) 21 x 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. B&W drawings and photographs. Updated post-Apollo 11 to describe how lunar probes orbited and landed on the Moon in preparation for the manned landing. It then discusses and shows how men went to the Moon, conditions found on the Moon and what future uses of the Moon may be. Ends with a chronology 1959-1969 of all successful lunar probes. See 1959 1st edition.

Branley, Franklyn. Illustrated by Kessler, Leonard. A Book of Venus for You (2nd ed. or reprint). New York : Thomas Y Crowell. (72 p.) 22 x 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. See 1969 1st edition.

Branley, Franklyn Mansfield. Illustrated by Nagy, Al. Rockets and Satellites (2nd edition). New York : Crowell. (33 p.) 21 x 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. 3 color and B&W drawings. With new illustrations for this edition. The very basic text discusses the theory and use of rockets and satellites. Illustrations are "blocky" and stylized. "Let's-read-and-find-out" series. See 1961 1st edition.

Branley, Franklyn . Illustrated by Kessler, Leonard. A Book of Outer Space for You. New York: Thomas Y Crowell. (56 p.) 21 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

ID. Primary. B&W paintings and drawings. The book focuses on an explanation of outer space, what it is, what it is like, and how would you travel in it.  Has some simple unrealistic drawings of astronauts and rockets.

Branley, Franklyn M. Illustrated by Glanzman, Louis. Man in Space to the Moon. New York: Thomas Y Crowell. (38 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1971maninspacetomoon.tifIR. Primary. B&W paintings and drawings. Basic book about the first landing on the Moon. Has several nice full page paintings of the Saturn 5, Apollo vehicles, astronauts, and the surface of the Moon. Franklyn is one of the most prolific authors of science books for children. Since his original love is astronomy and space this is one of the best children's books about the Apollo 11 mission issued at the time.








Brinton, Henry. Man in Space (2nd edition). London : Black. (64 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. See 1969 1st edition.

Colby, C.B. Countdown: Rockets and Missiles for National Defense. (2nd edition). New York: Coward-McCann. (48 p.) 28 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IP. Primary. B&W photographs. Text concentrates on new rockets developed since the 1960 edition. Format is a short paragraph about each rocket with 1 or 2 large photographs. See 1960 1st edition under the title "Countdown: The Story of Our Missile Bases".

Colby, C.B. Moon Exploration: Space Stations, Moon Maps, Lunar Vehicles. New York: Coward-McCann.. (48 p.) 28 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IP. Primary. B&W photographs. Basically a book of heavily captioned photographs. Illustrations of space stations, Moon bases and Moon rovers. It was reprinted several times with a new photographic cover.

Cooper, Henry S. F., Jr. Moon Rocks. New York : The Dial Press. (197 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IC. Primary/secondary.

Dempsey, Michael W and Royston, Angela. Into Space. New York: World Publishing Co. (30 p.) 24 cm. Illustrated Cloth. / London : Macdonald Educational. (31 p.) 19 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

1970intospace1.gifID. Primary. Color paintings. This book is a simple primer of basic principles of space flight with illustrations of spacesuits, satellites and the recent Moon landing.








Desoutter, Denis. Illustrated by Jenkins, David L. Your Book of Space Travel (2nd edition). London : Faber. (72 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. See 1962 1st edition.

Dwiggins, Dwight. Eagle has Landed: The Story of Lunar Exploration. San Carlos, CA: Golden Gate Jr. Books. (80 p.) 28 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IR. Primary. B&W photographs. This book describes the Moon landings, the story of Apollo, what lunar geologists were expecting to find and what is beyond Apollo.  The photographs are pretty standard but the section "Beyond Apollo" show contractor's paintings of space stations, shuttles, and Moon colonies.

Dwiggins, Don. Spaceship Earth: A Space look at Our Troubled Planet. San Carlos, CA : Golden Gate Jr. Books. (80 p.) 28 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1970spaceshipearth.jpgIC. Primary.









Edelman, Jeffrey. Illustrated by Evans, Christopher. A Trip to the Moon. London : Ginn. (16 p.) 23 cm. Format?

ID. Primary. Color drawings. A very basic book about Project Apollo. “First interest in space books” series.

Edelman, Jeffrey. Illustrated by Evans, Christopher. Men in Space. London : Ginn. (16 p.) 23 cm. Format?

ID. Primary. Color drawings. “First interest in space books” series.

Edelman, Jeffrey. Illustrated by Evans, Christopher. The Planets. London : Ginn. (16 p.) 23 cm. Format?

ID. Primary. Color drawings. “First interest in space books” series.

Edelman, Jeffrey. Illustrated by Evans, Christopher. Rockets and Satellites. London : Ginn. (16 p.) 23 cm. Format?

ID. Primary. Color drawings. “First interest in space books” series.

Farley, Peter.  Peter Farley Space Annual. London, England : TV Times . PAGES? SIZE? FORMAT?

1970peterfairlyspaceannual.jpgIT. Primary. Color and B&W paintings, B&W photographs








Farr, Frank. Illustrated by Eden, Eric. Rockets and How They Work : The Story of Rockets. London : Purnell. (93 p.) 31 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IT. Primary. Color and B&W paintings, B&W photographs. Another visual treasure, the paintings in this book are especially wonderful. The text is arranged in 3 chapters, "Beginnings", "How a rocket works", and "What rockets do". This last section (making up more than 2/3 of the book) covers from Sputnik through the Apollo program and proposed nuclear rockets and space stations.

Freeman, Mae. Illustrated by Darwin, Beatrice. Gravity and the Astronauts. New York : Crown. (31 p.) 20 x 24 cm. Cloth, DJ. / New York : Scholastic Book Services. (28 p.) 19 x 23 cm. Softcover.

1970gravityandtheastronauts.gifIC, ID. Primary. B&W and blue paintings.  A basic text about gravity using as examples how astronauts cope with the lack of gravity.  Many simple paintings of astronauts.











Friskey, Margaret. The Moonwalk Adventure . Chicago: Children’s Press. (46 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IR. Primary. Color and B&W photographs. Basic book about man's 1st landing on the Moon. Very basic text with full page photographs. Also found under the title: "The True Book of the Moonwalk Adventure". Also 1972 reprint in "I want to know about" series (vol. 22).

Goodwin, Harold L. Illustrated by Polgreen, John. All About Rockets and Space Flight (2nd ed.). New York: Random House. (145 p.)  24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. Drawings and photographs. "Allabout books" #50. See 1964 1st edition.

Gurney, Gene. Americans to the Moon: The Story of Project Apollo. New York: Random House. (147 p.)  29 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IR. Primary/secondary. B&W photographs. A nice description of the Apollo program missions through Apollo 12. Covers stories of the missions as well as astronaut training.

Hallmark Cards. Space Station for A Fine Young Astronaut. New York: Hallmark Cards. (4 p.) 18 x 21 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1971spacestationforafineyoung.gifIS. Primary. Color paintings. A spiral-bound 4 page pop-up book. There is 1 page of text on the back cover about space stations and conditions in space. The book folds out/pops up into a 4 room space station, each section of the station is heavily labeled with all controls and hatches indicated. Rooms include: Decompression-Refueling station, Control-Communications Center, Recreation Station and Life Support Center. Comes with 3 additional punch-out pages: 1 instructions, 1 with space capsule, 1 with astronauts and equipment.










Hendricks, Stanley. Illustrated by Muenchen, Al. Astronauts on the Moon. New York: Hallmark Cards. (16 p.) 24 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1970astronautsonthemoon1.jpgIR. Primary. Color paintings. One of the most popular juvenile pop-up space books. Has nice illustrations and good paper engineering for the pop-ups. This book is inexpensive to find used and is fun to look at.  The pop-up of the lunar landing is particularly striking. Reprinted several times variants include board cover with color photograph and black cloth embossed cover and dust jacket. Also 1974 reprint.










Hendrickson Jr, Walter B. Illustrated by Colabella, Vincent. Apollo 11: Men to the Moon. Irvington-on-Hudson, NY: Harvey House, Inc. (46 p.) 25 cm. Illustrated cloth.

IR. Primary. B&W (blue tinted) drawings. Tells the story of man's first landing on the Moon.

Hickman, William D. Talking Moons; The Story of Communications Satellites. New York : World. (125 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IC. Primary.

Holder, William G. Illustrated by Shields, Martha. Saturn V, the Moon Rocket (2nd edition). New York : Julian Messner. (192 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. See 1969 1st edition.

Hyde, Margaret O. Illustrated by Winston, Elizabeth Ann. Exploring Earth and Space (5th edition). New York: McGraw-Hill. (174 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1970exploringearthandspace.jpgIT. See 1957 1st edition.








Hyde, Margaret O. Illustrated by Winson, Elizabeth. Flight: Today and Tomorrow (3rd edition). New York: McGraw-Hill. (119 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. See 1953 1st edition.

Knight, Clayton. The How and Why Wonder Book of Rockets and Missiles (4th edition). New York: Grosset and Dunlap. (48 p.) 29 cm. Softcover.

IT. "How and Why Wonder Books" #5005. See 1960 1st edition.

Knight, David C. (editor). American Astronauts and Spacecraft: A Pictorial History from Project Mercury Through Apollo 13. New York: Franklyn Watts. (159 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IP, IR. Primary. Color and B&W photographs. A photographic encyclopedia of the US manned space program. Mostly annotated photographs with very little text. Includes capsule biographies of each astronaut and a glossary of space terms. Also 1972, 1975 editions.

Lauper, Patricia. Illustrated by Polgreen, John. The Look-it-up Book of Stars and Planets. London : Collins. (6, 138 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IT. UK reprint of 1967 1st US edition.

Lewellen, John, Shapiro, Irwin, and Allward, Maurice. Illustrated by McNaught, Harry and Palmer, Gerry. The Story of Flight (2nd edition). (95 p.) 31 cm. Illustrated Boards.

ID. UK 2nd edition of a US book (no US 2nd?). See 1959 1st US edition.






Martin, Jr., Bill. Illustrated by Aloise, Frank. The Eagle Has Landed. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc. (32 p.) 17 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

1970eagelhaslanded.jpgIR, ID. Primary. Color paintings.  The wonderful paintings are almost impressionistic in their simplicity. The text is a chronological timeline of events during the flight, exactly when during this historic flight did they leave for the Moon, actually land on the Moon, actually splashdown, etc.








Mellersh, N. Illustrated by Kesteven, Peter. The Discovers of the Universe. Exeter, England : Wheaton. (128 p.) 24 cm. Format?

BC. Primary.

Mountain, Dr Lee. Illustrated by Love, Dane. Space Carnival: The Story Behind Our Space Trips. Indianapolis, IN: Pictorial Publishers Inc. (42 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1970spacecarnival.jpgIS. Primary. Color paintings. The story of a boy exploring various aspects of astronaut training and the space program. Has an unusual format with a spinner on the cover (integral to the book).  After reading each section you spin to find out which of 5 possible sections you go to next.











Nicolson, Iain. Illustrated by Nicholls, James. Exploring the Planets. London : Hamlyn. (159 p.) 22 cm. Softcover.

IT. Secondary/Adult. Color paintings. Guide to the planets of the solar system.  Illustrated with 190 paintings, there are illustrations of rockets, astronauts, space stations and a Moon landing. Also illustrations of the planets from space and several of the surfaces of Mercury, the Moon and Mars. A colorful basic book. "Hamlyn All-Colour paperbacks" (#59). See 1971 US reprint.

Olney, Ross Robert. Americans in Space: A History of Manned Space Travel. (2nd edition). Camden, NJ : T. Nelson. (188 p.) 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IR. See 1966 1st edition.

Parker, Bertha Morris. Illustrated by McNaught, Harry. The Golden Book of Science (2nd edition revised). New York: Golden Press. (103 p.) size? Illustrated Boards.

IT. Primary. Color paintings.  Large format book about all aspects of science. See 1963 and 1956 editions. Updated text with descriptions of multi-staged rockets and illustrations of satellites, and Mercury and Gemini capsules. Interestingly many of the illustrations are reused from the 1956 edition. Revised from 1963 edition stated as 6th printing 1970. See 1956 1st edition.

Ravielli, Anthony. Illustrated by Ravielli, Anthony. The World is Round (revised edition). New York : Viking Press. ( 45 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

ID. Primary. 3 color drawings and color paintings. Primarily focuses on the shape of the earth and historically how ideas about the shape of the earth developed. Has nice paintings of the Earth from space as view from a Mercury Capsule and a view of the Earth from the Moon as seen by the Apollo astronauts. See 1963 1st edition.

Richey, B J. Apollo Astronauts: First Men to the Moon. Huntsville, AL : Strode. (144 p.) 22 cm. Cloth.

                IR, BC. "Heroes of Space" series.

Ross, Jr, Frank. Space Science and You. New York: Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Co. (190 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. B&W photographs and paintings.  Text describes how exploration of space and technology spin-offs has assisted in medicine, communications, meteorology, geology, oceanography, etc. The last chapter focuses on the future in space with several paintings of several space stations and shuttle types.

Russell, Geraldine. Illustrated by Siba Productions. A Rocket Trip to the Moon. New York: Golden Press. (30 p.) 27 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IS. Primary. Color photographs. A very unusual book it has very simple text about a trip to the Moon by 4 children and their dog. The pages are thin board, with 15 double page scenes. The illustrations are photographs of dolls and models with accurate looking space suits, space vehicles, a space station, and a Moon rover. The closest equivalent might be the British "Thunderbirds" television show.

Simon, Tony. Illustrated by Birmingham, Lloyd. The Moon Explorers. New York: Four Winds Press. (126 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ. / New York: Scholastic Book Services. (128 p.) 21 cm. Softcover.

IR. Primary. B&W photographs and drawings. Text focuses on the Apollo program through Apollo 11. Final chapter discuss 9 planned Apollo missions, a Moon base, space stations (including the Saturn workshop) and exploration of the solar system. Includes aerospace contractor's art of Moon bases and space stations. Also 1971 edition.

Smith, Norman F. Illustrated by DeWan, Edmund. Uphill to Mars, Downhill to Venus. Boston : Little, Brown. (136 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IC. Primary/secondary. B&W drawings and photographs. Sub-titled "The science and technology of space travel" this book, written by a former NASA engineer, gives a description of conditions found in space and the technical challenges needed to be overcome to have manned exploration of space.  It goes on to cover thrust, orbit, rendezvous and escape velocity. It then discusses the Apollo mission to the Moon, space stations and a manned mission to Mars.  Illustrations are mostly simple drawings.

Sonneborn, Ruth A. Illustrated by Polgreen, John. The Question and Answer Book of Space (2nd edition). New York: Random House. (68 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IT. See 1965 1st edition.

Stambler, Irwin. Project Viking: Space Conquest Beyond the Moon. New York: GP Putnam's Sons. (128 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1970projectvikingspaceconquest.jpgIC. Primary/secondary. B&W drawings and photographs.  Discusses the plans for Project Viking, future probes to Venus and Mars, space stations, manned exploration of Mars, exploration of  the outer planets, Contractor's paintings of space probes on Mars, space stations, manned landing on Mars. A nice book about what the future of the US in space was thought to be in 1970.








Sutton, Felix, Maurer, Alvin and Weigle, Oscar. Illustrated by Mora, Raul Mina. The How and Why Wonder Book of the Moon (2nd edition). New York: Grosset and Dunlap. (48 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1969howandwhymoon.jpgIT. Also found in softcover. . "How and Why Wonder Books" #5068. Also found in softcover ("How And Why Wonder Books" #5048).  See 1963 1st edition.








Taylor, John W. R. Illustrated by Wood, John W and Hobson, William. Rockets and Spacecraft: How They Work. London : Dent. (94 p.) 26 cm. Format?

1970rocketsandspacecraft.jpgIT. Updating and re-titling of: Taylor, “Rockets and Satellites Work Like This (4th ed.)(1968)”.








Tharp, Edgar. Illustrated by Gottlieb, Charles . Giants of Space (2nd edition). New York: Grosset and Dunlap. (128 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

BC. "Illustrated True Book" (#4079). See 1968 1st edition.

Verral, Charles Spain. Illustrated by Zachs, Lewis. Go! The Story of Outer Space. New York : Young Reader's Press. (71 p.) 20 cm. Softcover.

ID. Softcover reprint. See 1962 1st edition.

Wood, Leslie Ashwell. Illustrated by Wood, Leslie Ashwell. Inside Information on Space Travel. London : Benwig Books Ltd. (23 p.) 16 x 21 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1970insideinfospacetravel.gifIT, IP. Primary. Color paintings. A basic book with cutaway paintings of satellites, rockets, a tracking station, the Saturn 5 and Apollo spacecraft, a space station, and a space shuttle. Format is 1 page of text for each  painting. Interesting for both its illustrations and its focus on Britain's contribution to spaceflight. "Inside Information".







Wyler, Rose and Ames, Gerald. Illustrated by Polgreen, John and Solonevich, George. The New Golden Book of Astronomy (2nd edition). New York: Golden Press. (104 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IT. See 1965 1st edition.

Young, Miriam. Illustrated by Quackenbush, Robert. If I Flew a Plane. New York: Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Co. (32 p.) 20 x 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IS. Primary. 2 color and color drawings.  Informational storybook. Text concerns what a boy dreams of doing when he becomes a man and what kind of pilot he will be. He tries out various types of flying machines including a spaceship. Illustrations of  astronaut in flight, landing on the Moon, and splashdown of a capsule.




Appel, Fred. The Moon and Beyond. London : Aldus Books Ltd. (191 p.) 27 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

1971moonandbeyond.jpgIT. Primary/secondary. Color and B&W photographs. Volume 17 of the "Aldus Encyclopedia of Discovery and Exploration". This is a nice stand-alone book on the history of rockets and space flight up to 1971.  Many photographs of the people and equipment involved in the exploration of space. Also 1972, 1973 editions.











Asimov, Isaac. Illustrated by Herrick, Herb. Mars. London : University of London Press. (32 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. "Dolphin Science Book" (#17). UK reprint of 1967 1st US edition.


Branley, Franklyn M. Illustrated by Kessler, Leonard. A Book of Satellites for You (2nd edition). New York: Crowell. (48 p.) 21 x 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. See 1958 1st edition.

Carlisle, Norman. Satellites: Servants of Man. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott Co. (96 p.) 26 cm. Cloth.

1971satelliteservants.jpgIT. Primary. B&W photographs. Focuses on the uses of satellites to predict weather, observe the Earth, and guide ships and airplanes.  The last chapter focuses on satellites use in space exploration. Many photographs of satellites including aerospace contractors' paintings of satellites, a space station and a delta winged ship.  Interesting basic book.








Carlisle, Madelyn. About Satellites. Chicago : Melmont Publishers. (47 p.) 22 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

ID. Primary. B&W drawings and photographs. Very basic text about the use of satellites including weather tracking, telecommunications, map making and astronomical observations. Many photographs of contractor's paintings of satellites. Also paintings of a space shuttle and a space station.

Chappell, Carl L. Illustrated by Doremus, Robert. Virgil I Grissom : Boy Astronaut. Indianapolis : Bobbs-Merrill. (200 p.) 20 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

1971virgilgrissom1.jpgBF. "Childhood of famous Americans" series.









Clarke, Arthur C and Silverberg, Robert. Into Space: A Young Person's Guide to Space (2nd edition). New York : Harper. (129 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary/secondary. B&W photographs (16 pg. center section). Textual revision and updating by Silverberg of Clarke's, “Going Into Space (U.S. title)” (1954) and Clarke, “The Young Traveler in Space (U.K. title)” (1954). Takes each chapter of the original and updates it for the 1970s. I find it very interesting how the 17 years between the "editions" are reflected in how some of what was predicted has come true yet there still predictions of how space shuttles, space stations, and a lunar colony are just around the corner. See 1954 1st editions.

Colby, C.B. Beyond the Moon: Future Explorations in Interplanetary Space. New York: Coward, McCann & Geoghegan. (48 p.) 28 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IP. Primary. B&W photographs. Primarily a heavily annotated photo album. This one is notable for its space art of space shuttle prototypes, and timetables of space stations, Moon bases and exploration of the solar system. Reprinted several times with a new photographic cover.



Dickinson, Terence. Illustrated by Kucharski, Zig and Costanzo, Victor A. Exploring the Moon and the Solar System. Toronto, Canada: The Copp Clark Publishing Co. (72 p.) 22 x 26 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

1971exploringthemoonandsolarsystem.jpgID. Primary. Color and B&W photographs, paintings and diagrams.  Basic book on the planets of the solar system. It discusses conditions on each planets and each chapter is illustrated with photographs and painting of the planet's surface. The cover of the book features a spectacular painting of "Explorers on Europa in the year 2036".












Dwiggins, Don. Into the Unknown: The Story of Space Shuttles and Space Stations. San Carlos, CA: Golden Gate Junior Books. (80 p.) 28 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. B&W photographs. The text describes the planned space shuttle, the X-15 and Dyna-Soar projects, Skylab, life aboard a space station and exploration of the solar system. Illustrated with photographs of contractor's space are. Especially interesting are the sequence of illustrations aboard the space shuttle and life aboard a space station.

Freeman, Mae and Freeman, Ira. Illustrated by Ames, Lee. You Will Go to the Moon (2nd edition). New York: Random House. (72 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ / New York: Beginner Books. (60 p.) 24 cm. Illustrated Cloth

1971youwillgotothemoon.gifIS. Primary. 3 color drawings. Updated from the 1959 edition by reusing the same text and redrawing and "updating" the illustrations so that the spacesuits and spacecrafts more resemble those of the Apollo program. The crew in the ships looks dressed more Star Trek than NASA in their long sleeve polo shirts. The circular space stations is still there but the lunar landing craft is an odd hybrid of the LEM and the Command module. The book does have color paintings and while not as charming as the first, it is worth a look. Found mostly in Beginner Book club illustrated cloth edition. See 1959 1st edition.










Gallant, Roy A. Man's Reach for the Stars. Garden City, NY: Doubleday and Co Inc. (201 p.) 25 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IT. Primary/secondary. B&W photographs and illustration with color photographs in center section.  An extensive updating and expansion of : Gallant. "Man's Reach into Space" (1959, 1964) with less illustrations and more text. Expands on the landing on the Moon, testing of astronauts, conditions found in space and on other planets.  A few illustrations of rockets, space stations and a landing on the Moon. Not as spectacular as the earlier books it attempts to incorporate all the new knowledge about space gathered.

Haggerty, James J. Apollo: Lunar Landing. Kingswood, England : World’s Work. (159 p.) 25 cm. [format].

IR. UK reprint of 1969 US 1st edition.

Hill, Robert W. What the Moon Astronauts Do (4th edition.) New York : John Day. (64 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IP. Primary. B&W photographs and drawings. Updated to included photographs of the Moon landing.  Title change from previous editions. Also 1972 UK reprint. See 1963 1st edition under the title "What the Moon Astronauts Will Do All Day: The Official Plan of Project Apollo".

The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Aviation and Space. Los Angeles, CA: A.F.E. Press. (14 volumes) 29 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IT. Primary/secondary. Color and B&W photographs and diagrams. Updated version of "Above and Beyond: The Encyclopedia of Aviation and Space" (1967).

*Kerrod, Robin. A First Look at Space. London: Franklin Watts, Ltd. (48 p.) 18 x 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1971afirstlookatspace1.jpgIT. Primary. B&W (blue tinted) drawings. A very basic book about space,  and manned exploration of space. Illustrations of Apollo, satellites, and astronauts. "A First Look book".








Knight, David C. The First Book of Mars: An Introduction to the Red Planet (2nd edition). London : Franklyn Watts. (94 p.) 23 cm. [format]

ID. See 1966 1st edition.

Kondo, Herbert. The Moon. New York : Watts. (86 p.) 22 cm. Cloth.

ID. Primary. B&W photographs. Also found under the title "First Book of the Moon".  Also 1972 UK edition.

Mehrens, H.E. Revised by Conroy, Charles W. The Dawning Space Age (3rd ed.) Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama : United States Air Force, Civil Air Patrol National Headquarters. (230 p.) 22 cm. Softcover.

IT. Secondary. B&W (blue or red tinted) drawings and photographs. A textbook for Civil Air Patrol cadets it was also recommended for use in secondary schools. Discusses the history of rockets and manned space flight, rockets engine theory, missile guidance, and future planned space missions. It is notable for its many aerospace contractors' paintings and illustrations of present and future rockets. See 1959 1st edition.

Mondey, David. Illustrated by Davies, Gordon C. Rockets and Missiles. New York : Grosset and Dunlap / Feltham, England : Hamlyn. (75 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IT. Text adapted from: Taylor. “Rockets and Missiles (1971)”.  "The Knowledge Library" series.

Nicolson, Iain. Illustrated by Nicholls, James. Exploring the Planets. New York: Grosset and Dunlap Inc. (159 p.) 22 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IT. "Grosset All-color Guide". US reprint of 1970 1st UK edition.

Pope, Billy N and Emmons, Ramona Ware. Your World: Let's Visit a Spaceship (2nd edition). Dallas : Taylor Pub Co. (32 p.) 28 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

1971yourworldletsvisitaspaceship.jpgIP. Primary. Color photographs. Using the same photographs as the 1st edition authors updated the text to recognize that men had already walked on the moon. Text also uses many more questions to the reader and a changed glossary of words used. "Your world" series. See 1968 1st edition.











Rosenfeld, Sam. Illustrated by Barry, James E. Ask Me a Question About Rockets, Satellites and Space Stations. Irvington-on-Hudson, NY: Harvey House Inc. (95 p.) 24 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

1971askmeaquestionaboutrocsat.tifIT. Primary. B&W photographs and drawings. Arranged in a question and answer format this books answers basic questions about space flight etc. With a list of US space missions at the back the most interesting thing about this book is the cover: a fanciful space station. A few photographs of aerospace company paintings of proposed space stations.











Shapp, Martha and Shapp, Charles. Illustrated by Snyder, Joel. Let's Find out about Space Travel. New York: Franklin Watts, Inc. (46 p.) 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. B&W drawings. Full page drawings with very simple text. Text covers a basic history of space travel and possible future of manned exploration. Illustration of US rockets, astronauts, space stations. Very nice simple drawings.

Simon, Seymour. Illustrated by Sweat, Lynn. Science at Work: Projects in Space Science. New York : Watts. (vii, 87 p.) 23 cm. Format?

IE. Primary.

Simon, Tony. Illustrated by Birmingham, Lloyd. The Moon Explorers (2nd edition). New York: Four Winds Press. (126 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IR. Primary. B&W drawings, paintings and photographs. An updating of the 1970 edition. Covers up through Apollo 15.  Describes in  detail the Apollo program and the first landing on the Moon (up to page 98). Illustrations and photographs of rockets, astronauts etc.  The last 3 chapter discuss Moon bases, manned exploration beyond the Moon, and space stations. Illustrations of Skylab and proposed large space station. This was a very popular book through its softcover publication by Scholastic. Also 1973 softcover reprint. See 1970 1st edition.

Space and Man. Singapore : McGraw-Hill Far Eastern Publishers. (32 p.) 19 cm. Format?

IT. Basic Science series, Book 14.

Slote, Alfred. Illustrated by Kaufman, John. The Moon in Fact and Fancy (2nd ed.). New York : World. (125 p.) 22 cm. Format?

IT. See 1967 1st edition.

Taylor, John W.R. Rockets and Missiles (3rd ed.) Feltham, England : Odhams. (127 p.) 10 x 13 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IT. Primary. B&W photographs. See 1962 1st edition.

Wyler, Rose and Ames, Gerald. Illustrated by Polgreen, John and Solonovich. Exploring Other Worlds (2nd edition). London : Pan Books. (80 p.) 18 cm. Softcover.

IT. Primary. UK updating of 1968 US 1st edition. Partially based on Wyler, R. The New Golden Book of Astronomy (1965).

Yerian, Cameron and Yerian, Margaret. Illustrated by Gindraux, Jim. ABC's of Aerospace. Los Angeles : Elk Grove Press. (57 p.) 24 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

1971abcsofaerospace.jpgID. Primary. 2 color drawings. The letters of the alphabet are used to introduce 26 space terms used in rhymed verses. Very basic and charming book.



Allward, Maurice F. Illustrated by Polgreen, John. The Look-it-up Book of Space. Glasgow, Scotland : Collins. (137 p.) 29 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Adaptation by Allward based on: Freeman. "The Look-it-up Book of Space" (1969).

Appel, Fred. The Moon and Beyond (2nd edition). London : Aldus Books Ltd. (191 p.) 27 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IT. See 1971 1st edition.

Becker, Thomas. Exploring Tomorrow in Space. New York : Sterling Publishing. (160 p.) 27 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

1972exptomorrowspace.jpgIT. Primary.









Bowen, Mollie. Illustrated by Wood, Gerald. Space, Fact and Fiction. Glascow : Collins. (46 p.) 28 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary.  About UFOs and manned space flight. "Treasure Trove" series. See 1969 1st  edition under the title " Flying Saucers and Outer Space".


Branley, Franklyn M. Illustrated by Danska, Herbert. Pieces of Another World: The Story of Moon Rocks. New York: Thomas Y Crowell. (58 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IC. Primary. B&W drawings with a center section of color photographs of Moon rocks. Describes how they collected the Moon rocks and some of the discoveries being derived from them. Drawings of astronauts and the tools they used on the Moon.

Cochrane, Jennifer et al. Space. Baltimore, MD: Ottenheimer Publishers Inc. (62 p.) 21 cm. [format].

ID. US reprint of 1969 UK 1st edition.

Colby, C B. Space Age Spin-offs: Space Program Benefits for All Mankind. New York : Coward, McCann, and Geoghegan. (48 p.) 28 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

                IP. Primary. B&W photographs.

Coombs, Charles. Skylab. New York : William Morrow and Co. (128 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1972skylabcoombs.jpgIC. Primary. B&W photographs, paintings and drawings. Written before the actual missions it outlines the structure of the modules, experiments planned, and step by step description of the activities during each mission. Illustrated primarily with photographs of the astronauts in the mock-up. The final chapter has illustrations of future space stations.








Dwiggins, Don. Robots in the Sky: Explorers of our Solar System. San Carlos, CA : Golden Gate Junior Books. (79 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. B&W photographs. Describes the U.S. unmanned planetary exploration efforts. Includes chapters on exploration of the Sun, Venus, Mars and the Outer Planets, and ending with exploration plans for beyond the Solar System. Interesting paintings of planetary surfaces, probes and future manned missions.

Freeman, Mae B. Illustrated by Mora, Raul Mina. Space Base. New York : Watts. (63 p.) 26 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1972spacebase.jpgIS. Primary. B&W paintings and drawings. A basic story about a child visiting a space station and learning about the construction and use of space stations. Gives a complete basic description of how they would be constructed, what power sources they would use, and what life on a space station would be like. Many full page illustrations of the exterior and interior of an imaginary circular space station.










Friskey, Margaret. Illustrated by Dunnington, Tom. The True Book of the Moon-ride Rock Hunt. Chicago : Children's Press. (43 p.) 22 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IR. Primary. Color and B&W photographs and drawings. Describes the discoveries made on the Moon by the Apollo 15 astronauts.

Gatland, Kenneth. Exploring Space. New York : Grosset and Dunlap / London : Macdonald and Co. (48 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

ID. Primary.



Gurney, Gene. Cosmonauts in Orbit: The Story of the Soviet Manned Space program. New York: Franklin Watts. (192 p.) 28 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

1972cosmonauts.jpgIR. Primary/secondary. B&W photographs.  Cover the history of the Soviet space program from Gagarin through to the tragic Soyuz 11 mission. Maybe the best book on the Soviet manned space program ever issued for children up to that time. A nice partner to Gurney. "Americans to the Moon" (1970). Also 1974 edition.








Hill, Robert. What the Moon Astronauts Do. London : Hart-Davis. (62 p.) 26 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IP. UK reprint of 1971 US edition.

Kelen, Emery. Stamps Tell the Story of Space Travel. Nashville : Thomas Nelson. (143 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary. B&W photographs. This book is illustrated with photographs of postage stamps from the US,  Russia and many other nations depicting space flight. It describes the history of space flight  in several sections, devoting 1-2 pages to the subject of each stamp. Major subjects covered include early space flight thinkers and pioneers, early space flight testing with animals, man in space, satellites, and the Apollo landings on the Moon.

Knight, David C. American Astronauts and Spacecraft: a Pictorial History from Project Mercury through Project Apollo (2nd edition). New York: Franklin Watts. (159 p.) 29 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IR. Primary. Color and B&W photographs. This edition has added pages on the Apollo 14 and 15 missions. See 1970 1st edition.

Kondo, Herbert. The Moon (2nd ed.). London : Watts. (96 p.) 23 cm. Cloth.

IT. See 1971 US 1st edition.

Langseth, Marcus and Langseth, Lillian. Illustrated by Cuffari, Richard. Apollo Moon Rocks. New York: Coward, McCann and Geohegan. (64 p.) 25 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IC. Primary. B&W photographs, drawings and paintings. A great basic book about Moon rocks, how they were collected, their composition and theories of how they were formed. Illustrations of the Moon's surface.

Lomask, Milton. Illustrated by Fiorentino, Al. Robert H Goddard: Space Pioneer. Champaign, IL : Garrard Publishing Co. (80 p.) 23 cm. Cloth, DJ

BF. Primary. 3 color drawings. A very basic biography of Robert Goddard. Nice full page illustrations of events in his life.  The only modern rocket shown is his wife watching the launch of a Saturn 5 on its way to the Moon. "A Discovery Book".

Moore, Patrick and Hardy, David. Illustrations by Hardy, David. Challenge of the Stars. Chicago : Rand McNally / London : Mitchell Beazley Ltd. (63 p.) 34 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1972challengestars.jpgIP. Primary/secondary. Color paintings. The text describes conditions found in the solar system and a plan for man's exploration of them. With 28 full page paintings of spacecraft and the surfaces of many of the planets and moons of the solar system. 








Nourse, Alan. Venus and Mercury. New York : Franklin Watts. (68 p.) 23 cm. Format?

ID. Primary.

Plowden, Lady, Brearley, Molly, Briggs, Asa. The World of Space. Ottenheimer Pub Inc. (62 p.) 19 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary/secondary. Color and B&W photographs and paintings. A book from the Reference Library series, it is a basic illustrated encyclopedia dictionary of space terms. Illustrations of rockets, astronauts, space stations, Moon landings. Lots of nice space art. Pictures are not updated from 1969 edition.

Podendorf, Illa. Illustrated by Borja, Robert. The True Book of Space (3rd edition). Chicago: Children's Press.(48 p.) 22 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

ID. See 1959 1st edition.

Pollard, Michael. Illustrated by Kesteven, Peter. The Astronaut. London : Macmillan. (32 p.) 19 cm. Format?

ID. Primary. Color and B&W drawings and photographs. "What do they do?" series.

Rosenfeld, Sam. Illustrated by Lewis, Anne. Science Experiments for the Space Age. Irvington-on-Hudson, NY: Harvey House Inc. (190 p.) 26 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IE. Primary/secondary. B&W drawings and photographs. A book of experiments to explore the principles of space travel and technology. Basic science experiments involving seismology, astronomy, and physics. No space art but each chapter leads off with a picture of an astronaut and the last few chapters text discusses the necessity of space suits, basic orbital mechanics etc.

Rubinger, Michael. Illustrated by Snyder, Joel. I Know an Astronaut. New York: GP Putnam's Sons. (46 p.) 23 cm. Cloth.

ID. Primary. Blue-tinted B&W drawings. Describes basic equipment of an astronaut, how astronauts travel to the Moon and back and principles of space flight.  Nice illustrations of rockets, space suits, Apollo command and lunar modules, and a satellite.  Has a generic cover of "Community Helper" series so it is easy to miss if you are not looking for the title.

Ryan, Peter. Illustrated by Pesek, Ludek. Journey to the Planets. London : Longman Young Books. (48 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ / Harmondsworth, Middlesex  : Penguin Books. (48 p.) 21 cm. Softcover.

IT. Primary/secondary. Color paintings and B&W photographs.  A basic book about the planets with several pages and a 2 page painting devoted to each planet. The Pesek paintings are wonderful but the small size of them limits the enjoyment. Cloth edition "Explorer" series. Softcover edition "A Puffin Original". Also 1973 edition.

Sagan, Carl and Leonard, Jonathan Norton. Planets (3rd edition.) New York : Time-Life Books. (200 p.) 28 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IT. See 1966 1st edition.

Sauvain, Philip Arthur. Illustrated by Morter, Peter. The First Men on the Moon. Amersham, England : Hulton.  (32 p.) 21 cm. Format?

IR, BC. Primary. B&W and color drawings and photographs. Biography of Apollo 11 astronauts. "Round the World Histories" series #24.

Shelton, William Roy. Man’s Conquest of space (2nd edition). Washington, DC: National Geographic Society. (199 p.) 27 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. See 1968 1st edition.

Shenfeld, Gary. Famous Firsts in Space. New York : Putnam. (71 p.) 24 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

1972famousfirstsspace.tifIT. Primary. B&W photographs. Recounts 32 famous firsts in space in 2 page segments. Covers topics from : "First mention of space travel" to "First men on the Moon".











Simon, Tony. Illustrated by Birmingham, Lloyd. The Moon Explorers (2nd edition). New York: Scholastic Book Services. (128 p.) 21 cm. Softcover.

IR. Softcover reprint of 1971 2nd edition. See 1970 1st edition.




Angrist, Stanley W. Illustrated by Arno, Enrico. Other Worlds, Other Beings. New York: Thomas Y Crowell Co. (119 p.) 25 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IC. Primary/secondary. B&W photographs and drawings. A discussion of the possibility of life on other planets. Includes a discussion of the basic principles of life, methods for searching for life on other planets and a discussion of how common life is in the universe. Also discusses the possibility of communicating with other forms of life in the universe. An interesting children's book.

Appel, Fred. The Moon and Beyond (3rd edition). London : Aldus Books. (191 p.) 27 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IT. See 1971 1st edition.

Asimov, Isaac. Illustrated by Polgreen, John. Satellites in Outer Space (4th edition). New York: Random House. (59 p.) 24 cm. Cloth.

ID. See 1960 1st edition.

Berry, Graham. Is there Life on Mars? The Incredible Photographic Mission of Mariner 9. Los Angeles : Ward Ritchie Press. (56 p.) 26 cm. Format?


IC. Primary. "Discusses the various schools of thought concerning the possibility of life on Mars, and how the flight of Mariner 9 around Mars affected these theories. Includes photographs from the Mariner 9 mission."

Branley, Franklyn. Illustrated by Wong, Jeanyee. Experiments in the Principles of Space Travel (3rd edition).New York: Thomas Y Crowell. (113 p.) 21 cm. Cloth.

IE. See 1955 1st edition.

Edmonds, I G. Jet and Rocket Engines: How They Work. New York: GP Putnam's Sons. (96 p.) 22 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IC. Primary/secondary. B&W photographs and drawings. Rocket and jet engine history and theory.

Ely, Lawrence D. The Teenager in the Space Age. New York : Richard Rosen Press. (192 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. Primary/secondary. B&W drawings and photographs. An updating of his 1962 book "Your Future in Aerospace Technology".  Discusses the history of the Space Age, career opportunities for teens, development of various space programs, technological spin-offs from the space program, and effects of the space age on teenager's life in the future. Interesting mixture of futurism and space flight technology. Mostly text with just a few aerospace company paintings of the space shuttle.



Freeman, Mae and Freeman, Ira. Illustrated by Ames, Lee. Going to the Moon. London : Collins. (63 p.) 24 cm. Cloth.

1973goingtothemoon.jpgIS. UK reprint (and re-titling) of 1971 US 2nd  edition of “You Will Go to the Moon”.

















Gatland, Kenneth W.  Exploring Space. New York : Grosset and Dunlap. (48 p.) 28 cm.  Illustrated cloth.

IT. Primary. Color and B&W photographs and drawings. An encyclopedia of astronomy and spaceflight.  Contains 22 two page articles about topics such as the solar system, Skylab, Mars, Man in space, observing the stars, how to make a telescope and the next steps in manned space travel. Illustrations of rockets, astronauts , space shuttles, space stations, and a manned Mars landing. "Visual Books" series.

Hey, Nigel S.  How Will We Explore the Outer Planets? New York: GP Putnam's Sons. (159 p.) 24 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IC. Secondary. B&W photographs. This book uses a number of the NASA paintings of what proposed probes and missions might look like to outline the plans for exploring the planets. Nice descriptions of all it will take to build, launch, steer and communicate with the probes.

Jacobs Jr., Lou. Space Station '80. New York : Hawthorne Books. (111 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1973spacestation80.jpgIC. Primary. B&W photographs and drawings. Includes aerospace contractor's paintings of several proposed space shuttles and space stations.  The text focuses on Skylab and the possible designs and uses of future space stations.











Knight, David C. First Book of Mars: An Introduction to the Red Planet (2nd edition). New York: Franklin Watts. (82 p.) 22 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

ID. Primary/secondary. B&W photographs and drawings.  Heavily revised to include the data from the Mariner probes, this is an introduction to Mars and conditions on the planet.  Has 1 painting of a Mars landing and the surface of Mars. Part of the "First book of ..." series. See 1966 1st edition.

Leipold, L. Edmond. Heroes of Today- The Astronauts. Minneapolis, MN : T.S. Denison and Co. (64 p.) 25 cm. Illustrated Cloth


1973heroestodayastronauts.tifBC. Primary. Color drawings. Part of "Lives of Great American series". The 5 chapters cover the lives of: Alan Shepard, Jr., John Glenn, Astronauts Grissom, White, and Chaffee, Astronauts Borman, Lovell, and Anders,  and Astronauts Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins. Portraits of the astronauts are very primitive and almost ugly.








Paine, Brian. Illustrated by Paine, Brian. You can Draw Rockets and Spacemen. Henley-on-Thames, England : Cressrelles. (30 p.) 18 x 22 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IH. Primary.

Ryan, Peter. Illustrated by Pesek, Ludek. Journey to the Planets (2nd edition). Harmondsworth, Middlesex  : Penguin Books. (48 p.) 21 cm. Softcover.

IT. See 1972 1st edition.

Shapp, Martha and Shapp, Charles. Illustrated by Mora, Raul Mina. Let's Find Out about the Moon ( 2nd ed.). New York: Franklyn Watts. (43 p.) 23 cm. Format?

ID. New illustrator. See 1965 1st ed. Also 1975 ed.

Siefarth, Gunter (Fielden, Gordon (trans from German). Space Travel : Spacecraft and Stations. , Guildford : Lutterworth Press. (45 p.) 23 cm. Format?

IT. Translation of 1971 “Raumfahr”.

Whittingham, Richard and Brooks, Barbara. Illustrated by Suyeoka, George. The Earth and the Stars (2nd edition). Nashville : Southwestern Co. (96 p.) 262 pp. Cloth.

IT. Primary. Color and B&W drawings. (description based on this edition. Part of “The Home Adventure Library Volume 1”). Text covers ecology, meteorology, the planets and space flight.  Illustrations of rockets, spacesuits, Apollo ships, space station. Bound with Numbers and discoveries and Fact Book. See 1968 1st edition.

Wilford, John Noble. We Reach the Moon (Young reader's edition) (2nd edition). New York: Grosset and Dunlap Inc. (168 p.) 25 cm. Cloth.

IR. Primary/secondary. Color photographs and B&W drawings. A history of the American Space program, especially focused on the Apollo program. This edition revised and expanded by 33 pages to cover Apollo 12-17. See 1969 1st edition.

Wilson, Forrest. Build Your Own Moon Settlement. New York: Pantheon Books. (32 p.) 21 x 28 cm. Softcover.

1973buildyourownmoonsettlement.gifIH. Primary/secondary. B&W drawings. With very limited "space art" this book is a craft book that allows you to build cardboard models of some of the major modules a Moon settlement would need. Written by an architect, its 27 pages of text outline his ideas for how a colony would work. A unique book, characteristic of this post-Moon landing period.



Bergaust, Erik. Rescue in Space: Lifeboats for Astronauts and Cosmonauts. New York: GP Putnam's Sons. (95 p.) 24 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IP. Primary. B&W photographs. Has a number of space art illustrations from NASA and space contractors.  It cover the concept of what if an emergency happened during a flight.  How does NASA train its astronauts for emergencies?  What would be the outcome of the 1972 space treaty between the US and the USSR? An interesting book on an unusual topic.

Bergaust, Erik  The Next 50 Years on the Moon. New York: GP Putnam's Sons. (94 p.) 24 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

1974next50yearsmoon.gifIP. Primary. B&W photographs, paintings and drawings. This is a fascinating book using aerospace contractor's paintings to illustrate the planned next steps on the Moon including the first scientific colonies and establishment of a lunar colony. Many of the illustrations are from long abandoned plans (even at that time) but the story of our future reads like an alternate history. The last chapter is a 50 year timetable from 1970 to 2020 how a manned presence on the Moon will become ordinary. Illustrations of Moon rovers and Moon colony designs.











Bova, Ben. Workshops in Space. New York : Dutton. (67 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IC. Primary. B&W photographs. A basic book about "Phase II" of the U.S. space program. Discusses Skylab, the Earth Resources Satellites, Apollo-Soyuz, the coming Space Shuttle, and our possible future in space.

Cattermole, Peter John. All About Space Exploration. London : W.H. Allen. (144 p.) 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.


IT. Primary. B&W drawings and photographs. "Describes man's attempts to explore the world around him by using equipment ranging from balloons to the most up to date rockets. Having reached the moon where will man go next? "All About" series. Also 1975 edition.


Chester, Michael. Illustrated by Micale, Albert. Let's Go to the Moon(2nd edition). New York: Putnam. (45 p.) 21 cm. Cloth.

ID, IR. Primary. B&W (brown or blue tinted) charcoal drawings.  Revised for the moon landings of the Apollo program, many of the new illustrations were drawn from photographs of the Apollo vehicles and equipment. Part of the "Let's Go" series, it has a generic Let's Go series cover illustration of a town. See 1965 1st edition.

Gurney, Gene. Cosmonauts in Orbit: The Story of the Soviet Manned Space program (2nd edition). New York: Franklin Watts. (192 p.) 28 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IR. Primary/secondary. B&W photographs.  Updated edition to include material on Soyuz 12 and 13 and the planned Apollo-Soyuz Test Project. See 1972 1st edition.

Hassell, Jon. Illustrated by Brewer, Linda and Brewer, John. Fantasy Voyage through Outer Space. New York : Golden Press. (32 p.) 33 cm. Illustrated Boards.

IS. Primary. Color paintings. A pictorial voyage through the solar system from the Sun to Pluto, with basic facts about each planet. Very fantastical, non-realistic illustrations. Came with a "Fantasyscope" viewer (a kind of kaleidoscope) the reader assembled and could view the illustrations through.

Hendrickson, Walter B. Who Really Invented the Rocket? New York : Putnam. (128 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IR. Primary. B&W photographs. A good juvenile history of rocketry from Chinese fireworks through Goddard’s work, the Rocket Societies, V-2 development, to US space efforts. Oddly with no discussion of the Russian efforts. Includes detailed chapters on the exact point (and person) when the liquid-fueled rocket was developed and on rocket pilots. Part of the “Who really invented…” series.

Hendricks, Stanley. Illustrated by Muenchen, Al. Astronauts on the Moon. New York: Hallmark Cards. (16 p.) 24 cm. Illustrated Boards.

1970astronautsonthemoon2.jpgID, IR. Reprint. See 1970 1st  edition.












Holder, William G and Siuru Jr, William O. Skylab: Pioneer Space Station. Chicago: Rand McNally and Co. (126 p.) 25 cm. Illustrated Cloth.

IR. Secondary. Color and B&W photographs. A nice summary of the Skylab missions, what "living in space" was like and the important scientific discoveries.. Reasonably technical this is a nice summary of an important mission and the struggles needed to make on the way to making it work. Introduction by Wernher Von Braun.

Kerrod, Robin. Illustrated by Tuckwell, George. Satellites in Space Travel. London : Franklin Watts. (48 p.) 22 cm. Cloth.

ID. Primary.

Knight, David C. Illustrated by Carroll, Pamela and Cullen, Pamela. Thirty-two Moons: The Natural Satellites of Our Solar System. New York: Morrow. (95 p.) 22 cm. Cloth.

IC. Primary.

Lyon, Jene. Illustrated by Solonewitsch, George and others. Astronomy: Our Sun and its Neighbors. New York:  Golden Press. (48 p.) 29 cm.

IT. Primary. Color and B&W paintings. Updating and re-titling of: Lyon. “Our Sun and the Worlds Around it: Planets, Moons, Comets, and other wonders of the solar system" (1965). Illustrations of the Moon, planets, stars, men on the Moon, exploration of Jupiter, and Skylab. "Golden exploring earth book". See 1955 1st edition under the title: "The Golden Picture Book of Our Sun and the Worlds around it".

Nourse, Alan E. The Giant Planets. New York: Franklin Watts Inc. (62 p.) 22 cm. Cloth.

IC. Primary. B&W photographs and drawings.  A description of the discovery of and conditions on Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

Shelton, William Roy. Man Conquest of Space (3rd edition). Washington, DC: National Geographic Society. (199 p.) 27 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IT. See 1968 1st edition.

Social Science Staff of the Educational Research Council of America. John Glenn: Explorers and Discoverers Series Vol. 5. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. (45 p.) 21 cm. Softcover.

BP, IR. Reprint of 1968 1st edition. Vol. 5 of 14 volume series.

Stoiko, Michael. Pioneers of Rocketry. New York : Hawthorne Books. (129 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1974pioneersofrocketry.jpgIR. Primary.












Worden, Col. Alfred M. I Want to Know About a Flight to the Moon. Garden City, NY: Doubleday and Co Inc. (64 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

BP, ID, IR. Primary. B&W photographs. A biographical description by the Command Module pilot of Apollo 15 of how it felt to take a trip to the Moon.  He tries via text and photographs to answer in a narrative the many questions school children ask about a trip to the Moon such as: What does a spacesuit feel like? How do you go to the bathroom? How do you train for the Moon? With an introduction by Mr. Rogers.



Asimov, Isaac. Illustrated by Cunningham, David. The Solar System. Chicago : Follett Publishing Co. (32 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. Color and B&W drawings and photographs. Basic facts and color photographs of the planets with no space art. "Follett Basic Science" series.

Aylesworth, Thomas G. Who's Out there? The search for extraterrestrial life. New York : McGraw-Hill. (119 p.) 21 cm. Format?

IC. Primary.

Bergaust, Erik. Colonizing the Planets. New York : Putnam. (93 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1975colonizingtheplanets.jpgIP. Primary. B&W drawings, paintings and photographs. Discusses "the factual story of manned interplanetary flight into the 21st century' (according to the cover). Topics include unmanned probes, the exploration of Mars and Venus, nuclear-powered rockets and the terrafoming of Venus.  Illustrations of rockets, manned spacecraft going to Mars, manned landing on one of Saturn's moons, and a permanent space station around Venus.










Branley, Franklyn M. Illustrated by Kessler, Leonard. A Book of Mars for You (2nd edition). New York: Crowell. (56 p.) 21 x 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. See 1968 1st edition.

Branley, Franklyn M. Illustrated by Wimmer, Helmut K. Mars, Planet Number Four (3rd edition). New York: Crowell. NOTE SIZE. Cloth, DJ.


IC. Primary. "Discusses the physical geography of Mars, the findings of the Mariner IV space probe, and the possibilities of exploring the planet." See 1962 1st edition.

Butler, S.T. and Raymond, Robert. The Family of the Sun. Garden City, NY : Anchor Books. (84 p.) 26 cm. Softcover.

IT. Primary. B&W drawings. Unusual book in that the format is a series of 3 panel comic strips on solar system astronomy and exploration. With 2-3 "strips" per page it is arrange in chapters, each chapter illustrating some topic. Illustrations of the surfaces of the Moon and the planets, rockets, satellites, space stations.

Cattermole, Peter John. All About Space Exploration (2nd ed.) London : Carousel Books. (143 p.) 20 cm. Softcover.

IT. Primary. B&W drawings and photographs. "Carousel Books" series. See 1974 1st edition.

Chester, Michael. Illustrated by Micale, Albert. Let's Go on a Space Shuttle. New York: GP Putnam's Sons. (45 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1975letsgospaceshuttle.gifIS. Primary. B&W (red tinted) charcoal drawings. One of the first children's books solely about the space shuttle. The story is set in the tone of “you being the astronaut” on the shuttle going through a typical mission. A nice contrast to his earlier books: Chester. “Let’s Go to a Rocket Base (1961)”, “Let’s Go on a Space Flight (1963)”, and “Let’s Go on a Trip to the Moon (1965)”.








Gurney, Gene and Gurney, Clare. Launching of Sputnik, October 4, 1957: The Space Age Begins. New York : Franklin Watts. (86 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IR. Primary.

Hendrickson Jr, Walter B. Manned Spacecraft to Mars and Venus: How They Work. New York : GP Putnam's Sons. (128 p.) 21 cm. Illustrated Cloth, DJ.

IC. Primary/secondary. B&W photographs. Illustrated with space art from several aerospace companies this is a rich vision of the future that never was. Describes proposed manned missions to the Moon, Mars, Venus and even Mercury.

Hunt, Bernice K. Illustrated by Kuhl, Jerome. Communications Satellites: Message Centers in Space. New York: Four Winds Press. (58 p.) 18 cm. Cloth, DJ.

ID. Primary. B&W drawings. A very basic book on satellites. Initially covers the history of space flight and rockets then concentrates on the Telstar, Comsat and Synchronous satellites. Very simple illustrations of rockets and satellites.  An unusually simple book for this late in the space race.

Jacobs Jr, Lou. By Jupiter: The Remarkable Journey of Pioneer 10. New York : Hawthorn. (108 p.) 22 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1975byjupiter.jpgIC. Primary/secondary. B&W photographs and drawings. Discusses the planning, launch, and successful mission of the Pioneer 10 spacecraft to Jupiter. Pioneer 10 was the first spacecraft to venture beyond Mars and through the asteroid belt.    









Knight, David. American Astronauts and Spacecraft: A Pictorial History from Project Mercury Though the Skylab Manned Missions (3rd edition). New York: Franklyn Watts. (208 p.) 29 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IR. See 1970 1st edition.

Levy, Elizabeth. Illustrated by Lewin, Ted. Spinning in Space. New York : Macmillan. (32 p.) 19 x 23 cm. Cloth, DJ.

IC. Primary/ B&W and color photographs. Describes life on Skylab and one of the experiments to discover whether or not a spider can spin a web in space.

Moche', Dinah. Illustrated by Huffman, Tom. What's Up there? Questions and Answers about Stars and Space. New York: Scholastic Book Services. (63 p.) 15 x 22 cm. Softcover.

IT. Primary. B&W drawings and photographs. One question per page format. A few basic drawings of the planets from space and the solar system. No manned flight illustrations.

Shapp, Martha and Shapp, Charles. Illustrated by Hartmann, Brigitte. Let's Find Out about the Moon (3rd ed.). New York: Franklyn Watts. (43 p.) 23 cm. Format?

ID. New illustrator. See 1965 1st edition.

Sharpe, Mitchell R. It is I, Sea Gull: Valentina Tereshkova, First Woman in Space. New York: Thomas Y Crowell. (214 p.) 24 cm. Cloth, DJ.

BF. Primary/secondary. B&W photographs. Presents an interesting biographical history of the USSR space program through the experiences of someone who was part of it from almost the beginning.